+1 ... Indicating enthusiasm :-) On Sep 27, 2016 4:30 PM, "Ate Douma" <a...@douma.nu> wrote:
> Hi everyone, > > Now that the discussion thread on the NetBeans Proposal has ended, > please vote on accepting NetBeans into the Apache Incubator. > > The ASF voting rules are described at: > http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html > > A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a majority vote > for which only Incubator PMC member votes are binding. > > Votes from other people are also welcome as an indication of peoples > enthusiasm (or lack thereof). > > Please do not use this VOTE thread for discussions. > If needed, start a new thread instead. > > This vote will run for at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows > [] +1 Accept NetBeans into the Apache Incubator > [] +0 Abstain. > [] -1 Do not accept NetBeans into the Apache Incubator because ... > > > The proposal is listed below, but you can also access it on the wiki: > https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/NetBeansProposal > > > Thanks, > Ate. > > == Abstract == > > NetBeans is an open source development environment, tooling platform, and > application framework, used by 1.5 million individuals each month. > > == Proposal == > Apache NetBeans will continue to focus on the areas it has focused on while > sponsored by Sun Microsystems and Oracle. It will continue to primarily > focus on > providing tools for the Java ecosystem, while also being focused on tools > for > other ecosystems, languages and technologies, such as JavaScript, PHP, and > C/C++. It will continue to actively support its community by means of > mailing > lists, tutorials, and documentation. > > == Background == > NetBeans started in 1995/96 in Prague, in the Czech Republic, as a student > project. Sun Microsystems acquired and open sourced it in 2000 and, with > the > acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle in 2010, became part of Oracle. > Throughout its history in Sun Microsystems and Oracle, NetBeans has been > free > and open source and has been leveraged by its sponsor as a mechanism for > driving > the Java ecosystem forward. > > == Rationale == > Although NetBeans is already open source, moving it to a neutral place like > Apache, with its strong governance model, is expected to help get more > contributions from various organizations. For example, large companies are > using > NetBeans as an application framework to build internal or commercial > applications and are much more likely to contribute to it once it moves to > neutral Apache ground. At the same time, though Oracle will relinquish its > control over NetBeans, individual contributors from Oracle are expected to > continue contributing to NetBeans after it has been contributed to Apache, > together with individual contributors from other organizations, as well as > self-employed individual contributors. > > == Initial Goals == > The initial goals of the NetBeans contribution under the Apache umbrella > are to > establish a new home for an already fully functioning project and to open > up the > governance model so as to simplify and streamline contributions from the > community. > > == Current Status == > Meritocracy: NetBeans has been run by Oracle, with the majority of code > contributions coming from Oracle. The specific reason for moving to Apache > is to > expand the diversity of contributors and to increase the level of > meritocracy in > NetBeans. Apache NetBeans will be actively seeking new contributors and > will > welcome them warmly and provide a friendly and productive environment for > purposes of providing a development environment, tooling environment, and > application framework. > > Community: NetBeans has approximately 1.5 million active users around > the > world, in extremely diverse structures and organizations. NetBeans is used > by > teachers and instructors at schools and universities to teach Java and > other > languages. It is used by students as an educational tool. It is used by > large > organizations who base their software on the application framework beneath > NetBeans. It is used by web developers for creating web sites and by > developers > using a range of tools, languages, and technologies to be productive and > efficient software developers. > > Core Developers: The core developers will come from a range of > organizations, including Oracle, which will continue its investment in > NetBeans. > > Alignment: The application framework is the basis of a range of mission > critical scientific software at large organizations in defense, aerospace, > logistics, and research, such as at Boeing, Airbus Defense and Space, > NASA, and > NATO. > > == Known Risks == > Orphaned Products: The community proposing NetBeans for incubation is > strong > and vibrant. The size and diversity of the community is a guarantee > against the > project being orphaned. > > Inexperience with Open Source: NetBeans has been free and open source > since > the early days of its sponsorship by Sun Microsystems. Though some in the > NetBeans community may have worked on Apache projects, the majority who > haven't > are well versed in the principles of open source. > > Homogenous Developers: Individual contributors from Oracle