Hi Justin Thanks for the detailed review! - especially in regards to the LICENSE file. We had originally included license references that were part of a binary release. I'll clean this up to remove these items and address the other issues you've noted. Your youtube video is really helpful with when licensing is required based on whether the component is bundled or just referenced. Thanks. ThanksKam
On Friday, July 15, 2016 4:27 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote: Hi, -1 binding, missing DISCLAIMER and LICENSE and header issues I checked: - artefact names contain incubating - hashes and signature good - DISCLAIMER file is missing - LICENSE contains things that are not bundled and missing things that are (see below). It also contains paths to files that do not exist. - NOTICE is OK but contain extra unneeded information - Some file have incorrect Apache headers e.g. [1] >From what I can tell only the following is bundled in the source release is: anchor JS bootstrap jquery modernizr glyph icons font pigments CSS normalize.css (in bootstrap) polypill (in moderniser) The LICENSE file in the source release needs to reflect this. [2] Perhaps you included all dependancies or created a LICENSE for the convience binary file not the source file?? Note that also a short pointer to a license is preferred over the long form [4] License also includes licenses that are not category A which would not normally be allowed in a source release. This file contains 3rd party code but it not clear how that is licensed. [3] I made a video the other month that may help understand what’s needed with bootstrap. [5] Thanks, Justin 1. /services/dashboard/views/cluster/workers/add_worker.js 2. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#guiding-principle 3. ./experiments/akkastream/src/main/scala/akka/stream/ModuleGraph.scala 4. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#permissive-deps 5. https://vimeo.com/171210141 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org