+1 (non-binding) On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Following the discussion earlier in the thread: > http://s.apache.org/KWE > > I would like to call a VOTE for accepting Groovy > as a new incubator project. > > The proposal is available at: > https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/GroovyProposal > and is also included at the bottom of this email. > > Vote is open until at least Saturday, 21st March 2015, 23:59:00 PST > > [ ] +1 accept Groovy in the Incubator > [ ] ±0 > [ ] -1 because... > > Thanks, > Roman. > > == Abstract == > Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java > platform. It is a language with features similar to those of Python, > Ruby, Java, Perl, and Smalltalk. > Groovy, if accepted by Incubator, will be a first major programming > language developed under the umbrella of Apache Software Foundation. > > == Proposal == > Groovy is a programming language for the Java platform. It is a > primarily dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, > Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk. It also has optional static type checking > and static compilation facilities. It can be used as a scripting > language for the Java Platform or to write complete applications, is > compiled to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode, and interoperates > with other Java code and libraries. Groovy uses a Java-like > curly-bracket syntax. Most Java code is also syntactically valid > Groovy, although semantics may be different. Groovy has long been > developed under an Apache License v2.0 under an open governance > community management process. However, so far Groovy has been a > project mostly sponsored by a single company. This proposal aims at > bringing Groovy community under the umbrella of the Apache Software > Foundation. > > It must be explicitly noted, that a few sister projects such as Groovy > Eclipse and others (some of them hosted under > https://github.com/groovy and listed at > http://groovy-lang.org/ecosystem.html) are not covered by this > proposal. It is possible that these other projects will be joining ASF > either independently or as sub-projects of Apache Groovy in the > future. For now, we are only proposing groovy-core. > > == Background == > Groovy 1.0 was released on January 2, 2007, and Groovy 2.0 in July, > 2012. Groovy 2.5 is planned for release in 2015. Groovy 3.0 is planned > for release in 2016, with support for a new Meta Object Protocol. > Since version 2, Groovy can also be compiled statically, offering type > inference and performance very close to that of Java. Groovy 2.4 will > be the last major release under Pivotal Software's sponsorship, which > is scheduled to end on March 31, 2015. > > == Rationale == > Groovy is a pretty mature language. After 12 years of development, it > has grown from being primarily a dynamic scripting language on the JVM > to an optionally statically compiled language allowing the same > performance level as Java applications. With the release of Groovy > 2.4, the language targets the largest pool of mobile developers with > native Android support. Groovy has been integrated in a large number > of applications, including well known open-source projects like > Jenkins, Gradle, ElasticSearch, Spring and more. > > There are multiple alternative languages on the JVM: Scala, Clojure, > Ceylon, Kotlin, JRuby, Golo and others but Groovy is the only one > which has proved to be very easy to integrate with Java in both ways: > Groovy code using Java code, but also Java code using Groovy code. > Groovy even provides a joint compiler which allows interdependent Java > and Groovy classes to compile together. Groovy also supports dynamic > code generation, that is to say classes at runtime, making it a > perfect fit for scripting. With a very lightweight and malleable > syntax, it is also easy to build internal Domain Specific Languages > (DSLs) which integrate smoothly within applications. > > Groovy provides a number of unique features, like builders (Java 8 has > lambdas but still has syntactic overhead and no notion of delegate), > AST transformations (compile-time metaprogramming) or type checking > extensions (which allows the developer to bring the compiler to levels > of type checking and type inference that go far beyond what other > languages do). Groovy also provides powerful integration options and > customizations which set it apart from other languages. Groovy is also > unique in the way it allows the developer to choose between various > paradigms without compromise: functional vs object-oriented, > statically compiled vs dynamic, scripting vs applications, etc. > > Despite all those advantages, and the fact that Groovy is widely > adopted (4.5 