+1 - binding


> On Oct 9, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Atri Sharma <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following the discussion about Concerted I would like to call a vote for
> accepting Concerted as a new incubator project.
> The proposal text is included below, and available on the wiki:
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ConcertedProposal
> The vote is open for 72 hours:
> [ ] +1 accept Concerted in the Incubator
> [ ] ±0
> [ ] -1 (please give reason)
> Regards,
> Atri
> = Abstract =
> Concerted is an in memory write less read more engine aimed to provide
> extreme read performance with very high degree of concurrency and
> scalability and focus on minimizing own resource footprint.
> = Proposal =
> Concerted is built on the principal that a new type of workload is
> dominating the scene and is now needed to be supported. These are the large
> data set analytical workloads being analyzed or used on large clusters or
> high power machines. Large analytical workloads depend on the ability to
> query large data sets efficiently and in high concurrency while maintaining
> semantics such as immediate consistency. An in memory engine designed to
> support extreme read queries while providing support for aggregation
> through various features (such as multidimensional representation of
> tuples) will accelerate many usecases around large scale analytics.
> Concerted believes that best understanding of user application lies with
> user application developer. The need for massive read scaling should be on
> demand and should be flexible to the level that user can decide as to which
> representation and access of data suits his/her current requirements.
> Hence, Concerted is not built in a traditional client/server model.
> Concerted provides users with an API which can be used to load, read,
> update and delete data. User chooses which data structure has to be used
> for his current requirements. All API access is covered by Concerted's
> internal systems like lock manager, transaction manager and cache manager
> which ensure that reads scale to high level in every API call.
> Concerted is a Do It Yourself in memory platform for making in memory
> supporting engines. The use case we think of is supporting big data
> warehouses like Hive, but there are endless use cases for a custom, highly
> scalable in memory platform.
> The goal of this proposal is to leverage an existing code base available on
> Github and licensed under the Apache License 2.0 to build a community
> around the project. Currently the community consists of existing hackers of
> Concerted as well as people who have been following and associated with the
> project since a while as well as database experts who are excited about
> building a project like this. We are hoping that entering into Apache would
> help us attract more contributors as well as connect with existing big data
> projects like Apache Hive, Apache HAWQ, Apache Storm, Apache Tajo, Apache
> Spark, Apache Geode to leverage their community base while assisting in
> their use cases with Concerted. We had a discussion with founders of Apache
> Tajo and they showed interest in using Concerted for some of their use
> cases.
> = Background =
> Relational databases were built with the cost of physical memory in mind.
> The cost is no longer very relevant and physical memory is now available on
> demand. Another driving factor behind Concerted is that there is a paradigm
> shift with big data coming into picture. Disk IO speeds are more of a
> bottleneck than ever before. Combining the read dominance of analytical
> workload with the speed of in memory structures, Concerted fits the current
> scene. Also, supporting OLAP workloads with in memory support for faster
> read constant queries and joins will be useful.
> = Rationale =
> As explained above, large analytical workloads need an in memory
> lightweight engine which supports massive read concurrency, ground level
> support for aggregations and analytics, extreme scalability and high read
> performance, along with the engine being very light itself. Concerted aims
> to solve these needs. Concerted is designed and built with three goals as
> objectives:
> Performance
>    To provide high performance access to data from a large number of rows,
> Concerted uses efficient representation and in memory indexing of data
> coupled with high performance transactions, custom transactions and
> lightweight locking and lockless techniques and an intelligent locking
> manager.
> Scalability
>    Concerted is built with extreme concurrency and scalability in mind.
> Efficiency
>    Concerted aims to give expected performance under vast variety of
> workloads and aims to have as low footprint as possible.
> = Initial Goals =
> The initial goal is to leverage an existing code base and invest in
> building a community around the project. We anticipate a lot of initial
> restructuring of the existing code so that it becomes easier to include new
> contributors and minimize ramp up time. We plan to approach this
> refactoring in a fully transparent, community-driven way thus starting to
> practice the "Apache Way" governance model from the get go.
> Various contributors are getting individual changes into branches in github
> repository and our initial major goal will be to merge in all those changes
> in master repository.
> = Current Status =
> Concerted is currently under restructuring to suit the needs of an open
> source project. Current source is available at
> https://github.com/atris/Concerted (Please note that updated codebase is
> not yet present on github) Concerted is currently being licensed under
> Apache License 2.0. Most of the code base is implemented in C and C++ and
> has external dependencies listed later.
> == Meritocracy ==
> We plan to drive the technical roadmap and implementation in a fully
> transparent, community-driven way soliciting feedback from all of the
> community members and building a consensus-driven approach to evolving the
> code base and the community itself. Users and new contributors will be
> treated with respect and welcomed. By participating in the community and
> providing quality patches/support that move the project forward,
> contributors will earn merit. They also will be encouraged to provide
> non-code contributions (documentation, events, community management, etc.)
