Hi All,
As the champion for Pulsar, I would like to start a VOTE to bring the
project in as Apache incubator podling.
The ASF voting rules are described:
A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a majority vote
for which
only Incubator PMC member votes are binding.
This vote will run for at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows
[] +1 Accept Pulsar into the Apache Incubator
[] +0 Abstain.
[] -1 Do not accept Pulsar into the Apache Incubator because ...
The proposal is listed below, but you can also access it on the wiki:
= Pulsar Proposal =
== Abstract ==
Pulsar is a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on
commodity hardware. It provides simple pub-sub semantics over topics,
guaranteed at-least-once delivery of messages, automatic cursor
management for
subscribers, and cross-datacenter replication.
== Proposal ==
Pub-sub messaging is a very common design pattern that is increasingly
in distributed systems powering Internet applications. These applications
provide real-time services, and need publish-latencies of 5ms on average
no more than 15ms at the 99th percentile. At Internet scale, these
applications require a messaging system with ordering, strong
durability, and
delivery guarantees. In order to handle the “five 9’s” durability
of a production environment, the messages have to be committed on
disks or nodes.
Pulsar has been developed at Yahoo to address these specific
requirements by
providing a hosted service supporting millions of topics for multiple
The current incarnation of Pulsar has been open-sourced under Apache
in September 2016 and it is the direct evolution of systems that were
developed at Yahoo since 2011.
We believe there is currently no other system that provides a
hosted messaging platform capable of supporting a huge number of topics
maintaining strict guarantees for durability, ordering and low latency.
Current solutions would require to run multiple individual clusters with
additional operational work and capacity overhead.
Since the open sourcing of Pulsar, the development has been done
on the public Github repository and two major releases were shipped
(1.15 and
1.16), along with multiple minor ones. Several other companies have
interest in the project and its future direction.
== Rationale ==
Pulsar is a platform that is built on top of several other Apache
projects. In
particular, Apache BookKeeper is used to store the data and Apache
is used for coordination and metadata storage. Pulsar is also
out of the box with Apache Storm, to provide an easy to use stream
We want to establish a community outside the scope of initial core
at Yahoo and we believe that the Apache Foundation is a great fit and
term home for Pulsar, as it provides an established process for
driven development and decision making by consensus. This is exactly the
we want to adopt for future Pulsar development.
== Initial Goals ==
The initial goals will be to move the existing codebase to Apache and
integrate with the Apache development process. Furthermore, we plan for
incremental development, and releases along with the Apache guidelines.
== Current Status ==
Pulsar has been in service at large scale for more than 2 years at
Yahoo. In
this time around 60 different applications were integrated with Pulsar.
companies are evaluating it as well and have been contributing code to
=== Meritocracy ===
We value meritocracy and we understand that it is the basis to form an
community that encourages multiple companies and individuals to
contribute and
get invested in the project future. We will encourage and monitor
participation and make sure to extend privileges and responsibilities to
=== Community ===
We have validated, through the interest demonstrated by Pulsar users at
that a reliable hosted pub-sub messaging platform represent a very
building block for web-scale distributed applications. We believe that
companies can benefit by applying the same model and that bringing
Pulsar to
Apache will get the community to grow stronger.
=== Core Developers ===
Pulsar has been initially developed at Yahoo and received significant
contributions from Yahoo Japan. After having open-sourced the project
have been contribution from developers from several external companies.
=== Alignment ===
Pulsar builds upon other Apache projects such as ZooKeeper and
along with a number of other Apache libraries. We have already
integrated with
Storm and we envision to integrate with multiple other systems in the
streaming and big data space.
== Known Risks ==
=== Orphaned Products ===
Yahoo has been doing most of the development and, given that many
platforms depends on Pulsar, it is heavily invested in the long term
of the the project. Yahoo has a long history participating in open-source
projects, and has been also a long time contributor to the Apache
=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
Many Pulsar contributors are already familiar with the open source
process and
several of them are committers on other Apache projects. We will be
working with experienced Apache community members to improve our project.
=== Homogenous Developers ===
The initial committers are employed by large companies including Yahoo,
Japan, Salesforce and MercadoLibre. We hope to grow the community and to
include additional committers based on their contributions to the
=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
It is expected that Pulsar development will occur on both salaried time
and on
volunteer time, after hours. The majority of initial committers are paid
their employer to contribute to this project. However, they are all
about the project, and we are confident that the project will continue
even if
no salaried developers contribute to the project.
