Hi Hadrian, I have made the changes to the Tempo proposal relative to it’s 
renaming as iota. The changes are in the proposal itself I don’’t think I can 
rename the top-level project name from Tempo to iota (let me know if I can or 
should). If anything else needs to be done please let me know. 

> On Jan 11, 2016, at 5:35 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea <hzbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With a bit of delay due to the Holidays season, I think it's time to continue 
> this thread.
> The code has been available for a while to mentors and those who requested. I 
> assume the mentors did take a look at it, I certainly did. The code looks 
> clean and the idea sound. Plus the IoT field is one that matures fast and I 
> consider a good fit for ASF technologies.
> There is the outstanding issue of changing the name as it seems unlikely to 
> graduate as Tempo. There is a proposal to incubate it under the "iota" name 
> (whatever the capitalization). Tony, if you could update the proposal to 
> reflect that (or whatever name you choose) it'd be great. After that, 
> assuming no other objections or concerns, I would suggest starting a vote.
> Cheers,
> Hadrian
> On 12/25/2015 09:49 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
>> Hi Tony!
>> Has there been any activity around this proposal? I find it really 
>> interesting,
>> and just like Hadrian I really would love to see the code on GitHub (although
>> it is NOT a pre-requisite to being consider for ASF Incubator).
>> Thanks,
>> Roman.
>> P.S. Greetings from your past life managing JavaStudio ;-)
>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea <hadr...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Tony,
>>> It is a very interesting proposal and I would like to help out as well. I do
>>> have a bit of experience of the IoT field, both part of my ASF contributions
>>> and other work I did. I volunteer to be a mentor or champion. Looks like one
>>> of your understated goals is to grow a community and I agree the ASF is the
>>> right place for that.
>>> You mentioned the code being available on github, but I couldn't find it
>>> where I thought it could be [1]. Would it be possible to make the code
>>> available to potential mentors? I think it would speed up the process and
>>> you would get more support faster.
>>> There were also a number of positive answers to your email on the incubator
>>> list, but you were not cc'ed, so if you're not subscribed to the list you
>>> might have missed them.
>>> It's a great idea, thanks for considering the ASF incubator and it could
>>> have great success given the growth of IoT.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Hadrian
>>> [1] https://github.com/litbit
>>> On 12/02/2015 03:34 PM, Tony Faustini wrote:
>>>> To: general@incubator.apache.org
>>>> Hi All, Litbit is an enterprise IoT company comprised of individuals
>>>> that have worked for Yahoo, Apple, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Intel,
>>>> Cisco Systems and 365 Main. We are working with some of the world's
>>>> leading companies providing them with an enterprise IoT platform. We
>>>> value the open source community and the way it is changing enterprise
>>>> software. We are eager to build an open source community around Tempo
>>>> which powers RhythmOS our commercial offering.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Tony Faustini (Litbit Co)
>>>> Tempo - A Proposal for Apache Incubator
>>>> Abstract
>>>> The Apache Foundation has been very successful in bringing together
>>>> key software components that have enabled people to interact with each
>>>> other via a variety of content platforms and it will no doubt continue
>>>> to do so.  At the same time modern society is becoming increasingly
>>>> dependent on devices that interact with each other and with people.
>>>> The amount of data that will be produced by devices will be orders of
>>>> magnitude greater than what has been produced by humans in the past.
>>>> In addition, the orchestration of devices and people will be an
>>>> important area of growth for the foreseeable future. This new dynamic
>>>> will eventually become manifest in a growing number of Apache projects
>>>> that enable this to occur. Our wish is to contribute to this movement
>>>> by contributing the Tempo system to the Open Source Community via the
>>>> Apache Foundation. Tempo is an open platform to interconnect any and
>>>> all devices, sensors, people, and applications, henceforth referred to
>>>> as points, through a scalable, secure, and modular architecture,
>>>> enabling applications to generate analysis, create actions and/or add
>>>> intelligence to their behaviors and patterns.
>>>> Proposal
>>>> Perhaps you are a homeowner configuring the interaction between your
>>>> family and all the smart devices in your home. Or you might be a
>>>> global company orchestrating millions of devices and people across
>>>> different continents.  Either way you face the same fundamental
>>>> problem; namely, how do you manage many points in a secure robust and
>>>> meaningful manner?  Tempo is an open source software system that
>>>> enables homeowners and global companies to download a software system
>>>> that provides secure and robust orchestration.
