Hi all,

I have been working with the AnnotatorJS.org community to move our community to 
the ASF. We have in the past been a BDFL-led group, but that has proved 
unsustainable and resulted in many forks and lost opportunity.

Recently, many community members gathered at the http://iannotate.org/ 
conference and subsequent hackathon and discussed the future of the project. We 
again concluded that the ASF held the most promise for a governance style that 
could support our growing community and assure that collaboration continue into 
the future.

Our Incubator Proposal is current here (also below in markdown):

I would be happy to move the proposal to the incubator wiki-my user name there 
is `bigbluehat`.

Our current mailing list has a running vote/discussion around this proposal and 
our move to the ASF:

Lastly, we have a Champion (Daniel Gruno), but are still in need of Mentors.

Thank you for considering this proposal!
Benjamin - bigblue...@apache.org

Apache Annotator Proposal:
#### Abstract
> A short descriptive summary of the project. A short paragraph, ideally one 
> sentence in length.

Annotation enabling code for browsers, servers, and humans.

#### Proposal
> A lengthier description of the proposal.

The Annotator community seeks to build a foundational set of libraries under a 
liberal license providing the pieces necessary for developers to add annotation 
to their projects.

#### Background
> Provides context for those unfamiliar with the problem space and history.

Annotator.js was originally created by Open Knowledge (formerly The Open 
Knowledge Foundation) to provide annotation over works by Shakespeare. Since 
that time, Annotator has found its way into a wide range of browser-based 
annotation systems such as Hypothes.is, LacunaStories.com, and various 
academic, publishing, and scientific research projects.

Sadly, this increased usage has primarily happened in forks of the main code or 
through copy-left licensed plugins that prevent their use by many community 

However, the community remains interested in combined collaboration and 
interested in a foundational future for annotation--both in browsers as well as 
servers and desktop/mobile applications.

#### Rationale

> Explains why this project needs to exist and why should it be adopted by 
> Apache.

Annotation is often implemented in projects in ad hoc ways with developers 
often re-solving problems well known to the Annotator community. The Annotator 
community works to provide knowledge and code to help developers more quickly 
implement or improve annotation within their projects.

We believe bringing the Annotator community into the Apache Software Foundation 
will allow for wider recognition of the annotation problem space, help more 
developers find their way to solving this shared problem, provide increased 
cohesion for our own somewhat fractured community, and increase the use of 
commonly shared code within a wide range of projects.

#### Initial Goals

* create a collaborative space for the existing Annotator contributors and 
* further ignite interest and activity around annotation
* build foundational libraries for annotation
* implement code to support the Web Annotation Data Model, Protocol, and other 
annotation related specifications
* potentially re-license Annotator under the Apache License 2.0
  * Annotator is currently licensed under a combination of the MIT & GPL
* consolidate (where possible) community activity around building add-ons, 
annotation storage providers, and use-case specific feature sets
* grow interest and activity in annotation

#### Current Status

##### Meritocracy
> Apache is a meritocracy.

The project is in transition from a primarily BDFL-based model to one with a 
more diverse set of committers. There are 36 total known commiters to 
Annotator. 3 commiters having done the bulk of the coding and decision making. 
2 of those commiters acting as project leadership.

However, the community is much larger and more diverse when the various forks 
and plugin authors are considered.

We intend to invite and include participants from a wide array of annotation 
problem spaces to collaborate in this new shared space.

##### Community
>  Apache is interested only in communities.

Community calls had been being done every 3-6 months with reports of the calls 
outcome being posted to the mailing list and the annotatorjs.org website.

Most activity within the project happens on the mailing list. There is also a 
relatively inactive #annotator channel on irc.freenode.net. The website is 
primarily for promotion and includes promotion of community plugins and 
showcases projects using Annotator. Documentation is published on 
readthedocs.org and linked to from the website.

There are many Annotator and W3C Annotation Data Model related projects found 
on GitHub. Our objective would be to invite these communities to join this 
collaborative community with the hope of greater stability and community 

##### Core Developers
> Apache is composed of individuals.

The 3 primary committers to the project are Nick Stenning of The Hypothesis 
Project, Randall Leeds of Medal, and Aron Carroll of Dropbox, Inc. Nick 
Stenning is the original creator of Annotator. Randall Leeds is an Apache 
CouchDB committer. Aron has been a frequent contributor. All three have been 
members of The Hypothes.is Project in past years.

