> -------------------- > Airflow > How has the community developed since the last report? > > * Since our last podling report 1 month ago, we grew > our contributors from 137 to 148 > * Since our last podling report 1 month ago, we > accepted/merged 51 PRs > * We voted on the following matters according to Apache guidelines: > * We voted to make all current and future committers part of the PPMC > * We voted in a new committer and PPMC member : Steven Yvinec-Kruyk and > he accepted > * We voted in a commit policy of "RTC with a +1 vote from a committer > other than the author (assuming no vetos)"
The RTC policy and the committer/PPMC policy in particular are great things to be thinking about while in incubation and great examples of items that belong in a report. Thanks, Airflow! > -------------------- > Gossip is a system to form peer-to-peer networks using the gossip protocol > > Gossip has been incubating since 2016-05. > > Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: > > 1. Establish an Apache website for Gossip that makes it easy for new users > and contributors to get started. > 2. Facilitate discussions and build the protocol specification and > implementation > 3. Produce a usable release > > Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be > aware of? > > No > > How has the community developed since the last report? > > The community is the same as when it started incubation a few weeks ago. > > How has the project developed since the last report? > > This is our first report. We have imported the code from github. We are > online. We have had good discussions on the dev list that have spawned a > couple of tickets. One is in the review stage now. Taylor has been an > enormous help. > > Date of last release: > > Never > > When were the last committers or PMC members elected? > > Never > > Signed-off-by: > > [X](gossip) P. Taylor Goetz > [x](gossip) Josh Elser > [X](gossip) Sean Busbey > > Shepherd/Mentor notes: > > Sean Busbey: > Community def still bootstrapping, but has done a good job of making > progress once infra was in place. Very nice first report from Gossip -- especially the roadmap! > -------------------- > iota > Shepherd/Mentor notes: > > Justin Mclean (jmclean): > Slow start and still low activity on mailing list. > Web site now has content and there is some code in git. > IMO keep on monthly reports until that changes. We'll try to remember to keep iota in "monthly", but part of the Report Manager's job is removing expired "monthly" tags from podlings.xml. I'd suggest adding a comment to podlings.xml explaining the circumstances. > -------------------- > log4cxx2 > Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be > aware of? > > There was a discussion in the first quarter of the year to move the > project to attic unless it is able to release in the next few months. No > release happened since then. > > The project would like to have some kind of maintenance mode within > Apache, where things like community growth and releases are not that > important, as long there's a bit of support provided and "anyone" is still > alive. The problem with attic is the read-only state of the repo, which > makes it impossible to do anything (even if it's rare). > Shepherd/Mentor notes: > > I have explained that there is no "maintenance mode" for a standalone > project. However, if the project can demonstrate that it can produce a > release and has enough people to maintain the project then it can rejoin > the logging project where it can essentially exist in maintenance mode > much like log4php is. > > The project moved to the incubator because there were people who said they > wanted to get involved with the project and were willing to get involved. > To date, one person has been actively involved but not enough to produce a > release. One other person was involve in a discussion on the release > process. The first incubating release for any podling is typically quite challenging, but for reasons that do not apply to log4cxx. Most of the difficulties lie in performing IP clearance, dealing with dependency licensing, and adapting to the ASF's licensing documentation requirements. Since log4cxx already made releases as a subproject of the Apache Logging TLP before coming to the Incubator, only the delta needs to be reviewed. I've been lurking on the log4cxx dev list for a while. Releasing is not as difficult as one might come to think by reading the dev list. > -------------------- > Omid > Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: > > 1. Code and documentation successfully moved into the Apache > infrastructure (See > https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=incubator-omid.git & > http://omid.incubator.apache.org/) > 2. Prepared release guide > (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OMID/Omid+Release+process), > first release (0.8.2) under Apache > (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OMID/Omid+Release+ > and upload binaries to Maven Central > 3. Active collaboration started with another Apache community: Apache Hive This section of the Omid report has too many links -- it is better to have reports with few or no URLs. First, succinct summaries of what are at those URLs will make it easier for people who consume reports (like me) to grasp what it is you're trying to communicate. Second, our reports live forever, but many of the URLs we see in reports are ephemeral -- such as the link to the podling homepage above. Also, for the next report, please use this section to communicate three things Omid plans to address in the *future*. We certainly want to hear about what you've already achieved, but there are other sections for that! > -------------------- > OpenAz > Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be > aware of? > > None. The efforts to revive the project seem to be paying off and > discussions are gaining traction. Good, good -- we're rooting for you, OpenAZ! > How has the community developed since the last report? > > Pam Dragosh, David Ash and Ajith Nair are the active committers at this > point. The project intends to reboot the PPMC which may include removing > some of the initial commiters who are no longer active. There are, > however, several contributors who could be potentially added as committers > in the future. The original Apache webserver project was formed by people picking up abandoned NCSA code. :) Be careful about removing inactive committers from OpenAZ, though. Inactive committers don't generally cause problems, and there's an important concept at Apache: "Merit doesn't expire." > -------------------- > Quarks > Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be > aware of? > > Due to trademark concerns with "Quarks", the Quarks PPMC voted to change > the project's name. A renaming discussion and public vote was held on the > dev mailing list. The voting results are being discussed privately by the > PPMC. It's good that the renaming away from Quarks is happening now. FWIW, I scanned the discussions on the private list, and I think it would be reasonable for the PPMC to engage with trademarks@apache more -- it is a resource which is available to help with issues like the ones the community is wrestling with. > -------------------- > Quickstep > > Modern servers pack enough storage and computing power that just a decade > ago was spread across a modest-sized cluster. Given that we are on a > technological path to continue to increase the storage and compute densities > of individual server nodes, we must complement methods that focus on > '''scaling-out''' by also developing methods to '''scale-in''' to fully > exploit the hardware capabilities that is packed in each server node. The > initial phase of the Quickstep project focuses on this scaling-in aspect. > Quickstep uses novel methods for organizing data (including columnar and > hybrid storage organization), template metaprogramming for vectorized query > execution, and a query execution paradigm that separate control-flow from > data-flow. Collectively, these methods achieve high performance on > contemporary servers with multi-socket, multi-core processors and large main > memory configurations. To keep the project focused, the project’s initial > target is interactive in-memory data warehousing workloads in single-node > settings. In the near future we plan to expand from this initial single-node > focus to a distributed setting. Early results indicate that Quickstep is > over an order-of-magnitude faster than existing platforms including Spark > 2.0 and PostgreSQL 9.6 Beta1 (that now has parallel query processing). The description of Quickstep is longer than it needs to be and shouldn't contain wiki markup. Please edit podlings.xml. > Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: > > 1. Acquire early adopters > 2. Acquire early adopters > 3. Acquire early adopters > (We know it is that important!) > Roman Shaposhnik (rvs): > > Really, at least goal #2 should be "make a first ASF release". Hopefully > we can work with the community to get a sense how important it is in > addition to growing a community (all 3 goals in this report). +1 to this excellent comment of Roman's on the Quickstep report. "Release early, release often" is a technique for acquiring early adopters! > -------------------- > Taverna > Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be > aware of? > > ASF guidance on US export ECCN cryptography registration > https://www.apache.org/dev/crypto.html > has not yet been updated for the 2010 rule changes, confusion > around this classification caused Taverna delays. Thanks, noted that ECCN is causing difficulties for Taverna. ECCN is tough -- it's one of the hardest issues to get volunteers to work on. > Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be > aware of? > > TOREE-262 - Progress on removal of LGPL dependency I've looked at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOREE-262 but I don't see an action item for either the IPMC or the Board. Marvin Humphrey --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org