>>>> The Tempo system consists of a variety of components:
>>>> - A basic but extensible desktop
>>>> - An extensible mechanism for capturing data from a variety of sources
>>>> - A set of translators that feed the data capture mechanism and a
>>>> framework for the development of additional translators
>>>> - A secure means of moving data using digital envelopes based on
>>>> symmetric and asymmetric encryption and decryption via Apache Kafka
>>>> - Optionally maintaining data encrypted in a datastore
>>>> - Support for a variety of data repositories
>>>> - Authentication and authorization using oAuth2
>>>> - Secure APIs for access to data and the system information
>>>> - User management
>>>> - Device management
>>>> - Automated software upgrades via Salt
>>>> - Configuration management
>>>> - Robust basic infrastructure based on Apache Mesos that enables
>>>> scalability
>>>> - Dockerized applications
>>>> Background
>>>> We are in the midst of a revolution in which the Internet of Things
>>>> (IoT) is poised to impact the development of our society in ways we
>>>> can not even begin to imagine. Unfortunately, we know of no coherent
>>>> OSS (Open Source Software) solution that can harness the
>>>> potentialities of this increasingly important trend. Manufacturers of
>>>> IoT devices, both in the consumer and industrial spaces, continue to
>>>> develop proprietary systems. Tempo is an open source IoT system that
>>>> creates an open source solution enabling the orchestration of IoT
>>>> devices that brings the benefits of OSS to this space. Tempo was
>>>> initially developed by Litbit and is deployed in a growing number of
>>>> Industrial contexts, especially in the context of Data Center
>>>> Infrastructure.
>>>> Rationale
>>>> Tempo is a general platform for orchestrating IoT devices in both
>>>> consumer and industrial contexts. It is complementary to the existing
>>>> Apache projects and is itself built using of a number of Apache
>>>> projects.  Bringing Tempo into Apache is very beneficial to both the
>>>> Apache community and the IoT community.
>>>> The rapid growth of IoT needs to be harnessed in the Open Source
>>>> Community. We believe the Apache Foundation is a great fit as the
>>>> long-term home for Tempo, as it provides an established process for
>>>> community-driven development and decision making by consensus. This is
>>>> exactly the model we want for future Tempo development.
>>>> Initial Goals
>>>> Move the existing codebase to Apache
>>>> Integrate with the Apache development process
>>>> Ensure all dependencies are compliant with Apache License version 2.0
>>>> Incremental development and releases per Apache guidelines
>>>> Current Status
>>>> Tempo has undergone a major release (0.1) and is being used in
>>>> production by several global organizations. The Tempo codebase is
>>>> currently hosted at github.com, which will seed the Apache git
>>>> repository.
>>>> Meritocracy
>>>> We plan to invest in supporting a meritocracy. We will discuss the
>>>> requirements in an open forum. Several companies have already
>>>> expressed interest in this project, and we intend to invite additional
>>>> developers to participate. We will encourage and monitor community
>>>> participation so that privileges can be extended to those that
>>>> contribute.
>>>> Community
>>>> The need for an open source IoT orchestration system is tremendous.
>>>> Tempo is currently being used by several organizations worldwide. By
>>>> bringing Tempo into Apache, we believe that the community will quickly
>>>> grow and become a significant Apache offering.
>>>> Core Developers
>>>> Tempo was initially developed at Litbit by the following individuals:
>>>> Rutvij Clerk
>>>> Miron Costant
>>>> Tony Faustini
>>>> Reza Hajebi
>>>> AmirHossein Jabbari
>>>> Shahin Mowzoon
>>>> Scott Noteboom
>>>> Sydney Noteboom
>>>> Omkar Prabhu
>>>> Don Shields
>>>> Alignment
>>>> IoT orchestration is in need of an Open Source Solution. We believe
>>>> Tempo can be that solution and fill this need  in the Apache
>>>> Foundation's offerings. We believe that Tempo will remove the barriers
>>>> imposed by proprietary solutions and usher in significant growth for
>>>> the Apache Foundation. The alignment is also beneficial to other
>>>> Apache communities (such as Zookeeper, Kafka, and Mesos). We could
>>>> include additional sub-projects in the future.
