This is fantastic. Thanks you, Niclas! On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 8:15 PM, Niclas Hedhman <> wrote:
> Roman, > > See comments below to > > > > 2.1 --> I suggest to change the word "probationary" to "provisional". I > also suggest that a text is added such as; 'It is required that the > "provisional" concept is explained in detail to the users, for instance by > linking to page http://xxxx' where xxxx is another page on ComDev > explaining pTLP from the user's perspective. > > After the two bullet points, the following text "At the same time those > folks are beholden to the project not an external entity (like IPMC). By > creating a PMC that understands what is needed, then a pTLP can groom new > PMC members, and use the standard process for adding them to the PMC. The > Board doesn't care about committership, so the pTLP can do whatever it > wants in that regard." sounds to me a bit harsh, and I would like to > suggest the following instead; > "The initial PMC should therefor, at least in theory, have a stronger base > for grooming new committers and PMC members, than the regular podling > graduate." > > > I think that 3.7. to 3.9. are really not necessary. I would like to suggest > to change that to; > > 3. > 7. "The first business for the initial PMC is to complete the pTLP > checklist of tasks, primarily in coordinating with infrastructure, end > ensure compliance with branding and legal policies. See http://xxxxx/" > 8. "The pTLP day-to-day operation is identical to a regular TLP. It is > recommended that the PMC members are extra careful, to avoid confrontation > and seek consensus to the greatest extent possible, and to explicitly > explain all activities in greater detail to community members, as part of > the learning process." > > > Below is the beginning of tasks that should be listed, and I think a > separate page for this, order not totally thought through. These tasks > could exist as a set of one Jira tasks with a subtask for each, which can > be cloned for each new project. > > Setting up a Provisional Top Level Project > > * Complete Name Search in accordance with Branding policy at > > * Check PMC Chair is recorded in LDAP. > * Request Jira from INFRA > * Request Mailing lists from INFRA > * Add project to Reporting Schedule > * Request source control (svn or git) from INFRA > * Submission of ICLAs from existing committers. > * Submission of CCLAs from affected companies > * IP Clearance as described on > * Filing of Software Grant, if applicable. > * Change to Apache License v2.0, if applicable. > * Update Apache Navigation to include project > * Request User Accounts from INFRA > * Request CMS from INFRA > * Migrate existing documentation to Apache. > * Ensure "Provisional" markings are adhered to, and link to http://.... > * Enable Notifications from Jira to Mailing list > * Migrate existing codebase to Apache > * Ensure dependency licensing compatibility, see > > * Review legal compliance on all dependencies, in particular NOTICE file. > * Ensure compliance with Branding policy > * Establish self-assessed Apache Maturity Model declaration. > > There might more that I can't think of this morning. > -- > Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer > - New Energy for Java >