+1 (non-binding)


-----Original Message-----
From: Gangumalla, Uma [mailto:uma.ganguma...@intel.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 1:10 AM
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Accept CarbonData into the Apache Incubator

+1 (binding)


On 5/25/16, 1:24 PM, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:

>Hi all,
>following the discussion thread, I'm now calling a vote to accept 
>CarbonData into the Incubator.
>​[ ] +1 Accept CarbonData into the Apache Incubator [ ] +0 Abstain [ ] 
>-1 Do not accept CarbonData into the Apache Incubator, because ...
>This vote is open for 72 hours.
>The proposal follows, you can also access the wiki page:
>Thanks !
>= Apache CarbonData =
>== Abstract ==
>Apache CarbonData is a new Apache Hadoop native file format for faster 
>interactive query using advanced columnar storage, index, compression 
>and encoding techniques to improve computing efficiency, in turn it 
>will help speedup queries an order of magnitude faster over PetaBytes 
>of data.
>CarbonData github address: https://github.com/HuaweiBigData/carbondata
>== Background ==
>Huawei is an ICT solution provider, we are committed to enhancing 
>customer experiences for telecom carriers, enterprises, and consumers 
>on big data, In order to satisfy the following customer requirements, 
>we created a new Hadoop native file format:
>  * Support interactive OLAP-style query over big data in seconds.
>  * Support fast query on individual record which require touching all 
>  * Fast data loading speed and support incremental load in period of 
>  * Support HDFS so that customer can leverage existing Hadoop cluster.
>  * Support time based data retention.
>Based on these requirements, we investigated existing file formats in 
>the Hadoop eco-system, but we could not find a suitable solution that 
>satisfying requirements all at the same time, so we start designing 
>== Rationale ==
>CarbonData contains multiple modules, which are classified into two
>  1. CarbonData File Format: which contains core implementation for 
>file format such as columnar,index,dictionary,encoding+compression,API 
>for reading/writing etc.
>  2. CarbonData integration with big data processing framework such as 
>Apache Spark, Apache Hive etc. Apache Beam is also planned to abstract 
>the execution runtime.
>=== CarbonData File Format ===
>CarbonData file format is a columnar store in HDFS, it has many 
>features that a modern columnar format has, such as splittable, 
>compression schema ,complex data type etc. And CarbonData has following 
>==== Indexing ====
>In order to support fast interactive query, CarbonData leverage 
>indexing technology to reduce I/O scans. CarbonData files stores data 
>along with index, the index is not stored separately but the CarbonData 
>file itself contains the index. In current implementation, CarbonData 
>supports 3 types of indexing:
>1. Multi-dimensional Key (B+ Tree index)
>  The Data block are written in sequence to the disk and within each 
>data blocks each column block is written in sequence. Finally, the 
>metadata block for the file is written with information about byte 
>positions of each block in the file, Min-Max statistics index and the 
>start and end MDK of each data block. Since, the entire data in the 
>file is in sorted order, the start and end MDK of each data block can 
>be used to construct a B+Tree and the file can be logically  
>represented as a
>B+Tree with the data blocks as leaf nodes (on disk) and the remaining
>non-leaf nodes in memory.
>2. Inverted index
>  Inverted index is widely used in search engine. By using this index, 
>it helps processing/query engine to do filtering inside one HDFS block.
>Furthermore, query acceleration for count distinct like operation is 
>made possible when combining bitmap and inverted index in query time.
>3. MinMax index
>  For all columns, minmax index is created so that processing/query 
>engine can skip scan that is not required.
>==== Global Dictionary ====
>Besides I/O reduction, CarbonData accelerates computation by using 
>global dictionary, which enables processing/query engines to perform 
>all processing on encoded data without having to convert the data (Late 
>Materialization). We have observed dramatic performance improvement for 
>OLAP analytic scenario where table contains many columns in string data 
>type. The data is converted back to the user readable form just before 
>processing/query engine returning results to user.
>==== Column Group ====
>Sometimes users want to perform processing/query on multi-columns in 
>one table, for example, performing scan for individual record in 
>troubleshooting scenario. In this case, row format is more efficient 
>than columnar format since all columns will be touched by the workload.
>To accelerate this, CarbonData supports storing a group of column in 
>row format, so data in column group is stored together and enable fast 
>==== Optimized for multiple use cases ====
>CarbonData indices and dictionary is highly configurable. To make 
>storage optimized for different use cases, user can configure what to 
>index, so user can decide and tune the format before loading data into 
>For example
>|| Use Case || Supporting Features ||
>|| Interactive OLAP query || Columnar format, Multi-dimensional Key (B+
>Tree index), Minmax index, Inverted index ||
>|| High throughput scan || Global dictionary, Minmax index || Low 