million downloads in 2014 for Groovy alone), only a few > Apache projects include Groovy and not a lot of them leverage its full > power. Some developers tend to choose Scala for example to build DSLs > without even knowing that the learning curve is much easier with > Groovy, or that they can leverage powerful type inference in their own > DSLs. > > Android development is also a domain where the weight of Java and > old-style APIs is heavy. Groovy 2.4 has proved that Android > development could benefit from its closures, extension methods and > static compilation to build applications which are as fast as Java, > but with code which is much more maintainable and decoupled from > Android APIs. Code generation libraries like SwissKnife illustrate > what Groovy can offer for Android development. However, without > full-time development on this topic, Groovy has a very tough > competition with languages like Kotlin being intensively (and > privately) sponsored to target this platform. With Groovy joining > Apache, we hope that more developers would be able to join the effort > and help reduce the footprint of the language, build libraries that > leverage the full power of Groovy while fostering the long-term future > of the language. > > > == Initial Goals == > The initial goals of the Groovy transition under the ASF umbrella are > to establish a new home for an already fully functioning project and > also make sure that the entire development community governs itself in > the "Apache Way". > > Please note that a sister project of Groovy -- Grails -- is not part > of this proposal. If Grails community makes a decision to join ASF it > will do so as an independent, albeit related, project. > > == Current Status == > Currently Groovy provides a fully functional implementation licensed > under ALv2. The project home is at http://groovy-lang.org/ and the > majority of development is coordinated via GitHub > https://github.com/groovy. The project sports a very mature > documentation and ecosystem of projects leveraging it. In fact, quite > a few existing ASF project have various plugins or subsystems written > in Groovy (Bigtop, CloudStack, etc.). > > === Meritocracy === > Groovy, up to this, has been run by a few core project members with a lot > of > contributions coming from a wide community of participants in the project. > > We want to expand our diverse developer and user community and run the > Groovy project in > the Apache way clearly signaling not only the licensing, but also the > governance choice. > > Users and new contributors will be treated with respect and welcomed; > they will earn > merit in the project by providing quality patches and support that > move the project forward. > > Those with a proven support and quality patch track record will be > encouraged to become committers. > > === Community === > There are just a few core team members with over a hundred > contributors to the project. If Groovy is accepted > by the Incubator, transitioning the community to embrace the Apache > Way of governance would be a primary initial goal. > We would solicit major existing contributors to become committers on > the project from the get go. > > === Core Developers === > > Core developers include folks who are extremely skilled in working in the > openly > governed communities on code bases license under the ALv2. The core > developers are > NOT currently affiliated with the ASF, although quite a few contributors > are. > > === Alignment === > > Groovy has been integrated into Apache Bigtop, Apache CloudStack, > Apache Ofbiz and quite a few other projects. > > == Known Risks == > As noted above, development has been sponsored mostly by a single > company and coordinated > mostly by the core team so far. > > For Groovy to fully transition to an "Apache Way" governance model it > needs to > start embracing the meritocracy-centric way of growing the community > of contributors > while balancing it with the needs for extreme stability and coherency > of the core > language implementation. > > Groovy has historically been hosted at Codehaus. While the project has > started > to migrate off the Codehaus infrastructure, some critical tools of the > project are > still hosted there: JIRA, the mailing-list, and the deprecated wiki. > Codehaus has > announced end-of-support for mid-April, making the migration critical. > > === Orphaned products === > > The community proposing Groovy for incubation is a strong and vibrant > open source > project. Even though the sponsorship of the core team by Pivotal is > ending on March 31st, > the sheer size and diversity of the community is a guarantee against > the project being orphaned. > > === Inexperience with Open Source === > The majority of the proposers