=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
As mentioned in the Rationale section, Pulsar is closely dependent and
integrated with BookKeeper and ZooKeeper and Storm. There are ongoing to
integrate with other projects such Apache Spark. We look forward to
collaborating with those communities, as well as other Apache
=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
We are applying to the Incubator process because we think it is the next
logical step for the Pulsar project after open-sourcing the code in
2016. This
proposal is not for the purpose of generating publicity. Rather, we want
make sure to create a very inclusive and meritocratic community, outside
umbrella of a single company. Yahoo has a long standing history of
contributing to Apache projects and the Pulsar developers and
understand the implication of making it an Apache project.
== Documentation ==
* Pulsar code base: https://github.com/yahoo/pulsar
* Pulsar documentation: https://github.com/yahoo/pulsar/blob
* Blog post: [[https://yahooeng.tumblr.com/post/150078336821/
open-sourcing-pulsar-pub-sub-messaging-at-scale|Open-sourcing Pulsar,
Pub-sub Messaging at Scale]]
== Initial Source ==
The Pulsar codebase is currently hosted on Github:
https://github.com/yahoo/pulsar. This is the exact codebase that we would
migrate to the Apache Software Foundation.
== Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
The Pulsar source code in Github is currently licensed under Apache
v2.0 and the copyright is assigned to Yahoo. All the contributions from
external parties have been received under Apache style CLA. If Pulsar
and passes the conditions for being an Incubator project in the ASF,
will transition the source code ownership to the Apache Software
via the Software Grant Agreement.
== External Dependencies ==
To the best of our knowledge, all of Pulsar dependencies are distributed
Apache compatible licenses.
=== External dependencies licensed under Apache License 2.0: ===
Athenz, JCommander, HPPC - High Performance Primitive Collections for
FasterXML Jackson, Caffeine Async Cache, GSon, Guava, Netty,
Joda-time, Jna Java Native Access, Lz4-java, AsyncHttpClient, Jetty,
=== ASF Projects: ===
BookKeeper, ZooKeeper, Storm, Log4J, Commons (BeanUtils, CLI, Codec,
Collections, Configuration, Digester, IO, Lang, Lang3, Logging)
=== Others: ===
* Protobuf (3-clause BSD)
* JLine (BSD License)
* Jersey (CDDL - Version 1.1)
* HdrHistogram (BSD License)
* RocksDB-JNI (3-clause BSD)
== Required Resources ==
=== Mailing lists ===
* us...@pulsar.incubator.apache.org
* d...@pulsar.incubator.apache.org
* comm...@pulsar.incubator.apache.org
* priv...@pulsar.incubator.apache.org (with moderated subscriptions)
=== Git Repository ===
* https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-pulsar
=== Issue Tracking ===
* JIRA Pulsar (PULSAR)
== Initial Committers ==
* Matteo Merli - <mme...@apache.org>
* Joe Francis - <j...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Rajan Dhabalia - <rdhaba...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Sahaya Andrews Albert - <sandr...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Maurice Barnum - <m...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Ludwig Pummer - <lud...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Jai Asher - <j...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Siddharth Boobna - <sboo...@apache.org>
* Nozomi Kurihara - <nkuri...@yahoo-corp.jp>
* Yuki Shiga - <yush...@yahoo-corp.jp>
* Masakazu Kitajo - <mas...@apache.org>
* Sebastián Schepens - <sebastian.schep...@mercadolibre.com>
* Brad McMillen - <bra...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Bobbey Reese - <bre...@yahoo-inc.com>
* Masahiro Sakamoto <massa...@yahoo-corp.jp>
* Hiroyuki Sakai <hsa...@yahoo-corp.jp>
== Affiliations ==
* Matteo Merli - Streamlio
* Joe Francis - Yahoo
* Rajan Dhabalia - Yahoo
* Sahaya Andrews Albert - Yahoo
* Maurice Barnum - Yahoo
* Ludwig Pummer - Yahoo
* Jai Asher - Yahoo
* Siddharth Boobna - Salesforce
* Nozomi Kurihara - Yahoo! Japan
* Yuki Shiga - Yahoo! Japan
* Masakazu Kitajo - Apple
* Sebastián Schepens - Mercado Libre
* Brad McMillen - Yahoo
* Bobbey Reese - Yahoo
== Sponsors ==
=== Champion ===
* Bryan Call
=== Nominated Mentors ===
* Dave Fisher
* Jim Jagielski
* P. Taylor Goetz
* Francis Liu
=== Sponsoring Entity ===
* The Apache Incubator PMC
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