The Apache Kafka javadoc and scala doc are published with source and
binaries and they can be
generated from source.

There is no javadoc for both producer and consumer (yet but you can
generate from trunk for 0.9) because the new java consumer has been in
development with testing underway now. If you want to consume from Kafka
(as stable) using the project client you have to use the Scala consumer.

There is a lot of documentation especially around the API with lots of good links if
any issues github PR are accepted now.

For more kafka questions feel free to reach out to the community


~ Joe Stein

~ Joe Stein

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Andrew Pennebaker <> wrote:

> In the future, could Apache Incubator require projects to maintain better
> API documentation before graduation? In particular, Kafka has rather sparse
> documentation in v0.8. The Javadocs appear to be randomly hosted on this or
> that professor webpage, and no Kafka javadoc has documentation for
> *both* Consumers
> and Producers.
> --
> Cheers,
> Andrew

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