I just want to say, I'm very excited about this project, and am happy
to contribute any way I can.  I've been thinking a lot lately
about how to build a scalable RDF system using something
like Spark, so this definitely intrigues me.


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On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 9:03 AM, Adina Crainiceanu <ad...@usna.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> We would like to start a discussion on accepting Rya, a scalable RDF data
> management system built on top of Accumulo. into Apache Incubator.
> The proposal is available online at
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/RyaProposal and also at the end of this
> email.
> We are looking for additional mentors to help us with the project. Any
> advice and help will be appreciated.
> Thank you very much,
> Adina
> = Rya Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Rya (pronounced "ree-uh" /rēə/) is a cloud-based RDF triple store that
> supports SPARQL queries.
> == Proposal ==
> Rya is a scalable RDF data management system built on top of Accumulo. Rya
> uses novel storage methods, indexing schemes, and query processing
> techniques that scale to billions of triples across multiple nodes. Rya
> provides fast and easy access to the data through SPARQL, a conventional
> query mechanism for RDF data.
> == Background ==
> RDF is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard used in describing
> resources on the Web. The smallest data unit is a triple consisting of
> subject, predicate, and object. Using this framework, it is very easy to
> describe any resource, not just Web related. For example, if you want to
> say that Alice is a professor, you can represent this as an RDF triple like
> (Alice, rdf:type, Professor). In general, RDF is an open world framework
> that allows anyone to make any statement about any resource, which makes it
>  a popular choice for expressing a large variety of data.
> RDF is used in conjunction with the Web Ontology Language (OWL). OWL is a
> framework for describing models or ontologies for RDF. It defines concepts,
> relationships, and/or structure of RDF documents. These models can be used
> to 'reason/infer' information about entities within a given domain. For
> example, you can express that a Professor is a sub class of Faculty,
> (Professor, rdfs:subClassOf, Faculty) and knowing that (Alice, rdf:type,
> Professor), it can be inferred that (Alice, rdf:type, Faculty).
> SPARQL is an RDF query language. Similar with SQL, SPARQL has SELECT and
> WHERE clauses; however, it is based on querying and retrieving RDF triples.
> Work on Rya, a large scale distributed system for  storing and querying RDF
> data, started in 2010.
> == Rationale ==
> With the increase in data size, there is a need for scalable systems for
> storing and retrieving RDF data in a cluster of nodes. We believe that Rya
> can fulfil that role. We expect that communities within government, health
> care, finance, and others who generate large amounts of RDF data will be
> most interested in this project.
> From its inception, the project operated with an Apache-style license, but
> it was open to mostly US government-related projects only. We believe that
> having the project and the development open for all will benefit both the
> project and the interested communities.
> == Current Status ==
> The project source code and documentation are currently hosted in a private
> repository on Github. New users are added to the repository upon request.
> === Meritocracy ===
> Meritocracy is the model that we currently follow, and we want to build a
> larger and more diverse developer community by becoming an Apache project.
> === Community ===
> Rya has being building a community of users and developers for the past 3
> years. There is currently an active workgroup with monthly meetings and the
> number of participants in the meeting is increasing.
> === Core Developers ===
> The core developers are a diverse group of people who are either government
> employees or former / current government contractors from different
> companies.
> === Alignment ===
> Rya is built on top of Accumulo, an Apache project.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned Products ===
> There is a very small risk of becoming orphaned. The current contributors
> are strongly committed to the project, there is a large enough number of
> developers interested in contributing to the project, and we believe that
> the support for the project will continue to grow from the interested
> communities.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The initial committers have various degrees of experience with open source
> projects - from very new to experienced. This project was open source
> within government from the beginning. We do not expect to have difficulties
> in operating under Apache's development process.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The current list of developers form a heterogeneous group, with people for
> academia, government, and industry, collaborating from distributed
> geographic locations. We aim to expand the list of contributors with the
> help of the Apache incubation process.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Many but not all of the developers working on the project are salaried
> employees, paid to work on this project. They will continue to contribute
> to the open source project. Some of the initial committers continued as
> volunteers even if no longer employed to work on this project and they plan
> to continue supporting the project.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Rya uses Apache Accumulo, Hadoop, Zookeeper, Maven.
> === Apache Brand ===
> Rya has generated interest in the government. It also generated interest
> within academia and industry. We believe that everyone could benefit from
> having Rya as an open source project. Due to its strong ties to Accumulo,
> an Apache project, and due to the values of the Apache Foundation, we
> believe that Apache incubator is the right place for Rya.
> == Documentation ==
> Two peer-reviewed publications [1,2] about Rya were published in 2012 and
> 2015. More documentation is available in the code.
> [1] Roshan Punnoose, Adina Crainiceanu, David Rapp. Rya: A Scalable RDF
> Triple Store for the Clouds. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop
> on Cloud Intelligence, Pages 4:1-4:8, August 2012
> [2] Roshan Punnoose, Adina Crainiceanu, David Rapp. SPARQL in the Clouds
> Using Rya. Information Systems, Volume 48, Pages 181-195, March 2015
> (Available online 23 July 2013)
> == Initial Source ==
> The code is currently available in a private Github repository.
> https://github.com/LAS-NCSU/rya
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> The source code has been released under the Apache License, Version 2.
> Software grant, and CCLAs have been submitted. ICLAs for initial committers
> have been submitted or are in progress.
> == External Dependencies ==
>  * Open RDF (BSD license)
>  * GeoMesa (Apache License, Version 2.0)
>  * Accumulo (Apache License, Version 2.0)
>  * Hadoop (Apache License, Version 2.0)
>  * TinkerPop (Apache License, Version 2.0)
>  * IndexingSail (Apache License, Version 2.0)
> == Cryptography ==
> The proposal does not involve any cryptographic code.
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
>  * priv...@rya.incubator.apache.org
>  * d...@rya.incubator.apache.org
>  * comm...@rya.incubator.apache.org
> === Git Repository ===
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-rya.git
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA Rya
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Roshan Punnoose, roshanp at gmail dot com
>  * David Rapp, dnrapp at ncsu dot edu
>  * Adina Crainiceanu, adinancr at gmail dot com
>  * Aaron Mihalik, aaron.mihalik at gmail dot com
>  * Puja Valiyil, pujav65 at gmail dot com
>  * Jennifer Brown, jennifer.brown at parsons dot com
>  * Steve Wagner, steve.r.wagner at gmail dot com
> == Affiliations ==
>  * Roshan Punnoose, Enlighten IT Consulting
>  * David Rapp, North Carolina State University
>  * Adina Crainiceanu, US Naval Academy
>  * Aaron Mihalik, Parsons
>  * Puja Valiyil, Parsons
>  * Jennifer Brown, Parsons
>  * Steve Wagner, Enlighten IT Consulting
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> Adam Fuchs, ASF Member, afuchs at apache dot org
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> Josh Elser josh dot elser at gmail dot com
> We are seeking additional mentors
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> Apache Incubator

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