Some misc comments on the great feedback we have received so far (thanks to all 
for your help and interest):

* Sergio, Ralph, we are happy to have you as mentors of Freemarker. I have 
edited the proposal document to include you in the mentors group; five mentors 
is plenty, so we should be good under this aspect. Jacques, you offered to 
mentor in another thread; thanks but for mentoring it's required to be a member 
of the IPMC or of the ASF

* I agree with Bertrand and Ted that it will be mandatory for this project to 
build a larger community: in fact we are aware about this and are determined to 
work hard to grow an healthy (even if small) community, if we will be accepted 
in the Incubator; some good ideas have been proposed in this thread by John and 
Chris about how to do this and we will discuss other ideas as well

* Julian and Ralph mentioned Velocity as a somewhat similar project; it is 
definitely true that there are similarities in scope (they are both Java 
template engines) but we don't think that merging them would be a good fit 
because there are big differences in the architecture, codebase, philosophy and 
history; as you have suggested we are going to include a sentence that explains 
the relationship with Velocity in our proposal


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