Thanks, it looks like I used http instead of https.

   Roberta Marton

-----Original Message-----
From: Luciano Resende []
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: Question on managing incubator project

It seems you are on the incubator group.

By any chance, did you use svn co http:// instead of svn co https:// ?

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Roberta Marton <>

> I am fairly new to the Apache world and have been given the
> opportunity to be release manager for Apache Trafodion.
> I have spent countless hours reading the Apache documentation; the
> documentation is very thorough but I have some questions and am hoping
> this forum can help.
> As part of releasing, there are a number of web sites that need to be
> updated, for example, the projects site:
> The instructions state, from
> *People with commit access to the "incubator" SVN can edit the source
> documents in the "content" directory. That is any ASF Member and **any
> committer on a current podling in incubation**. So you can all help to
> keep your project's Status page up-to-date, and if you find problems
> with the "guidelines" docs then can immediately fix them. If unsure,
> then discuss changes on the general mailing list. Note that the
> "policy" documents need special treatment.*
> I am a committer on a current podling in incubation.  Therefore, I
> downloaded svn, made changes, had them reviewed, but received permission
> errors when I tried to commit.   It looks like I need to get “commit
> access”, how is this done?
> There are also several other sites that need to be updated to add my
> podling:
> Does commit access give me the ability to update these sites also?  If
> not, how do they get changed.
> I have reviewed  to
> understand the process of updating the project based website.  Are
> there any other guidelines we need to follow to submit changes that I
> have not already mentioned?  Any suggestions on how others manage this
> process would be useful.
>    Thanks for your attention,
>    Roberta Marton

Luciano Resende

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