On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 7:57 AM Niclas Hedhman <nic...@hedhman.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 7:25 PM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 6:41 AM Niclas Hedhman <nic...@hedhman.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > > Note on gradle-wrapper.jar,
> > Agreed, and this is mostly my argument as well.  However, in *nix the JAR
> > will get downloaded automatically if not present.  On windows, you need
> to
> > pre-install gradle.
> Where did you get this idea? The gradlew launches the Java program inside
> the gradle-wrapper.jar which in turn downloads the full Gradle distro if
> not present already. I have not heard neither that the gradlew would
> download the wrapper jar, nor that the gradle-wrapper does not work on
> Windows.
I must have seen a custom built version of gradlew then.

> > The argument I've seen from present VP Legal is that the JARs may have
> > viruses in them, or contain other malware.
> That was the silliest reason I have heard in a long time. With that
> argument, we only allow source distributions, only allow to use tools that
> are built from source recursively back through time... Yeah! Right... now,
> there are a few projects that needs that, such as the Bitcoin blockchain
> toolchain, as they distrust everything, and settled on some binary from
> decades ago with a known hash as the starting point. In any event, ASF
> would collapse under the "they may contain malware" banner of paranoia.
> I don't buy it, since I trust my fellow folks at ASF rather than assume
> malevolence from everyone.
I don't disagree with you.  And now may be a good time to bring this back
up.  But for now, its not allowable in the release.  See also

> In this particular case, I don't think that gradle-wrapper.jar ever
> changes, so committing a new version would set off red flags, at least with
> me (used Gradle for about 7 years now). A small script that traverse all of
> Apache GitHub and compares them all??
> >
> > > Note on LICENSE;
> > > IIUIC, the source distribution doesn't ship any dependencies (except
> Gradle
> > > above), and there is only Apache License to be considered.
> > >
> > > As for NOTICE, the ASF documentation you point to, basically says that
> a)
> > > don't put in anything that is not bundled (i.e. just about nothing in
> the
> > > source release), b) no burden on downstream users. HOWEVER, by
> excluding
> > > the list of dependencies that will be in the resulting product, we
> would
> > > actually increase the burden of downstream users as they would need to
> > > figure out what licensing requirements will come out of it all, if they
> > > choose to distribute.
> > > Therefor, I would argue that documentation is in this case arguing
> against
> > > itself in a single sentence, and think that the approach taken by Weex
> is
> > > appropriate.
> > >
> >
> > I disagree.  I think you're thinking of source release vs binary release.
> > Weex has only presented a source release.
> I am aware of that, but the documentation says "make it easier for the
> downstream" and by "excluding all non-bundled, but required, dependencies
> from NOTICE" we actually make it harder for the downstream. And sorry, I
> place "common sense" and "tribal knowledge" way over someone writing a
> documentation and perhaps didn't realize the consequences. I never stop
> thinking, just because I read something somewhere.
I'm not sure what a valid response to this would be.  I don't believe we
should be taking into account ease of use for downstream consumers, however
at the end of the day those downstream consumers of a source release
eventually get a binary and that binary should include proper data.  What I
am trying to say is that these contents look more appropriate for the
binary release, which would be a satisfactory use case for downstream

> Cheers
> --
> Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
> http://polygene.apache.org - New Energy for Java

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