here have day jobs that has them working near > full-time on open source projects. A few of us have helped carry > other projects through the Incubator. Groovy to date has been developed as > an open source project. > > === Homogeneous Developers === > Now that Pivotal is ending its sponsorship, the initial group of committers > is going to be extremely heterogeneous when it comes to corporate > affiliations. > The Groovy community is also extremely diverse in terms of geography and > backgrounds of developers. > > === Reliance on Salaried Developers === > Most of the contributors are paid to work in the Java ecosystem. > While we might wander from our current employers, we probably won’t > go far from the Java family tree. > > === Relationships with Other Apache Products === > Groovy currently has a few ASF projects as optional dependencies but > otherwise doesn't depend on any ASF projects. A few > ASF projects already depend on Groovy. > > === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand === > While we intend to leverage the Apache ‘branding’ when talking to other > projects as testament of our project’s ‘neutrality’, we have no plans > for making use of Apache brand in press releases nor posting billboards > advertising acceptance of Groovy into Apache Incubator. > > > == Documentation == > See [[http://www.groovy-lang.org/documentation.html|documentation]] > for the current state of the Groovy > documentation. > > A mature project website is also available at > [[http://www.groovy-lang.org/|groovy-lang.org]]. > > == Initial Source == > Initial source is available on GitHub under the ALv2 > [[https://github.com/groovy/groovy-core|groovy-core]] > > > == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan == > We know of no legal encumberments in the way of transfer of source to > Apache. In fact, given the > series of corporate due diligence procedures performed on the source > code during two of the > acquisitions we expect the code base to be squeaky clean from an IP > perspective. > > == External Dependencies == > Embedded dependencies (relocated): > > * Antlr 2, ANTLR 2 License (development branch includes Antlr4 > using BSD license) > * ASM, BSD > * Openbeans (ALv2) > * Apache Commons CLI (ALv2) > > Module or optional dependencies: > > * Apache Ant (ALv2) > * Apache Commons BSF (ALv2) > * Apache Commons Logging (ALv2) > * Apache Ivy (ALv2) > * Apache Log4j (ALv2) > * Apache Log4j 2 (ALv2) > * JAnsi (ALv2) > * JCommander (ALv2) > * JLine 2 (BSD) > * JUnit (EPL 1.0) > * Logback (EPL 1.0) > * QDox (ALv2) > * SLF4J (MIT) > * TestNG (ALv2) > > Build only dependencies: > > * bnd (ALv2) > * jarjar (ALv2) > * Checkstyle (LGPL) > * Cobertura (GPL) > * Gradle (ALv2) > * Asciidoctor (MIT) > * Simian (http://www.harukizaemon.com/simian/get_it_now.html) > > Test only dependencies: > > * Apache Commons HTTP Client (ALv2) > * Apache Lucene (ALv2) > * Eclipse OSGi (EPL 1.0) > * GPars (ALv2) > * HSQLDB (BSD) > * JMock (jMock Project License) > * OpenEJB (ALv2) > * Spock (ALv2) > * XMLUnit 1 (BSD) > * XStream (BSD) > > Cryptography > N/A > > == Required Resources == > > === Mailing lists === > * priv...@groovy.incubator.apache.org (moderated subscriptions) > * comm...@groovy.incubator.apache.org > * d...@groovy.incubator.apache.org > * iss...@groovy.incubator.apache.org > * u...@groovy.incubator.apache.org > > === Git Repository === > https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-groovy.git > > === Issue Tracking === > JIRA Groovy (GROOVY) > > === Other Resources === > > A build server is currently sponsored by Jetbrains (TeamCity): > http://ci.groovy-lang.org?guest=1 > The CI server has a number of build plans including multiple JDKs (5 > to 9), 3rd party joint builds and integration with the Groovy website > (automatic deployment upon push). > > Means of setting up regular builds for Groovy on builds.apache.org > > == Initial Committers == > * Cédric Champeau > * Guillaume Laforge > * Jochen Theodorou > * Paul King > * Pascal Schumacher > > == Affiliations == > * Pivotal: Cédric Champeau, Jochen Theodorou > * Restlet: Guillaume Laforge > * ASERT: Paul King > * Pascal Schumacher > > == Sponsors == > > === Champion === > Roman Shaposhnik > > === Nominated Mentors === > * Bertrand Delacretaz - Apache Member > * Emmanuel Lecharny - Apache Member > * Jim Jagielski - Apache Member > * Roman Shaposhnik - Apache Member > * Andrew Bayer - Apache Member > * Konstantin Boudnik - IPMC Member > > Six mentors is plenty, we are not looking for more mentors at this time. > > === Sponsoring Entity === > We would like to propose Apache incubator to sponsor this project. > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org > For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org > >