
The monthly Board meeting generally falls on the third Wednesday of the
month, and we schedule our reporting around that:

*   1st Wed: Podling reports due
*   2nd Wed: Incubator report due (along with all other TLP reports)
*   3rd Wed: Board meeting

A system is in place which sends out reminders in advance of report due
dates, but we expect that projects know when they are supposed to file.
The reminders are *only* a courtesy and not receiving a reminder does
not absolve a project of the requirement to file a report on time.

Next month, though, it appears that the Board meeting has been scheduled
for the 14th, which is the **2nd** Wednesday.  If this date holds, our
reporting schedule needs to be accelerated.

I have an email in to board@apache requesting confirmation of the
meeting date.  Depending on the answer, I plan to perform one of two

*   If the announcement of the 14th was in error and the Board will
    actually meet on the 21st, I will send out emails to the podlings
    who received reminders today letting them know that they have more
    time to file their reports.
*   If the 14th is confirmed, I plan to email podlings whose reports are
    due requesting that they file their reports by this **Friday**
    rather than Wednesday.  This will compress the schedule for Mentors,
    shepherds and the Report Manager, but I think it is the best
    compromise given the situation.

If a few more podlings than average slip a month because of the abrupt
deadline, no big deal -- filing one month late every once in a while is
perfectly fine.  My goal is simply to coordinate so that we file a
report that upholds our usual high standards rather than something

Marvin Humphrey

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