Hi Board-Chat@,


We are proposing to bring DRAT (Distributed Release Audit Tool) to the ASF.
DRAT is a parallelized version of Apache RAT that uses OODT, Solr and Tika to
compute, visualize and interact with interesting statistics on code auditing as
output by RAT and Tika. With DRAT you can:

• Audit large code repositories (has been tested in 100s of M of lines of
code, and 1000s of projects)  where RAT fails to complete – an example of 
running it across all of Apache
SVN is here: http://drat.dyndns.org:8080/dratviz/ You can also see its output
for a very large set of NSF funded geosciences code repositories here: 
• Visualize and interact with the output from RAT and Tika in a dynamic fashion
• Get incremental status from code auditing
• Audit individual code repos and integrate the results into your project

DRAT was funded by DARPA, NASA, the NSF and other government entities.

We have prepared a preliminary proposal here: 

We are working on flushing it out more, should be done by this weekend. We 
DRAT to be a straight to TLP (pTLP). I will add a resolution into the Board 
agenda for August 2017
for its consideration. I am CC’ing the Incubator so that we can potentially 
attract new contributors
both seasoned and junior to the project. We also welcome any contributors from 
Creadur interested
in learning more about OODT, Solr, Tika, etc. Also any Wicket gurus – we are 
using Wicket for one of
DRAT’s key user interfaces, Proteus.

OK, thanks!


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