On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 6:18 AM, Geertjan Wielenga
<geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Shane Curcuru wrote:
>> Correct.  The whole point of Incubation at Apache is to show that the
>> community can learn to self-govern by following Apache processes - and a
>> key point of self-governance is responsibly adding new committers.
>> In my experience, it's far better to just start incubation at this point
>> rather than worrying about getting the *initial* list perfect.
> The perspective on this point are clearly extremely divided when I read
> through this thread. Some from Apache consider the initial committers list
> extremely important and that that list should be extremely complete. (And
> there's even a suggestion that people might fork NetBeans if they're not on
> the initial committers list which, to me, sounds really odd.)

Just to make sure that my argument is clearly stated let me make two points
very, very explicitly:
   1. I would expect the folks bringing NetBeans to ASF Incubator to have had
    spent reasonable amount of time trying to contact anybody who may feel like
    their level of contributions to NetBeans (past or present) could
qualify them
    to be on that list. Contacting doesn't mean they should be
automatically added
    to that list, but rather:
          1.1. made aware what is going to happen to NetBeans soon
          1.2. given a chance to request being added to the list (like
we already saw
                 somebody did on this very thread)

    2. Precisely because #1 is super time consuming and can't be fool
proof, we need
    to make sure that the expectation going in is that anybody who was
missed as part
    of outreach described above will be given special considerations
once the project
    enters incubation.

That's it. In fact, I'd rather see #1 and #2 be made part of the
proposal (you don't
have to write a thesis -- just a few paragraph) before I will feel
comfortable about
casting my vote.

> However, I will work more on the initial contributors list, regardless of
> the confusion about it. I do think it will be good to have (1) as complete
> a list as possible and (2) clear motivation about why people are on that
> list, i.e., what they have done to get on that list in the first place.
> My aim is, in order to bring this part of the discussion to an end, to take
> the strictest approach from all the different approaches apparent in this
> discussion and make the list as complete and comprehensive as possible and
> provide motivation for each person in the list. Can't do any harm and at
> least some of the people in this discussion are explicitly asking for this.
> From my point of view, voting on the proposal should not happen until this
> has been done, working on it now, approaching people to ask them to be
> added to the list, and will be writing mails to NetBeans mailing lists.

Thanks you! Sounds like we're on exactly the same page!


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