>>>> Known Risks
>>>> Orphaned Products
>>>> There will be an initial need to ensure the availability and
>>>> robustness of an initial offering so that contributors and users are
>>>> highly incentivized to continue development. To this  extent,
>>>> organizations can be encouraged to build critical business
>>>> applications around Tempo and the risk of the project being abandoned
>>>> will be minimized.
>>>> Inexperience with Open Source
>>>> Our lack of experience with Open Source is an area we will need
>>>> significant accompaniment with. We are more than willing to invest
>>>> time and resources to create a healthy open source project. During
>>>> that time, we will curate an open-source community and attract growing
>>>> numbers of developers from a diverse group of contributors.
>>>> Homogenous Developers
>>>> The initial committers will be from Litbit, a well funded startup. We
>>>> plan to grow Tempo with an active community of developers, and we are
>>>> committed to recruiting additional committers based on their
>>>> contributions to the project.
>>>> Reliance on Salaried Developers
>>>> It is expected that Tempo development will occur on both salaried time
>>>> and on volunteer time, after hours. The majority of initial committers
>>>> are paid by Litbit to contribute to this project. However, they are
>>>> all passionate about the project, and we are confident that the
>>>> project will continue even if no salaried developers contribute to the
>>>> project. We are committed to recruiting additional committers
>>>> including non-salaried developers.
>>>> Relationships with Other Apache Products
>>>> As mentioned in the Alignment section, Tempo is closely integrated
>>>> with Zookeeper, Kafka, and Mesos. We look forward to collaborating
>>>> with those communities, as well as other Apache communities.
>>>> Deep Respect for the Apache Brand
>>>> Tempo will become a healthy and well known open source project. This
>>>> proposal is not for the purpose of generating publicity. Rather, the
>>>> primary benefits to joining Apache are those outlined in the Rationale
>>>> section.
>>>> Documentation
>>>> The reader will find these websites highly relevant:
>>>> Tempo website: Coming soon
>>>> Tempo documentation: Coming soon
>>>> Codebase: Becoming public soon
>>>> User group: Coming soon
>>>> Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
>>>> The Tempo codebase is currently hosted on Github. To give you some
>>>> idea of what we will be contributing here are some basic statistics
>>>> from our current Github
>>>> OAuth Server
>>>>        30 text files.
>>>>        30 unique files.
>>>>         5 files ignored.
>>>> http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.64  T=0.17 s (168.9 files/s, 101341.2
>>>> lines/s)
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Language                     files       blank        comment      code
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> CSS                                7           2724              70
>>>> 12148
>>>> Javascript                       5             144            254
>>>> 1054
>>>> Python                          14               73              60
>>>>         129
>>>> HTML                             2               15                7
>>>>           119
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> SUM:                            28           2956            391
>>>> 13450
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Data Server
>>>>        21 text files.
>>>>        20 unique files.
>>>>         9 files ignored.
>>>> http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.64  T=0.08 s (208.7 files/s, 19657.5
>>>> lines/s)
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Language                     files        blank        comment      code
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Python                          15            196            290
>>>> 829
>>>> make                              1              30                6
>>>>           156
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> SUM:                            16            226            296
>>>> 985
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Management Server
>>>>       114 text files.
>>>>       110 unique files.
>>>>        16 files ignored.
>>>> http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.64  T=0.40 s (260.1 files/s, 59749.4
>>>> lines/s)
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Language                     files       blank        comment       code
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> CSS                                7           2724              70
>>>>        12148
>>>> Python                          31             757            340
>>>>        3203
>>>> HTML                            61            383              32
>>>>         2823
>>>> Javascript                       5             144            254
>>>>        1054
>>>> make                              1               30                6
>>>>              156
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> SUM:                           105           4038            702
>>>> 19384
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Data Pipeline
>>>>        81 text files.
>>>>        81 unique files.
>>>>        26 files ignored.
>>>> http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.64  T=0.32 s (177.3 files/s, 15377.2
>>>> lines/s)
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Language                     files      blank     comment      code
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Java                            54            609            909
>>>> 2915
>>>> Maven                           1             16             24
>>>> 408
>>>> XML                               2               0              1
>>>>           63
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> SUM:                            57            625            934
>>>> 3386
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Orchestration
>>>>         5 text files.
>>>>         5 unique files.
>>>>         3 files ignored.
