-1 (binding).

I'd like to see the community start with CTR, rather than mandatory reviews
via gerrit.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Henry Robinson <he...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Hi -
> The [DISCUSS] thread has been quiet for a few days, so I think there's been
> sufficient opportunity for discussion around our proposal to bring Impala
> to the ASF Incubator.
> I'd like to call a VOTE on that proposal, which is on the wiki at
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ImpalaProposal, and which I've pasted
> below.
> During the discussion period, the proposal has been amended to add Brock
> Noland as a new mentor, to add one missed committer from the list and to
> correct some issues with the dependency list.
> Please cast your votes as follows:
> [] +1, accept Impala into the Incubator
> [] +/-0, non-counted vote to express a disposition
> [] -1, do not accept Impala into the Incubator (please give your reason(s))
> As with the concurrent Kudu vote, I propose leaving the vote open for a
> full seven days (to close at Tuesday, December 1st at noon PST), due to the
> upcoming US holiday.
> Thanks,
> Henry
> --------
> = Abstract =
> Impala is a high-performance C++ and Java SQL query engine for data stored
> in Apache Hadoop-based clusters.
> = Proposal =
> We propose to contribute the Impala codebase and associated artifacts (e.g.
> documentation, web-site content etc.) to the Apache Software Foundation
> with the intent of forming a productive, meritocratic and open community
> around Impala’s continued development, according to the ‘Apache Way’.
> Cloudera owns several trademarks regarding Impala, and proposes to transfer
> ownership of those trademarks in full to the ASF.
> = Background =
> Engineers at Cloudera developed Impala and released it as an
> Apache-licensed open-source project in Fall 2012. Impala was written as a
> brand-new, modern C++ SQL engine targeted from the start for data stored in
> Apache Hadoop clusters.
> Impala’s most important benefit to users is high-performance, making it
> extremely appropriate for common enterprise analytic and business
> intelligence workloads. This is achieved by a number of software
> techniques, including: native support for data stored in HDFS and related
> filesystems, just-in-time compilation and optimization of individual query
> plans, high-performance C++ codebase and massively-parallel distributed
> architecture. In benchmarks, Impala is routinely amongst the very highest
> performing SQL query engines.
> = Rationale =
> Despite the exciting innovation in the so-called ‘big-data’ space, SQL
> remains by far the most common interface for interacting with data in both
> traditional warehouses and modern ‘big-data’ clusters. There is clearly a
> need, as evidenced by the eager adoption of Impala and other SQL engines in
> enterprise contexts, for a query engine that offers the familiar SQL
> interface, but that has been specifically designed to operate in massive,
> distributed clusters rather than in traditional, fixed-hardware,
> warehouse-specific deployments. Impala is one such query engine.
> We believe that the ASF is the right venue to foster an open-source
> community around Impala’s development. We expect that Impala will benefit
> from more productive collaboration with related Apache projects, and under
> the auspices of the ASF will attract talented contributors who will push
> Impala’s development forward at pace.
> We believe that the timing is right for Impala’s development to move
> wholesale to the ASF: Impala is well-established, has been Apache-licensed
> open-source for more than three years, and the core project is relatively
> stable. We are excited to see where an ASF-based community can take Impala
> from this strong starting point.
> = Initial Goals =
> Our initial goals are as follows:
>  * Establish ASF-compatible engineering practices and workflows
>  * Refactor and publish existing internal build scripts and test
> infrastructure, in order to make them usable by any community member.
>  * Transfer source code, documentation and associated artifacts to the ASF.
>  * Grow the user and developer communities
> = Current Status =
> Impala is developed as an Apache-licensed open-source project. The source
> code is available at http://github.com/cloudera/Impala, and developer
> documentation is at https://github.com/cloudera/Impala/wiki. The majority
> of commits to the project have come from Cloudera-employed developers, but
> we have accepted some contributions from individuals from other
> organizations.
> All code reviews are done via a public instance of the Gerrit review tool
> at http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/, and discussed on a public mailing
> list. All patches must be reviewed before they are accepted into the
> codebase, via a voting mechanism that is similar to that used on Apache
> projects such as Hadoop and HBase.
> Before a patch is committed, it must pass a suite of pre-commit tests.
> These tests are currently run on Cloudera’s internal infrastructure. One of
> our initial goals will be to work with the ASF Infrastructure team to find
> a way to run these tests in an acceptable way on publicly accessible
> machines.
> Issues are tracked in JIRA at https://issues.cloudera.org/projects/IMPALA,
> in a way that is extremely similar to existing practices at other ASF
> projects.
> = Meritocracy =
> We understand the central importance of meritocracy to the Apache Way. We
> will work to establish a welcoming, fair and meritocratic community, in
> part by expanding the set of committers on the project. Although Impala’s
> committer list will initially be dominated by members of the Impala
> engineering team at Cloudera, we look forward to growing a rich user and
> developer community.
> = Community =
> Impala has a strong user community (see
> https://groups.google.com/a/cloudera.org/forum/#!forum/impala-user), and a
> growing developer community (see
> https://groups.google.com/a/cloudera.org/forum/#!forum/impala-dev). We
> wish
> to attract more developers to the project, and we believe that the ASF’s
> open and meritocratic philosophy will help us with this. We note the
> success of other, similar projects already part of the ASF.
> = Core Developers =
> Most - but not all - of Impala’s core developers are not currently
> affiliated with the ASF, and will require new ICLAs.
> = Alignment =
> Impala is related to several other Apache projects:
>  * Data that is read by Impala is very often stored in Apache Hadoop
> clusters powered by the HDFS filesystem.