Other currently active community members include:

* Andrew Magliozzi of FinalsClub.org
   * Andrew drives the scheduling of community calls, is active on the mailing 
list, and encourages progress within the project and community
* Benjamin Young of Wiley (also formerly of The Hypothes.is Project)
   * an Apache CouchDB commiter
   * co-editor of the Web Annotation Data Model
* Oliver Sauter of WordBrain
   * active advocate for Annotator and the growth of the annotation community

Other committers have contributed significant amounts of code, content, or 
issues and discussions, but are currently (in the last 3-6 months) less active 
on the project. However, at recent annotation related conferences the scale of 
the plugin, fork, and ancillary project activity was shown to be much higher 
than what was apparent from activity on the main Annotator mailing list--in 
part due to community fracturing...something we hope to fix with joining the 

A full list of Annotator contributors can be seen here:

##### Alignment
> Describe why Apache is a good match for the proposal.

The Annotator community believes that the Apache Software Foundation promotes 
and enforces the sort of community that will best serve the future of the 
project. It is also believed that Annotator can serve the ASF by providing its 
tools to bring annotation into various Apache projects and eventually to the 
apache.org site, project documentation, and other tools within the ASF.

The priority is on increasing community involvement, defining--via the Apache 
Way--how we will code and collaborate going forward, and upon creating the best 
possible annotation solution born out of that collaboration.

#### Known Risks
> An exercise in self-knowledge. Risks don't mean that a project is 
> unacceptable. If they are recognized and noted then they can be addressed 
> during incubation.

##### Orphaned products
> A public commitment to future development.

The majority of the core committers were formerly from The Hypothes.is Project 
which used an earlier version of Annotator within it's annotation web service 
and BSD-licensed `h` annotation software. However, Hypothesis and most other 
organizations and projects using Annotator have forked the main code base or 
created unique plugins which only exist within their projects and have not been 
contributed upstream.

The fracturing of the community and previous single-entity contribution has 
greatly prohibited collaboration and growth of the community. Concurrently, 
interest and growth of annotation projects from a wide constituents has 
grown--though around a much wider array of code and projects. The hope is that 
the creation of a collaborative space built for discussion and sharing of these 
tools would provide the opportunity to reach a common core to be shared among 
the many diverse players.

As such, the Annotator project has begun the process of becoming an Apache 
project to establish a development and community process that encourages 
diversity and cross-organization collaboration.

##### Inexperience with Open Source

Annotator was established as an Open Source project in 2011 with it's first, 
v0.0.1 release being made on January 1st of that year:

The project has continued since that time as an open source project developed 
on GitHub. The community has grown in diversity since that time and was moved 
into a separate "openannotation" GitHub organization (from the original "okfn" 
GitHub organization) in 2014 in an effort to increase community involvement and 

Each of the core committers have worked on and created open source software for 
themselves or various organizations for the greater than 5 years. Two of the 
contributors mentioned above also have greater than 5 years contributor 
experience at the ASF and are both now core committers to a top-level project 
(Apache CouchDB).

##### Homogeneous Developers
> Healthy projects need a mix of developers. Open development requires a 
> commitment to encouraging a diverse mixture. This includes the art of working 
> as part of a geographically scattered group in a distributed environment.

Active community members as well as plugin and compatible annotation storage 
system builders are from a diverse, though scattered, range of organizations 
and individually driven projects.

The Annotator community is seeking to combine its efforts into a core group of 
committers to more accurately encourage a shared foundation as well as continue 
the growth in diversity of the community.

Geographically, the Annotator community is widely distributed from Germany, 
Hungary, the East and West coasts of the US, and Australia.

Additionally, the wide range of annotation related projects that may be 
considered as input for this projects code explorations range in size, 
contributor diversity, and growth.

##### Reliance on Salaried Developers
> A project dominated by salaried developers who are interested in the code 
> only whilst they are employed to do so risks its long term health.

In the past, contributors to Annotator project were solely from The Hypothes.is 
Project and their activity was driven primarily by the needs of that project. 
However, the diversity of interested participants has greatly increased. There 
is an additional hope of creating an aggregated community from various projects 
(including Annotator, Hypothesis' `h` code, and various related libraries and 
plugins) as well as exploring the creation of new tools--not only for the 
browser--to further widen the interest and activity around annotation.