and other > initial > committer organizations will contribute code to NetBeans in Apache, while > at the > same time individuals from other organizations will actively be sought to > be > added to the project. The aim of the move to Apache is precisely to open > up the > governance model, hence the desire to build up an extremely heterogeneous > developer base is strong. For example, several organizations are very > heavily > invested in the NetBeans application framework, having based their software > suites on top of it, hence there will be a significant interest to make > available individual contributors from these organizations, which tend to > be > large and well established in the software industry. Also, including and > beyond > these organizations, the NetBeans community around the world is extremely > diverse and heterogenous in relation to geography and backgrounds of > developers. > > Reliance on Salaried Developers: Most of the contributors are > anticipated to > be paid to work on projects in the Java ecosystem. Others will come from > organizations where they are paid to work with other languages and > technologies, > such as JavaScript, PHP, and C/C++. However, since Java skills are needed > to > develop most parts of NetBeans, it is unlikely that the developers will go > very > far outside the Java ecosystem. > > Relationships with Other Apache Products: Many Apache projects have > been > supported by tooling in NetBeans over the years, such as Apache Ant and > Apache > Maven. A number of Apache projects are used by NetBeans, such as Apache > Commons > and friends. > > An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand: NetBeans has a strong > brand > of its own. Though the stability of the Apache ecosystem is attractive, the > reason for this proposal is simply to be part of the neutral development > sharing > ecosystem that Apache makes available. > > == Documentation == > See https://netbeans.org/kb/index.html for an extensive portal to all the > documentation. > > == Initial Source == > The initial source is in Mercurial at hg.netbeans.org and will be moved, > with > assistance from Apache infra team, to Apache Git. > > == Source and IP Submission Plan == > NetBeans is dual licensed, CDDL + GPL v2 with Classpath Exception. Upon > entering > Apache, the NetBeans license will be migrated to the current Apache > License. > > == Trademarks == > Oracle owns trademark registrations for the NetBeans mark in the U.S. and > EU, > and would donate those, including the name "NetBeans" and the " > netbeans.org" > domain, to the Apache Foundation, along with other artifacts, including > the U.S. > copyright registrations related to NetBeans. The trademark and copyright > transfers would be detailed in separate documents. > > == External Dependencies == > NetBeans is a large project with multiple dependencies and some changes > may be > needed during incubation to comply with Apache requirements. > > https://netbeans.org/downloads/licence/8.1/nb81-THIRDPARTYLICENSE.txt > > Identifying which dependencies are core and non-core will be needed as > part of > the process in meeting Apache requirements about third-party dependencies. > (L)GPL (and possibly other) based dependencies and usages will need to be > reviewed, and solved, as Apache does not allow (L)GPL dependencies, > although > these concerns can be resolved during incubation, and are not upfront > blockers. > > == Required Resources == > > * Mailing Lists: dev, user, committs, and private @netbeans.apache.org > * Wiki > * Website > * Source Control: Git > * Issue Tracking > * Release Infrastructure - Hudson/Jenkins, etc > > === Specific Infrastructure Requests === > > * SIR01 Migration of large existing Mercurial repository to Apache Git > * SIR02 Migration of internal Oracle release infrastructure to Apache > infrastructure > * SIR04 Migration of website and related content management system to > Apache > infrastructure > * SIR05 Evaluation and identification of other NetBeans infrastructure to > be > migrated to Apache infastructures > > SIR03 was initially mentioned as the migration of plugins.netbeans.org to > Apache > infrastructure but after discussing the proposal we have decided to remove > that > goal for now. > The plugins service will eventually have to migrate, but that can happen > separately from the project incubation process. > > == Initial Committers == > > Below is the initial list of individual contributors, while more individual > contributors will be added during incubation. > > ASF members with a specific interest in the project are welcome to request > being > added to this list of initial committers. > > After the project has been accepted and started in the incubator, > additional > committers can join, as usual, based upon their merit in the project. > > *Bold* means that there has already been code contributed to NetBeans, > while > those without bold means that the contributor has an intention to > contribute to > Apache NetBeans while not having done so before. That does not mean that > those > in bold are better or worse, just that they'll be able to get started more > quickly in Apache NetBeans since they've worked with the NetBeans source > code > before. > > Note: Some of the individual