The Apache Juneau Incubator PPMC has voted +3 to release Apache Juneau 6.0.0-incubating RC3.
This vote carries over +1 binding votes from IPMC mentors. Incubator PMC members please review and vote on this incubator release. Please note that this is our first attempt at a release, so please pay special attention to details to ensure we've done everything correct. Apache Juneau <> is... - A toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of content types using a common framework. - A REST server API for creating self-documenting REST interfaces using POJOs. - A REST client API for interacting with REST interfaces using POJOs. - A REST microservice API that combines all the features above for creating lightweight standalone REST interfaces that start up in milliseconds. Please see original [VOTE] thread * <>* and [DISCUSS] thread * <>* The binaries are available at: <> The release candidate to be voted over is available at: <> Build the release candidate using: mvn clean install The release candidate is signed with a GPG key available at: A staged Maven repository is available for review at: Please vote on releasing these packages as: Apache Juneau 6.0.0-incubating The vote will be open for a minimum of 72 hours. [ ] +1 Release this package [ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but don't object [ ] -1 Do not release this package because... -- James Bognar