>>>> http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.64  T=0.03 s (90.1 files/s, 32463.5
>>>> lines/s)
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Language                     files      blank        comment      code
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Python                           3            113             78
>>>> 890
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> SUM:                             3            113             78
>>>> 890
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Data Collector
>>>>        13 text files.
>>>>        12 unique files.
>>>>         4 files ignored.
>>>> http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.64  T=0.04 s (256.8 files/s, 18873.7
>>>> lines/s)
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Language                     files        blank     comment      code
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Cython                           1             50             49
>>>> 318
>>>> Python                           8             56             40
>>>> 220
>>>> Bourne Shell                  1               0              0
>>>> 2
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> SUM:                            10            106             89
>>>> 540
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> This is the exact codebase that we would migrate to the Apache foundation.
>>>> Upon entering Apache, Tempo will migrate to an Apache License 2.0 with
>>>> all contributions licensed to the Apache Foundation. In certain cases
>>>> if individuals or organizations hold copyright, we will ensure they
>>>> grant a license to the Apache Foundation. Going forward, all commits
>>>> will be licensed directly to the Apache foundation through our signed
>>>> Individual Contributor License Agreements for all committers on the
>>>> project.
>>>> Upon entering Apache, Litbit will sign over copyright to the Apache
>>>> foundation.
>>>> External Dependencies
>>>> To the best of our knowledge, all of Tempo dependencies (except 0MQ)
>>>> are distributed under Apache compatible licenses. Upon acceptance to
>>>> the incubator, we would begin a thorough analysis of all transitive
>>>> dependencies to verify this fact and introduce license checking into
>>>> the build and release process (for instance integrating Apache Rat).
>>>> Tempo has used 0MQ for some types of internal messaging, and 0MQ is
>>>> licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. We are in the
>>>> process of making the Tempo messaging layer pluggable, and plan to use
>>>> Netty (which is licensed under Apache License v2) as our default
>>>> messaging plugin (while keeping 0MQ as an optional plugin).
>>>> Cryptography
>>>> We do not expect Tempo to be a controlled export item due to the use
>>>> of encryption. Tempo enables encryptions via a digital envelope using:
>>>> RSA 128 Bits
>>>> AES 128 Bits
>>>> Required Resources
>>>> Mailing lists
>>>> tempo-user
>>>> tempo-dev
>>>> tempo-commits
>>>> tempo-private (with moderated subscriptions)
>>>> Subversion Directory
>>>> Git is the preferred source control system: git://git.apache.org/tempo
>>>> Issue Tracking
>>>> JIRA Tempo (Tempo)
>>>> Initial Committers
>>>> Pritesh Bharakhada < pritesh at e2logy dot com >
>>>> Rutvij Clerk <rutvij at litbit dot com>
>>>> Miron Costant <miron at litbit dot com>
>>>> Tony Faustini <tony at litbit dot com >
>>>> Reza Hajebi <reza at litbit dot com>
>>>> Amirhossein Jabbari < amirhossein at litbit dot com>
>>>> Shahin Mowzoon <shahin at litbit dot com>
>>>> Scott Noteboom < notebooms at litbit dot com>
>>>> Sydney Noteboom <sydney at litbit dot com>
>>>> Shailesh Patel < shailesh at e2logy dot com >
>>>> Omkar Prabhu <omkar at litbit dot com >
>>>> Bill Salter <bsalter at enviseco dot com >
>>>> Don Shields <dshields at litbit dot com >
>>>> Affiliations
>>>> Pritesh Bharakhada - e2logy
>>>> Rutvij Clerk - Litbit
>>>> Miron Costant - Litbit
>>>> Tony Faustini - Litbit
>>>> Reza Hajebi - Litbit
>>>> Amirhossein Jabbari - Litbit
>>>> Shahin Mowzoon - Litbit
>>>> Scott Noteboom - Litbit
>>>> Sydney Noteboom - Litbit
>>>> Shailesh Patel - e2logy
>>>> Omkar Prabhu - Litbit
>>>> Bill Salter - Envise
>>>> Don Shields - Litbit
>>>> Sponsors
>>>> litbit
>>>> Champion
>>>> TBD
>>>> We are looking for a champion
>>>> Nominated Mentors
>>>> TBD
>>>> Sponsoring Entity
>>>> The Apache Incubator
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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