> and will gain merit for doing so. Those with a proven support and quality
> track record will be encouraged to become committers.
> == Community ==
> In memory is the new cutting edge thing and a new community around
> performance oriented systems and enhancing relational database performance
> by having complete in memory OLTP engines will greatly benefit performance.
> So we expect data warehousing projects and communities as well as projects
> and companies looking for high performance OLTP performance. In addition,
> Ingenium Data Systems is building products around Concerted and will have
> salaried developers contribute to the project as part of job responsibility.
> == Core Developers ==
> Core developers are a diverse group of developers, many of which are very
> experienced in open source and the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. Specifically,
> Atri is an Apache Apex committer and Atri and Pavel are major contributors
> to PostgreSQL project.Atri is also committer for other open source projects.
> * Amrish <amrishs AT ingeniumsys DOT com>
> * Nupur S <nupurs AT ingeniumsys DOT com>
> * Pavel Stehule <pavel DOT stehule AT gmail.com>
> * Atri Sharma <atri AT apache DOT org>
> * Nishith Singhal <nishsinghal AT gmail DOT com>
> * Michael Down <michael AT dowuk DOT com>
> * Vijayakumar Ramdoss <vijayakumar DOT ramdoss AT emc DOT com>
> * Wang Albert <albertwang87 AT gmail DOT com>
> * Hans-Jurgen Schonig <postgres AT cybertec DOT at>
> * Kris Popat <krispopat AT apache DOT org>
> * Ayrton Gomesz <com DOT ayrton AT gmail DOT com>
> == Alignment ==
> Concerted will be helpful to systems like Tajo which can benefit with in
> memory structures optimized for heavy reads and joins (dimension tables).
> In addition Concerted will benefit projects looking for in memory
> relational database as a metadata store, which is the case for most of the
> Apache Big Data projects. We expect Apache HAWQ (incubating), Apache Hive,
> Apache Storm, Apache Tajo to be utilizing Concerted as a supporting engine.
> For eg, a data warehouse built on HAWQ, Hive or Tajo can utilize Concerted
> as an in memory engine for querying and joining dimensional tables.
> = Known Risks =
> == Orphaned Products ==
> Most of the code is developed by a small group of core developers and this
> may be a risk for orphaned product. However, the code base is simple as
> compared to other open source projects and the interest level in Concerted
> has risen exponentially over the years with many computer professionals
> expressing interest in the project and doing some use cases of the
> same.Specifically, there were some projects done around Concerted in JIIT,
> Noida (an engineering school) and Wang is a student in Lehigh University
> who has been following Concerted's progress over many years. The core
> developers are aligned with this project and since the code base is simple,
> future committers will have a quick ramp up and the risk shall be
> mitigated. Besides, Ingenium Data Systems is launching a product based on
> Concerted and will be having all its salaried developers contribute to
> Concerted as a part of their job functions.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> Most of the initial committers have experience working on open source
> projects. In particular, Atri is an active member of many open source
> projects.
> == Homogeneous Developers ==
> Although initial core developers were based out of India, community now
> consists of computer professionals from various parts of the world hence
> diversity should not be an issue. In addition, we will be documenting
> internals of the project in public facing documents and it shall allow more
> contributors to join in.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> It is expected that Concerted development will occur on both salaried time
> and on volunteer time. Nupur and Amrish belong to Ingenium and are
> committed to building this project along with their team. Atri, as the
> originator of this project, will be actively working on the project and is
> now pushing Concerted into major data warehousing projects, since he is
> involved in architecture of data platforms. Developers are expected to be
> contributing in their volunteer time. In addition, we will be working with
> various open source projects which will be benefited by Concerted and will
> be involving those communities into Concerted's development as well. For
> eg, Apache Tajo has shown interest and will be supporting development of
> the project.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
> Concerted has some overlapping function with Apache Geode(Incubating).
> However, Geode is an in memory key value store whereas Concerted is a write
> less read many engine. Concerted will complement Geode and increase the use
> cases Geode can support with Concerted's help.
> A major objective for Concerted is supporting OLAP workloads and data
> warehouses with in memory performance and highly performant reads and
> joins. Concerted will be collaborating with many open source projects such
> as Apache HAWQ (incubating), Apache Hive, Apache Tajo etc to support their
> OLAP workloads hence enabling them to support larger set of usecases with a
> better throughput. For eg, a star schema in Hive will benefit from having
> dimension tables in Concerted with highly efficient and scalable reads and
> joins will be very fast. Similar workload for Tajo.
> Concerted will fit in many other use cases in Apache spectrum as well. For
> eg, Concerted can be used with Apache Geode for in memory aggregation
> indexing. Concerted can also be used with Apache Flink for streaming real
> time data into in memory, perform in memory aggregation and then performing
> batch processing for efficiency.
