On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 12:42 PM Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:

> For background, if you go to the Apache phonebook
> (https://people.apache.org/phonebook.html) and click on the "Podling
> name" input field and click on enter you will see an incomplete list of
> podlings.  If you click on a podling, you will see a list of members for
> that podling.
> The ultimate source for this is the following file, which is nominally
> used to define access control to portions of svn repositories:
> https://github.com/apache/infrastructure-puppet/blob/deployment/modules/subversion_server/files/authorization/asf-authorization-template
> In some cases (like commonsrdf) the list is in that file only in order
> to populate the phonebook.
> The workflow for updating these lists is documented here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Git+workflow+for+infrastructure-puppet+repo
> Or, and perhaps more commonly, by entering a JIRA and having the
> infrastructure team make the change for you.
> ---
> More generally, over the years the ASF has accrued a number of ad-hoc
> lists of members.  In addition to PMCs and committees, we have the
> following:
> https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/group/
> I previously moved a number of non-podling svn authorizations to LDAP,
> and they show up on this list as "LDAP Auth Group"s.  As currently
> defined, members of those groups can use the web interface to add or
> remove members, and the private list for the associated PMC will be
> notified of any changes if there is an associated PMC, or the list of
> members (including the person added or removed) will be notified if
> there is no associated PMC.
> This seems to be working well, so I'd like to move on to the next stage:
> moving podling lists to LDAP.
> ---
> The first stage would be migrating existing lists to LDAP.  This will
> require some small changes to whimsy and the phone book application.
> The whole effort will only take a few hours and be spread over a few
> days elapsed time.
> To prepare, we will need to decide who gets to modify these lists, and
> who gets notified.  I propose that members of podlings be able to modify
> the list, and the private list associated with that podling be notified
> on changes.  Alternate choices would include mentors for the podling, or
> the IPMC.  Given that notification facilitates oversight, I encourage
> this to be pushed down to the podling, but will go with whatever the
> consensus turns out to be.

My vote would be for mentors to be able to do this.  The podlings don't
know enough yet to manage this on their own.  I would be concerned of
missed process steps if the podling themselves could do it.

> The second stage would be to define an interface for adding (and perhaps
> removing) podlings.  This could be limited to the IPMC and the web
> interface could ensure that it is only possible to create entries that
> are present in podlings.xml.

Could this lead to the eventual removal of podlings.xml ?

Does any of this have a relationship to projects.apache.org ?

> Ultimately, I would like the roster page for a give podling to enable
> the updating of relevant information about that podling independent of
> the ultimately location of that data.  For example, adding or removing a
> mentor could be done via this interface, and the result would be an
> update to podlings.xml.
> ---
> Immediate benefits for this would be a reduction in routine requests
> made on our infrastructure contractors, and the potential for lists
> being kept more up to date by enabling those most directly affected by
> the correctness of these lists to make changes.
> Longer term this change would lay the groundwork for more fine-grained
> access control whereever it may be desired: not just for svn, but also
> for web pages, git, and any other location that can be configured to use
> LDAP to obtain ACL information.
> - Sam Ruby
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