
The Droids community has voted to retire.

As the Droids community vote was not contested, I plan to wait 72
hours for lazy consensus of the IPMC, then to proceed with the
administrative tasks of retirement.

Marvin Humphrey

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marvin Humphrey <>
Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 11:14 AM
Subject: [VOTE][RESULT] Retire Droids

The vote to retire Droids passes.

  +1 Thorsten Scherler (Mentor)
  +1 Richard Frovarp (Mentor)
  +1 Marvin Humphrey (community)

I will follow up with the IPMC and attend to the administrative
aspects of retirement.

Best wishes to all,

Marvin Humphrey

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Marvin Humphrey <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> As discussed over the last few weeks on this list[1], this is a community vote
> to retire the Droids podling.
> [ ] +1 to retire Droids from the incubator
> [ ] -1 to keep Droids in the incubator
> This vote will be held open for at least 120 hours (5 days).
> Here is my own +1 (non-binding).
> Marvin Humphrey
> [1] 

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