##### Relationships with Other Apache Projects
> Apache projects should be open to collaboration with other open source 
> projects both within Apache and without. Candidates should be willing to 
> reach outside their own little bubbles.

The Annotator community also provides an annotation storage system 
("annotator-store") built upon ElasticSearch. There are compatible 
implementations of that API built on various storage systems (including Apache 
CouchDB), and the community would encourage the creation of other compatible 
storage systems built upon other Apache storage projects.

Additionally, Annotator is a JavaScript library which could serve any of the 
various CMS projects within Apache.

The roadmap for Annotator also includes compatibility with the Web Annotation 
Data Model which is a JSON-LD serialization of an RDF-based data model for 
annotation. The growing number of RDF-focused Apache projects could take 
advantage of and contribute to the creation of these features.

The W3C Annotation Working Group is also creating multiple related deliverables 
around Web Annotation including an Linked Data Platfrom-based Protocol 
specification, a note about selector systems, and future notes for various 
serialization and integration opportunities for the Web Annotation Data Model. 
Apache Marmotta is one project within the ASF which has native support for LDP 
and may have an interest in collaborating around implementation of the Web 
Annotation Protocol.

Lastly, Apache UIMA can currently generates Open Annotation Data Model 
annotations as an output of it's Natural Language Processing system. These 
annotations could be displayed via code written within this new Apache 
project--which could further leverage user interaction with those NLP-based 
annotation (such as confirmation, rejection, or modification of the annotations 
made by Apache UIMA's NLP process). There are other NLP projects within the ASF 
which could similarly benefit from these explorations and code generated here.

##### A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> Concerns have been raised in the past that some projects appear to have been 
> proposed just to generate positive publicity for the proposers. This is the 
> right place to convince everyone that is not the case.

The Annotator community acknowledges the value and recognition that the Apache 
brand would bring to the Annotator project. However, the primary interest is in 
the community building process and long-term stability that the Apache Software 
Foundation provides for its projects.

We do hope for increased recognition of and contribution to an array of 
annotation code projects built within this community. However, we primarily 
hope for community aggregation driven by building a core set of tools for our 
shared set of needs which are now scattered across various annotation endeavors.

Integrating those developers into this new community and adding them as 
contributors is seen as a much higher priority then increasing awareness 
through branding.

#### Documentation
> References to further reading material.

* http://annotatorjs.org/
* http://w3.org/annotation/

* http://docs.annotatorjs.org/en/v1.2.x/
* http://docs.annotatorjs.org/en/latest/
* http://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/
* http://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-protocol/

Mailing List:
* https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/annotator-dev/
* https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/

* https://github.com/openannotation/annotator
* https://github.com/openannotation/annotator-store
* https://github.com/azaroth42/MangoServer
* https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-text-quote
* https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-text-position
* https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-fragment

Annotator plugin index:
* http://annotatorjs.org/plugins/index.html

#### Initial Source
> Describes the origin of the proposed code base. If the initial code arrives 
> from more than one source, this is the right place to outline the different 
> histories.

The original Annotator code base was created by Nick Stenning while at the Open 
Knowledge Foundation. The code has been in development since before 2011 with 
the first public release (v0.0.1) happening on January 1st, 2011 on GitHub.

The example annotation storage system (which works with Annotator's stock Store 
plugin) had it's first release in February 21, 2011 and was originally built 
for Apache CouchDB. The contributor list of annotator-store is similar, but the 
license is simply the MIT (rather than MIT & GPL). The stated copyright is 
2010-2012 Open Knowledge Foundation.

Additionally, there is a growing list of forks, plugins, and related tooling 
created by the community in various places--often embedded within larger 
projects. The Annotator Plugins index has reference to some such possible 
inputs to this project's code. The W3C specifications are also being 
implemented and the growing number of projects available around those 
specifications would also be considered as possible inputs. Most specifically, 
Randal Leeds (also a contributor to Annotator) has built a set of libraries 
focus on implementing the W3C selectors. These libraries could serve as an 
initial foundation for a core library for browsers or JavaScript-base server 

#### Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> Complex proposals (typically involving multiple code bases) may find it 
> useful to draw up an initial plan for the submission of the code here. 
> Demonstrate that the proposal is practical.