>|| latency point query || Multi-dimensional Key (B+ Tree index),
>Partitioning ||
>|| Individual record query || Column group, Global dictionary ||
>=== BigData Processing Framework Integration ===
>  * CarbonData provides InputFormat/OutputFormat interfaces for 
>Reading/Writing data from the CarbonData files and at the same time 
>provides abstract API for processing data stored as Carbondata format 
>with data processing framework.
>  * CarbonData provides deep integration with Apache Spark including 
>predicate push down, column pruning, aggregation push down etc. So 
>users can use Spark SQL to connect and query from CarbonData.
>  * CarbonData can integrate with various big data Query/Processing 
>framework on Hadoop eco-system such as Apache Spark,Apache Hive etc.
>in/ scala/org/carbondata/examples/CarbonExample.scala
>== Initial Goals ==
>Our initial goals are to bring CarbonData into the ASF, transition 
>internal engineering processes into the open, and foster a 
>collaborative development model according to the "Apache Way".
>== Current Status ==
>CarbonData is production ready and already provide a large set of 
>The current license is already Apache 2.0.
>== Meritocracy ==
>We intend to radically expand the initial developer and user community 
>by running the project in accordance with the "Apache Way". Users and 
>new contributors will be treated with respect and welcomed. By 
>participating in the community and providing quality patches/support 
>that move the project forward, they will earn merit. They also will be 
>encouraged to provide non-code contributions (documentation, events, 
>community management, etc.) and will gain merit for doing so. Those 
>with a proven support and quality track record will be encouraged to 
>become committers.
>== Community ==
>If CarbonData is accepted for incubation, the primary initial goal is 
>to build a large community. We really trust that CarbonData will become 
>a key project for big data column-like platforms, and so, we bet on a 
>large community of users and developers.
>== Known Risks ==
>Development has been sponsored mostly by a one company.For the project 
>to fully transition to the Apache Way governance model, development 
>must shift towards the meritocracy-centric model of growing a community 
>of contributors balanced with the needs for extreme stability and core 
>implementation coherency.
>== Orphaned products ==
>Huawei is fully committed CarbonData. Moreover, Huawei has a vested 
>interest in making CarbonData succeed by driving its close integration 
>with sister ASF projects. We expect this to further reduces the risk of 
>orphaning the product.
>== Inexperience with Open Source ==
>Huawei has been developing and using open source software since a long 
>time. Additionally, several ASF veterans agreed to mentor the project 
>and are listed in this proposal. The project will rely on their 
>guidance and collective wisdom to quickly transition the entire team of 
>initial committers towards practicing the Apache Way.
>== Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
>Most of the contributors are paid to work in big data space. While they 
>might wander from their current employers, they are unlikely to venture 
>far from their core expertises and thus will continue to be engaged 
>with the project regardless of their current employers.
>== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
>While we intend to leverage the Apache ‘branding’ when talking to other 
>projects as testament of our project’s ‘neutrality’, we have no plans 
>for making use of Apache brand in press releases nor posting billboards 
>advertising acceptance of CarbonData into Apache Incubator.
>== Initial Source ==
>== External Dependencies ==
>All external dependencies are licensed under an Apache 2.0 license or 
>Apache-compatible license. As we grow the Carbondata community we will 
>configure our build process to require and validate all contributions 
>and dependencies are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license or are under 
>an Apache-compatible license.
>  * Apache Spark
>  * Apache Hadoop
>  * Apache Maven
>  * Apache Commons
>  * Apache Log4j
>  * Apache Thrift
>  * Apache Zookeeper
>  * Scala
>  * Snappy
>  * Kettle (Pentaho)
>  * Eigenbase
>  * Fastutil
>  * GSON
>  * Jmockit
>  * Junit
>== Required Resources ==
>=== Mailing lists ===
>  * priv...@carbondata.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
>  * comm...@carbondata.incubator.apache.org
>  * d...@carbondata.incubator.apache.org
>  * iss...@carbondata.incubator.apache.org
>=== Git Repository ===
>  * https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-carbondata.git
>=== Issue Tracking ===
>  * JIRA Project CarbonData (CarbonData)
>=== Initial Committers ===
>  * Liang Chenliang
>  * Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>  * Henry Saputra
>  * Uma Maheswara Rao G
>  * Jenny MA
>  * Jacky Likun
>  * Vimal Das Kammath
>  * Jarray Qiuheng
>=== Affiliations ===
>  * Huawei: Liang Chenliang
>  * Talend: Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>  * Ebay: Henry Saputra
>  * Intel: Uma Maheswara Rao G
>=== Sponsors ===
>=== Champion ===
>  * Jean-Baptiste Onofré - Apache Member
>=== Mentors ===
>  * Henry Saputra (eBay)
>  * Jean-Baptiste Onofré (Talend)
>  * Uma Maheswara Rao G (Intel)
>=== Sponsoring Entity ===
>The Apache Incubator
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