Hi all,
I'm one of the "semi-active mentors" of Taverna. In my case, I have a
new $job, which is related to some Apache communities but not Taverna.
A new job is a busy time so I'm really not able to properly support the
podling at the moment. I wish I could but I also have to be realistic.
Taverna is (I believe) in good shape. Having done an incubator release
of part of the codebase, they understand and take the IP issues
seriously. They have added a person to the PPMC. All-in-all, good
progress towards graduation and getting more of the codebase out is the
next step.
So - please could Taverna have some additional mentors?
On 01/02/16 14:36, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
The majority of the mentors of the Taverna podling have raised
concerns that they no longer have sufficient time available to help
Taverna in the incubator.
In effect we will then have 2 semi-active mentors remaining for continuity.
This has become a concern because Taverna is picking up speed and
moving towards releases of the main code base (our first release was
for a more self-contained library), and this means some effort is
needed to review and guide us through those releases.
We in the Taverna PPMC have already learnt a lot about the Apache Way,
we have done our first release, we had 3 very successful GSOC
students, and we have voted in our first new PPMC member.
However knowing the effort needed to review a "new" code base for a
release, we think it would not be fair on the remaining 2 mentors to
take the full burden of responsibility.
Therefore we would like to ask the Incubator PMC if anyone would be
interested in becoming an active mentor of Taverna as we enter this
exciting phase?
About Taverna:
Taverna is a domain-independent suite of tools used to design and
execute data-driven workflows, which invoke a mixture of local and
remote (REST, WSDL) services. Taverna is used by scientists and
researchers in domains like bioinformatics, chemistry, musicology,
biodiversity and virtual physiology to combine and process data from
multiple sources using a wide variety of analytical tools.
Taverna workflows can be designed in a graphical workbench,
programmatically through the Taverna Language API, or using an
RDF/JSON-based workflow format. They can be executed locally (command
line, within workbench or through OSGi-based APIs), or on a Taverna
server (REST/WSDL), which has been integrated by portals and
frontends, including an Android mobile app. Taverna results include
full provenance trace of the execution as we strive to support
reproducible computational research.
This is an exciting time for us, as we are not just releasing version
3 of Taverna, but also working on a Common Workflow Language
integration (YaML), including support for coordinating Docker-based
command line tools.
We rely on a large selection of Apache tools, like Woden, Felix, Jena,
Derby, Tika, Velocity, Commons, HTTP Client and Maven.
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