On 11/11/2016 07:46, Gunnar Tapper wrote:

> there's a clear preference to use Apache OpenOffice for documentation.

The driving force behind that was Sun's insistence that their own dog
food be eaten.

> Beyond usability (and therefore more willingness to document), it also makes 
> translation easier.

* Both _Anaphraseus_
(http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/anaphraseus) and
_Translation Tools_
(http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/translation-table) have
been used by documentation writers that want to stay entirely within the
AOo/OOo environment.

> Has anyone used OpenOffice for documentation before? 

ODF Authors, for one.

I'm aware of several other FLOSS & Freemium projects that use it.

> If so, how is it handled with source control etc?

Option # 1: OOoSVN, which is both unmaintained and buggy, utilizes SVN
for version control. ^1
( http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/ooosvn )

Option # 2: With every save, make a backup copy, and rely on cron to
rename and sweep the backups, into an archival folder.

Option # 3: Periodically make a specific save into an archive/backup

My guess is that most outfits that use AOo for documentation, use option
# 3.

^1: Considering that both SVN and AOo are Apache Projects, I'm a little
surprised that this extension is both unmaintained, and buggy.


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