JimJag, for years, has written about the cultural implications of
DVCS, and the email here supports what he's written. So I think we
need to pay close attention.

I think that we care about both PMC and committer inventory. I, for
one, would not want to see an Apache project that restricted commit
access to a small group of PMC gatekeepers. You might think of it as
'commit=PMC' gone bad. I think that an important piece of Apache
culture is that a very wide group of people is trusted with access to
add to the main line of development, trusting in the PMC to use the
tools available to attend to the rare mishap.

This has nothing to do with the start of incubation in my view. Groovy
can start with 2 committers or 200. By the end of incubation, however,
I would hope to see some cultural shift in the direction of broad
commit access. Given the existing size and health of the community,
I'd agree with others that the usual concern of worrying about the
community reaching and maintain critical mass does not come up.

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