
+1 binding

I checked:
- incubating in name
- signatures correct
- source LICENSE has some minor issues (see below)
- source NOICE is good
- several JS files are missing Apache headers
- no unexpected binary files in source release
- can compile from source

Source license minor issues:
- MIT licensed [1], note that this file also contains MIT licensed MooTools 
- This file [3] is under MX4J license, I think this should be mentioned in 
LICENSE and also NOTICE as it’s similar to Apache's 1.1 license.
- The Droid fonts [5] are Apache licensed, but it’s not obvious as they are 
binary files, so may be good to mention that in LICENSE.

For the binary as above and:
- binary NOTICE some text can be removed (e.g. for the spring projects if you 
read what you’ve included they tell what text should be included)
- binary NOTICE no need to mention the name and copyright of the most of the 
bundled Apache projects
- didn’t check full contents but brief heck showed no issues.

Other minor things:
-  A number of ASF licensed files are copyright "Clearspring Technologies, 
Inc.” (for example) [2] should they be copyright ASF?
- This file still has a Pivotal copyright and patent notice [4]
- The year is incorrect in a number of NOTICE files having "Copyright (c) 
2002-2015 Pivotal, Inc.” or "Copyright (c) [2012-2014] Pivotal Software, Inc.”


1. ./geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/lib/jit.js
2. ./geode-core/src/main/java/com/gemstone/gemfire/internal/hll/Bits.java
5. ./geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/css/fonts/DroidSans-Bold-webfont.* and 

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