Guten Tag Ralph Goers,
am Donnerstag, 6. April 2017 um 07:10 schrieben Sie:

> No. To be honest, I’m not 100% sure if the community wants to move
> to git or not

"We" want, as nobody objected in the discussion and Matts description
of how to deal with GitHub PRs sounds very promising.

> and I am not quite sure what the process is to move
> from svn to git without losing history.  I guess I will just create
> a Jira issue for infra and find out.

From my understanding, a logging PMC needs to create the GIT repo:

> With the continued growth of git usage, a service was created to
> support creating new repositories for PMCs. It is a fully automated
> tool, eliminating any additional tickets. The tool can be found at

Additionally, the current SVN repo needs to be imported into a local
GIT repo and that import can than be pushed to the newly created at
Apache. Not sure where the SVN repo goes afterwards...

In some former Mail, Matt thankfully offered to do the repo creation
and GIT import, but at least the import is something I could have a
look at myself as well. Shouldn't make any difference who pushes the
history in the end.

As I didn't do such an import in the past yet, it might simply take
some time. But there seem to be some good examples out there:

I will (try to) look into the import itself at the weekend.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

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