> == A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
> We believe that the "Apache Way" governance model will provide additional
> help to us in finding contributors and growing the community. The community
> and development process will make this project more stable and help
> establish ubiquitous APIs. In addition, Concerted is looking to support
> multiple Apache projects in their use cases and accelerate their
> performance while soliciting their support in development of the project.
> We will not be using Apache brand for excessive branding or with any
> commercial aspects of Concerted. Apache brand will primarily be used for
> community building.
> = Documentation =
> Public documents are currently in development and will be published soon.
> = Initial Source =
> The initial source is written in C++ and is heavily in development. It will
> be restructured and released publicly.
> We understand that there might be concerns around github source being
> developed by only a single person and development not happening after 2013.
> The source on github is only the source initially developed as an
> independent project hence the limitation. However, due to reason that
> project has been present on github for a while now, it has attracted
> attention and people have been using and developing it locally. For eg,
> Ingenium Data System took an interest in the project and locally developed
> it and used it in an upcoming product they are going to release soon. The
> project now wants to accumulate all independent development efforts and
> help attract people to grow the community and project. We are currently in
> process of updating github repository and making branches for all local
> development efforts.
> = Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
> We intend the entire code base to be licensed under the Apache License,
> Version 2.0.
> = External Dependencies =
> Currently, Concerted only depends on g++ compiler and pthreads. pthreads
> will be replaced by Boost in next release.
> = Cryptography =
> N/A
> = Required Resources =
> == Mailling List ==
> *priv...@concerted.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions)
> *comm...@concerted.incubator.apache.org
> *d...@concerted.incubator.apache.org
> *iss...@concerted.incubator.apache.org
> == Git Repository ==
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-concerted.git
> == Issue Tracking ==
> Jira Concerted (CONCERTED)
> == Other Resources ==
> * Continuous Integration
>  * Jenkins
> * Wiki
>  * cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CONCERTED
> = Initial Committers =
> * Roman Shaposhnik <rvs AT apache DOT org>
> * Daniel Dai <daijy AT apache DOT org>
> * Jake Farrell <jfarrell AT apache DOT org>
> * Lars Hofhansl <larsh AT apache DOT org>
> * Julian Hyde <jhyde AT apache DOT org>
> * Chris Nauroth <cnauroth AT hortonworks DOT com>
> * Pavel Stehule <pavel DOT stehule AT gmail.com>
> * Amrish <amrishs AT ingeniumsys DOT com>
> * Nupur S <nupurs AT ingeniumsys DOT com>
> * Atri Sharma <atri AT apache DOT org>
> * Nishith Singhal <nishsinghal AT gmail DOT com>
> * Michael Down <michael AT dowuk DOT com>
> * Vijayakumar Ramdoss <vijayakumar DOT ramdoss AT emc DOT com>
> * Wang Albert <albertwang87 AT gmail DOT com>
> * Hans-Jurgen Schonig <postgres AT cybertec DOT at>
> * Kris Popat <krispopat AT apache DOT org>
> * Ayrton Gomesz <com DOT ayrton AT gmail DOT com>
> = Affiliations =
> * Roman Shaposhnik (Pivotal)
> * Daniel Dai (HortonWorks)
> * Jake Farrell (Acquia)
> * Lars Hofhansl (Salesforce)
> * Julian Hyde (HortonWorks)
> * Chris Nauroth (HortonWorks)
> * Pavel Stehule (GoodData)
> * Amrish (Ingenium Data Systems)
> * Nupur S (Ingenium Data Systems)
> * Atri Sharma (Barclays)
> * Nishith Singhal (Wipro)
> * Michael Down (Barclays)
> * Vijayakumar Ramdoss (EMC)
> * Wang Albert (Lehigh University)
> * Hans- Jurgen Schonig (CyberTec)
> * Kris Popat (CETIS LLP)
> * Ayrton Gomesz (IQLabs)
> The nominated mentors are employees of HortonWorks, Acquia, and Salesforce.
> * Daniel Dai (HortonWorks)
> * Jake Farrell (Acquia)
> * Lars Hofhansl (Salesforce)
> * Julian Hyde (HortonWorks)
> * Chris Nauroth (HortonWorks)
> = Sponsors =
> == Champion ==
> * Roman Shaposhnik (rvs AT apache DOT org)
> == Nominated Mentors ==
> * Daniel Dai <daijy AT apache DOT org>
> * Jake Farrell <jfarrell AT apache DOT org>
> * Lars Hofhansl <larsh AT apache DOT org>
> * Julian Hyde <jhyde AT apache DOT org>
> * Chris Nauroth <cnauroth AT hortonworks DOT com>
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
> Apache Incubator

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