>  * Impala can also read data stored in Apache HBase
>  * Metadata for databases, tables and so on is read by Impala from Apache
> Hive.
>  * The preferred data format for HDFS-based tables is Apache Parquet, and
> Apache Avro is also a supported data format.
>  * Impala is closely integrated with Kudu, which is also being proposed to
> the Incubator.
>  * Impala uses Apache Thrift as its RPC and serialization framework of
> choice.
> = Known Risks =
> == Orphaned Products ==
> Impala is used by most of Cloudera’s customers, and Cloudera remains
> committed to developing and supporting the project. Cloudera has a strong
> track record in standing behind projects that were contributed to the ASF
> by its employees, including Apache Flume, Apache Sqoop, and others. Other
> companies both ship and support Impala, lending credence to the idea that
> Impala is not at risk of being suddenly orphaned.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> Although all committers on the initial list have significant experience
> with at least one open-source project - namely Impala - fewer have much
> experience with ASF-based software projects as contributors and community
> members. However, with the guidance of our mentors, committers who do have
> ASF experience, and time to learn during Incubation, we are confident that
> the project can be run in accordance with Apache principles on an ongoing
> basis.
> == Homogeneous Developers ==
> The initial committers are employees of Cloudera.
> The project has received some contributions from developers outside of
> Cloudera, from individuals belonging to organizations such as Intel and
> Google, from hobbyists and from students using Impala to advance their
> understanding of distributed databases. The project attracted an active
> user community as well. We hope to continue to encourage contributions from
> these developers and community members and grow them into committers after
> they have had time to continue their contributions.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> Many of Impala’s initial set of committers work full-time on Impala, and
> are paid to do so. However, as mentioned elsewhere, we anticipate growth in
> the developer community which we hope will include hobbyists and academics
> who have an interested in distributed data systems.
> == An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
> Although we hope that Impala benefits from the Apache Brand, any reflected
> goodwill to Cloudera as the contributing entity is not the goal of
> establishing Impala as an Apache project. We will work with the Incubator
> PMC and the PRC to ensure that the Apache Brand is respected.
> = Documentation =
> Impala: A Modern, Open-Source SQL Engine for Hadoop (
> http://www.cidrdb.org/cidr2015/Papers/CIDR15_Paper28.pdf)
> Impala’s developer wiki (https://github.com/cloudera/Impala/wiki)
> Impala’s auto-generated API documentation (
> http://impala.io/doc/html/index.html)
> = Initial Source =
> Impala’s initial source contribution will come from
> http://github.com/cloudera/Impala/.
> = External Dependencies =
> Impala depends upon a number of third-party libraries, which we list below.
> We intend to compile a LICENSE.txt file in the very short term (see
> https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/IMPALA-2670).
>  * Google gflags (BSD)
>  * Google glog (BSD)
>  * Apache Thrift (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Commons (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Hadoop (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache HBase (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Hive (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Boost (Boost Software License)
>  * OpenLdap (OpenLDAP Software License)
>  * rapidjson (MIT)
>  * Google RE2 (BSD-style)
>  * lz4 (BSD)
>  * snappy (BSD)
>  * cyrus-sasl (CMU License)
>  * Apache Avro (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Cloudera squeasel (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache htrace (Incubating) (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Sentry (Incubating) (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Shiro (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Twitter Bootstrap (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * d3 (BSD)
>  * LLVM (BSD-like)
> Build and test dependencies:
>  * ant (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * Apache Maven (Apache Software License v2.0)
>  * cmake (BSD)
>  * clang (BSD)
>  * Google gtest (Apache Software License v2.0)
> = Required Resources =
> We request that following resources be created for the project to use:
> == Mailing lists ==
>  * priv...@impala.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
>  * comm...@impala.incubator.apache.org
>  * d...@impala.incubator.apache.org
>  * iss...@impala.incubator.apache.org
>  * u...@impala.incubator.apache.org
> == Git repository ==
> https://git.apache.org/impala.git
> == JIRA instance ==
> == Other Resources ==
> We hope to continue using Gerrit for our code review and commit workflow.
> We are involved with discussions that the Kudu team at Cloudera have been
> having with Jake Farrell to start discussions on how Gerrit can fit into
> the ASF. We know that several other ASF projects or podlings are also
> interested in Gerrit.
> If the Infrastructure team does not have the bandwidth to support gerrit,
> we will continue to support our own instance of gerrit for Impala, and make
> the necessary integrations such that commits are properly authenticated and
> maintain sufficient provenance to uphold the ASF standards (e.g. via the
> solution adopted by the AsterixDB podling).
> = Initial Committers =
>  * Tim Armstrong
>  * Alex Behm
>  * Taras Bobrovytsky
>  * Casey Ching
>  * Martin Grund
>  * Daniel Hecht
>  * Michael Ho
>  * Matthew Jacobs
>  * Ishaan Joshi
>  * Lenni Kuff
>  * Marcel Kornacker
>  * Sailesh Mukil
>  * Henry Robinson
>  * John Russell
>  * Dimitris Tsirogiannis
>  * Skye Wanderman-Milne
>  * Juan Yu
> == Affiliations ==
> All: Cloudera Inc.
> = Sponsors =
> == Champion ==
> Tom White
> == Nominated Mentors ==
>  * Tom White (Cloudera)
>  * Todd Lipcon (Cloudera)
>  * Carl Steinbach (LinkedIn)
>  * Brock Noland (StreamSets)
> = Sponsoring Entity =
> We ask that the Incubator PMC sponsor this proposal.

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