On Apr 11, 2017 17:29, "Niclas Hedhman" <nic...@hedhman.org> wrote:

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:31 AM, Mike Jumper <mike.jum...@guac-dev.org>

> Even in the case of the GPL, my understanding is that the virality takes
> hold upon linking (at build time), not upon referencing the API via an
> import, include, etc. in the source.

Your understanding is, simply put, not aligned with the FSF, and the ASF
has decided to follow FSF's conclusion. In fact, a former Director at ASF
and lawyer, Larry Rosen, was trying to fight this stance, basically making
the claim that GPL is overreaching, and that ended with Larry being kicked
out (not only for this particular question).

<quote src="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-java.html"; emphasis="mine">
It has always been the FSF's position that *dynamically linking
applications to libraries creates a single work derived* from both the
library code and the application code

Sorry, but I don't see the disagreement between the above statement and "the
virality takes hold upon linking (at build time)". Doesn't this creation of
a derivative work, even in the FSF interpretation, occur at the time of
linking, and not at the time that the source is written?

A piece of uncompiled source code is not yet linked. Linking is part of the
build and/or runtime processes.

- Mike

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