contributors listed below belong in multiple > different categories, e.g., NetBeans Dream Team members are often NetBeans > plugin developers too, etc, while some of those in the NetBeans Platform > customers category are also NetBeans Dream Team members, etc. > > * Individual contributors from the NetBeans team at Oracle. > 1. *Dusan Balek* > 2. *Jaroslav Havlin* > 3. *Jiri Kovalsky* > 4. *Jiri Prox* > 5. *Jiri Sedlacek* > 6. *Jiri Skrivanek* > 7. *Libor Fischmeister* > 8. *Martin Balin* > 9. *Martin Entlicher* > 10. *Miloslav Metelka* > 11. *Milutin Kristofic* > 12. *Ondrej Vrabec* > 13. *Petr Gebauer* > 14. *Petr Hejl* > 15. *Petr Pisl* > 16. *Svatopluk Dedic* > 17. *Tomas Hurka* > 18. *Tomas Mysik* > 19. *Tomas Stupka* > 20. *Tomas Zezula* > > * Individual contributors from the Oracle Developer Studio team at Oracle. > 1. *Alexander Simon* > 2. *Danila Sergeyev* > 3. *Dmitry Zharkov* > 4. Don Kretsch > 5. *Ilia Gromov* > 6. Liang Chen > 7. *Maria Dalmatova* > 8. *Petr Kudriavtsev* > 9. *Vladimir Kvashin* > 10. *Vladimir Voskresensky* > > * Individual contributors from the Oracle JET team at Oracle. > 1. *Geertjan Wielenga* > 2. *John Brock* > > * Individual contributors from the Oracle Labs team at Oracle. > 1. *Jaroslav Tulach* > 2. Thomas Wuerthinger > > * Individual contributors from the Java Platform Group at Oracle. > 1. *Jan Lahoda* > > * Individual contributors from NetBeans Platform customers. > 1. Sven Reimers (Airbus Defence and Space) > 2. Martin Klaehn (Airbus Defence and Space) > 3. Florian Vogler (Airbus Defence and Space) > 4. Jörg Michelberger (Airbus Defence and Space) > 5. Norman Fomferra (European Space Agency) > 6. Marco Peters (European Space Agency) > 7. Tonio Fincke (European Space Agency) > 8. Mike Kelly (US DOD) > 9. Timon Veenstra (Corizon BV) > 10. Kendrik Veenstra (Corizon BV) > 11. Francesco Perez Duran (Corizon BV) > 11. Christian Stolz (Janitza) > 13. Ernest Lotter (Institute of Mine Seismology) > 14. Neil C. Smith (Praxis LIVE) > 15. Valentin Buergel (Simtec Buergel AG) > 16. Stephen Cumminger (Sonideft) > 17. Steven Yi (blue) > 18. Henry Arousell (Björn Lundén Information AB) > 19. Thomas Boqvist (Björn Lundén Information AB) > 20. Zoran Sevarac (University of Belgrade) > > * Individual contributors from ex-Sun and ex-Oracle employees. > 1. James Gosling (Liquid Robotics) > 2. Mike Duigou (Liquid Robotics) > 3. *Jesse Glick* > 4. *Milos Kleint* (Atlassian) > 5. *Radim Kubacki* (currently NBAndroid.org) > 6. *Ralph Benjamin Ruijs* (ex refactoring guru from NetBeans team, now at > Rockstars IT) > 7. *Tim Boudreau* (ex window system guru from NetBeans team) > 8. *Viktor Lapitsky* (dev/deployment/debug) > > * Individual contributors from NetBeans Dream Team. > 1. Aljoscha Rittner (ETable/Outline component features) > 2. Andreas Stefik (accessibility features) > 3. *Anton Epple* (DukeScript plugin from Dukehoff) > 4. Aristides Villareal (documentation, testing) > 5. *Benno Markiewicz* (various independent plugins) > 6. Bruno Souza (SouJava) > 7. Christian Lenz (website redesigner and more) > 8. Constantin Drabo (testing, quality control) > 9. David Heffelfinger (documentation in Java EE area) > 10. *Emilian Bold* (various plugins from Joseki Bold SRL) > 11. Hermien Pellissier (documentation, testing) > 12. Ivar Grimstad (JPA Modeler and MVC tooling) > 13. Josh Juneau (documentation, testing, MVC tooling) > 14. Kirk Pepperdine (jClarity) > 15. Johan Vos (Gluon plugin from Gluon) > 16. Jose Pereda (Gluon plugin from Gluon) > 17. John Kostaras (documentation, testing) > 18. Liang Ding (Chinese translator) > 19. Mark Stephens (JavaFX PDF viewer plugin from IDR Solutions) > 20. Martijn Verburg (jClarity) > 21. Michael Nascimento Santos (Improving CEO, working on refactoring > tools) > 22. Michael Mueller > 23. Michel Graciano (tests, documentation) > 24. Tushar Joshi (various plugins, documentation, testing) > 25. *Wade Chandler* (Independent, working on Groovy support) > 26. Zoran Sevarac (plugins for teaching/education) > > * Individual contributors from NetBeans plugin developers. > 1. Georgia Ingham (JavaFX PDF viewer plugin from IDR Solutions) > 2. *Emmanuel Hugonnet* (WildFly plugin from Red Hat) > 3. Shai Almog (Codename One plugin from Codename One) > 4. Steve Hannah (Codename One plugin from Codename One) > 5. Attila Kelemen (independent Gradle plugin) > 6. Denis Anisimov (Vaadin plugin from Vaadin) > 7. Gaurav Gupta (independent JPA Modeler plugin) > 8. Junichi Yamamoto (PHP-related plugins) > 9. Bruno Flavio (Groovy/Grails-related code) > 10. Leonardo Loch Zanivan (JSHint) > 11. Mattias Blaesing (various plugins) > > * Miscellaneous > 1. Anuradha Gunasekara (Maven tools) > 2. Steve Millidge (Payara Services) > 3. Andrew Pielage (Payara Services) > 4. Gui Chulin (translation) > 5. Yi Zhao (translation) > 6. Liyuan Li (translation) > 7. CunHui Lin (translation) > 8. Lei Cao (translation) > > == Sponsors == > > === Champion === > > * Bertrand Delacretaz > > === Mentors === > > * Bertrand Delacretaz > * Emmanuel Lécharny > * Ate Douma > * Mark Struberg > * Jim Jagielski > * Daniel Gruno > > === Sponsoring Entity === > * The Apache Incubator > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org > For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org > >