Hello general@incubator, Please VOTE on the Apache Joshua 6.1 Release Candidate #1. The release VOTE has passed over on user@ and dev@joshua with the following results http://www.mail-archive.com/dev%40joshua.incubator.apache.org/msg01884.html.
We solved 44 issues: https://s.apache.org/joshua6.1 Git source tag (167489bbd78526b9833fe7c88646bf96101d5d2b): https://s.apache.org/joshua6.1tag Staging repo: https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/ orgapachejoshua-1000/ Source Release Artifacts: https://dist.apache.org/repos/ dist/dev/incubator/joshua/ PGP release keys (signed using 48BAEBF6): https://dist.apache.org/repos/ dist/release/incubator/joshua/KEYS Vote will be open for 72 hours. Thank you to everyone that is able to VOTE as well as everyone that contributed to Apache Joshua 6.1. [ ] +1, let's get it released!!! [ ] +/-0, fine, but consider to fix few issues before... [ ] -1, nope, because... (and please explain why) P.S. here is my +1 -- http://home.apache.org/~lewismc/ @hectorMcSpector http://www.linkedin.com/in/lmcgibbney