I am +1 on this.


On 7/28/17, 9:00 AM, "Mahdi Mohammadi" <mah...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I agree with this. Providing support for GitHub for all projects makes it
    easier for everyone to contribute and follow up the project.
    On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 4:48 PM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org>
    > All,
    > As many are aware, Infra has been rolling out a new service that allows
    > projects to leverage git repositories dually hosted on github and ASF git
    > repositories, commonly known as gitbox.  This effectively allows a project
    > to commit directly to Github and have those commits reflect back on the 
    > side.
    > This has been especially useful to a number of projects, since the github
    > interface gives many options for managing repositories.  I've recently 
    > asked infra to open it up to allow any IPMC member to request a gitbox
    > repository for any approved podling that is using gitbox.  Podlings I 
    > have found this useful, since many of them come from a github background.
    > They like using the tool and having it available for all to use.
    > So with that said, I want to propose some broad incubator wide policies 
    > gitbox.  I'd like to propose that gitbox usage is approved for all
    > podlings, there is nothing to inhibit a podling to request a gitbox
    > repository and as long as a podling feels the need to use gitbox, like 
    > would any other tool that we can integrate with, they should be free to 
    > it without any additional approvals required.
    > So please let me know your thoughts.  If I don't hear any -1's I plan to
    > submit an infra ticket early next week to enable the access for all
    > approved podlings.  Please note that your first conversion may need some
    > lead time with infra.
    > Regards,
    > John

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