Our primary goal is to aggregate communities that center around annotation. We 
intend to focus our initial work on a JavaScript-based library built from 
Randall Leeds `dom-anchor-*` libraries (single owner copyright; MIT licensed) 
and potentially reusing code from Annotator (mixed owner copyright; MIT & GPL 

The Annotator community has a stated copyright owner of "The Annotator 
Community." All contributions are believed to have been made "in kind" and the 
copyright owned by the various contributors. The three primary committers have 
stated a willingness to donate their contributions to the Apache Software 
Foundation and the minimal parts with copyright owned by others will likely be 
rewritten. Though we also hope to engage these individuals to join the combined 
efforts being made at the ASF.

The `annotator-store` project is under a clearer, single BSD license. The 
copyright holder is stated to be the Open Knowledge Foundation with the years 
2010-2012. It is likely that this code will only be used for reference or via 
library inclusion and not directly developed upon within the ASF.

An earlier process was undertaken to collect re-licensing permission from known 
contributors via the existing mailing list and GitHub issues--using a model 
similar to Twitter's when it relicensed Bootstrap. General agreement was 
reached, but no decisive actions were taken as many contributors of smaller 
amounts of code were no longer reachable.

We hope to engage the various plugin and fork authors along with similar 
annotation projects to engage future work under a shared license and developed 
within The Apache Way. The contribution of specific code to this project or its 
future deliverables will be handled individually by the community over the 
course of the project.

One core goal of bringing the community to the ASF is to avoid this confused 
licensing situation in the future.

#### External Dependencies

Annotator depends on the following JavaScript modules from NPM:

* backbone-extend-standalone - MIT
* browserify-shim - MIT
* clean-css - MIT
* enhance-css - MIT
* es6-promise - MIT
* insert-css - MIT
* jquery - MIT
* through - MIT / Apache License 2.0
* xpath-range - MIT + GPL-3.0+ Dual License

annotator-store depends on the following Python modules:

* elasticsearch - Apache License 2.0
* iso8601 - MIT
* six - MIT

MongoServer (a Web Annotation Platform implementation) is a single owner 
project currently licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Randall Leeds `dom-anchor-*` libraries are all licensed under the MIT and 
include these dependencies:

* dom-anchor-fragment - MIT
   * no dependencies
* dom-anchor-text-position - MIT
   * node-iterator-shim - MIT
   * dom-seek - MIT
* dom-anchor-text-quote - MIT
   * dom-anchor-text-position - MIT
   * diff-match-patch - Apache License 2.0

#### Required Resources

##### Mailing Lists

* private@
* dev@
* commits@

Note: the Annotator community currently uses a single list hosted by Open 
Knowledge at:

##### Git Repository

* https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-annotator.git

Note: the Annotator community hosts its code on GitHub as part of the 
"openannotation" organization. Randall Leeds also uses GitHub for his 
`dom-anchor-*` libraries as does Rob Sanderson for his Web Annotation Protocol 
implementation. These are all potential code inputs to be considered for reuse 
or continuation by this community.

* http://github.com/openannotation/annotator
* http://github.com/openannotation/annotator-store
* https://github.com/azaroth42/MangoServer
* https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-text-quote
* https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-text-position
* https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-fragment

##### Issue Tracking

The Annotator community would prefer to continue using GitHub Issues if that is 
a possibility.

##### Other Resources

* static website hosting for annotatorjs.org

#### Initial Commiters

* Nick Stenning <n...@whiteink.com>
* Randall Leeds <rand...@apache.org>
* Benjamin Young <bigblue...@apache.org>
* Oliver Sauter <o...@worldbrain.io>
* Andrew Magliozzi <andrew10...@gmail.com>
* Aron Carroll <he...@aroncarroll.com>
* Mariano Giagante <mariano.giaga...@gmail.com>
* Luke Murphy <luk...@riseup.net>

#### Affiliations

* Nick Stenning of The Hypothes.is Project
* Randall Leeds of Medal
* Benjamin Young of Wiley
* Oliver Sauter of WorldBrain.io
* Aron Carroll of Dropbox, Inc.
* Andrew Magliozzi of AdmitHub.com
* Mariano Giagante of WorldBrain.io
* Luke Murphy of WorldBrain.io

#### Sponsors

##### Champion

[Daniel Gruno](http://people.apache.org/phonebook.html?uid=humbedooh) aka 

##### Nominated Mentors


##### Sponsoring Entity
> The Sponsor is the organizational unit within Apache taking responsibility 
> for this proposal. The sponsoring entity can be: the Apache Board, the 
> Incubator, another Apache project

The Incubator

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