On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 5:57 PM, Konstantin Boudnik <c...@apache.org> wrote:

> On the contrary... The business of the Incubator and IPMC is to help
> podlings
> and their communities to grok and follow the Apache Way. Trust is a
> foundation
> principal of a healthy community. Hence, this whole discussion has quite a
> lot
> of business in the incubator.

Except that there seems to be great disagreement among the Members as to
whether RTC is somehow anti-Apache-Way.

If you want to try to create an ASF-wide resolution that RTC doesn't follow
the Apache Way, and get the board/membership to vote on it, go ahead, but
it confuses podlings who are new to the ASF when people espouse personal
opinions as if they are ASF rules.


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