Hi general@, Over the last while a number of individuals have been putting together a proposal and gathering interest in proposing Commons RDF for acceptance into the Apache Incubator. Having worked our way through the Incubator documentation checklists - http://incubator.apache.org/guides/proposal.html#formulating, we are now brining this proposal back to the general@ list.
Commons RDF is a set of interfaces for the RDF 1.1 concepts that can be used to expose common RDF-1.1 concepts using common Java interfaces. The current CommondRDFProposal document can be found at - https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/CommonsRDFProposal This thread is therefore aimed at obtaining general consensus from the incubator community on whether the proposal document is suitable and whether the project as described should begin an incubation period at Apache. The VOTE is therefore as follows [ ] +1 I am happy with Commons RDF entering incubation [ ] +0/-0 I am neither yay or nay [ ] -1 I am not happy with this proposal because.... The VOTE will be open for at least 72 hours. p.s. Here is my +1 PPMC binding -- *Lewis*