Voting period is now closed. It passes with:

3 binding +1s (Todd L, Michael S, Justin M)
0 binding -1s

0.7.0 RC3 will become 0.7.0, the project's first ASF release.

I'm also the RM for the next release, I'll make sure we address the
non-blocking issues identified in the VOTE thread.

Thanks to everyone who participated!


On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Jean-Daniel Cryans <>

> Hi,
> The PPMC vote to release Apache Kudu (incubating) 0.7.0's RC3 passed and
> I'm now submitting this to the IPMC.
> Vote thread:
> Result:
> The is a source-only release. The artifacts were staged here:
> Please try the release and vote; vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
> Thanks,
> J-D

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