I'll point out that there was a discussion around docker and podlings back over the summer, [1].
It appears that Greg is correct, it has not been presented to infra yet, but the IPMC has moved forward on a proposal which seemed to be to allow guacamole to publish as "apache/guacamole". I see no reason that "apache/singa" would be different. I would prefer that over you guys creating your own dockerhub account as well (note the cloudstack reference in the email...). I think that before the IPMC specifies a policy on docker hosting, the ASF in general has to have a policy on docker hosting. I can find no reference to one. If we find that there is something that needs to be tweaked from the policy, then it would be listed within the constraints section. John [1]: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/b345e6c72629e3bf79c3e1243c6290073c3cf6f3901aa100a649f2a2@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 4:32 AM Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote: > Taking off my Infrastructure hat from within that issue, and speaking to > this from a Foundation policy standpoint ... I think this is probably okay, > if the docker image is named (say) u/apache/incubator-singa. We allow > incubator projects in our github namespace as > github.com/apache/incubator-singa. > > But then we also get into an area of "what happens around graduation?" ... > do we then offer both u/incubator-singa *and* u/singa ? ... If that's > acceptable, then this may be a simple decision. But for downstream > stability/continuity reasons would a podling want to *start* at > docker/u/singa ? ... and that is where I ask if the IPMC is willing to give > up the incubator- signal within our namespace on docker. > > And yes, I recognize the similarity to the concurrent discussion about > Maven Central artifacts. There are costs/benefits around continuity and > impacts on downstream users. > > Putting my Infra hat back on: the IPMC needs to specify a policy on > allowance and naming around hub.docker.com hosting, that Infra will use to > assist podlings. > > Cheers, > Greg Stein > Infrastructure Administrator, ASF > > > On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 12:11 AM, Thejas Nair <thejas.n...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > > As per Greg Stein's comment in > > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-13156, we haven't had any > > podling request for a docker image (aka a "convenience binary") to be > > published within Apache's namespace in hub.docker.com . > > > > Starting this thread to see if we should have a vote on for this or we > can > > get incubator VP approval for this. > > > > Thanks, > > Thejas > > >