Wonderful; thanks, Ted!!

On 1/19/15 11:29 PM, Ted Dunning wrote:

Chris just asked me under separate cover.

I am happy to help out as mentor.

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Henry Saputra <henry.sapu...@gmail.com <mailto:henry.sapu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks Till,

    Will try to solicit more mentors to help.
    Especially with initial committers mostly have not been exposed to
    contributing the Apache way.

    - Henry

    On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 5:28 PM, Till Westmann <t...@westmann.org
    <mailto:t...@westmann.org>> wrote:
    > Hi Henry,
    > thanks! It’s great that you’ve seen (and liked) AsterixDB before.
    > Even if your time is very limited we would be very happy to have
    you on board as a mentor.
    > I’ll add you to the proposal.
    > Cheers,
    > Till
    >> On Jan 19, 2015, at 10:26 AM, Henry Saputra
    <henry.sapu...@gmail.com <mailto:henry.sapu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    >> +1 This is GREAT News!
    >> Was watching and trying AsterixDB last year and looked in
    awesome shape.
    >> I have my plate full but would love to help mentor this project
    to get
    >> it going to ASF if needed!
    >> - Henry
    >> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (3980)
    >> <chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov
    <mailto:chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov>> wrote:
    >>> Hi Folks,
    >>> I am pleased to bring forth the Apache AsterixDB proposal to the
    >>> Apache Incubator as Champion, working in collaboration with the
    >>> team. Please find the wiki proposal here:
    >>> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AsterixDBProposal
    >>> Full text of the proposal is below. Please discuss and enjoy. I’ll
    >>> leave the discussion open for a week, and then look to call a VOTE
    >>> hopefully end of next week if all is well.
    >>> Cheers!
    >>> Chris Mattmann
    >>> =============================================================
    >>> Apache AsterixDB Proposal
    >>> Abstract
    >>> Apache AsterixDB is a scalable big data management system
    (BDMS) that
    >>> provides storage, management, and query capabilities for large
    >>> collections of semi-structured data.
    >>> Proposal
    >>> AsterixDB is a big data management system (BDMS) that makes it
    >>> well-suited to needs such as web data warehousing and social data
    >>> storage and analysis. Feature-wise, AsterixDB has:
    >>> * A NoSQL style data model (ADM) based on extending JSON with
    >>>  database concepts.
    >>> * An expressive and declarative query language (AQL) for querying
    >>>  semi-structured data.
    >>> * A runtime query execution engine, Hyracks, for
    >>>  execution of query plans.
    >>> * Partitioned LSM-based data storage and indexing for efficient
    >>>  ingestion of newly arriving data.
    >>> * Support for querying and indexing external data (e.g., in
    HDFS) as
    >>>  well as data stored within AsterixDB.
    >>> * A rich set of primitive data types, including support for
    >>>  temporal, and textual data.
    >>> * Indexing options that include B+ trees, R trees, and inverted
    >>>  keyword index support.
    >>> * Basic transactional (concurrency and recovery) capabilities
    akin to
    >>>  those of a NoSQL store.
    >>> Background and Rationale
    >>> In the world of relational databases, the need to tackle data
    >>> that exceed the capabilities of a single server led to the
    >>> development of “shared-nothing” parallel database systems several
    >>> decades ago. These systems spread data over a cluster based on a
    >>> partitioning strategy, such as hash partitioning, and queries are
    >>> processed by employing partitioned-parallel divide-and-conquer
    >>> techniques. Since these systems are fronted by a high-level,
    >>> declarative language (SQL), their users are shielded from the
    >>> complexities of parallel programming. Parallel database
    systems have
    >>> been an extremely successful application of parallel
    computing, and
    >>> quite a number of commercial products exist today.
    >>> In the distributed systems world, the Web brought a need to
    index and
    >>> query its huge content. SQL and relational databases were not the
    >>> answer, though shared-nothing clusters again emerged as the
    >>> platform of choice. Google developed the Google File System
    (GFS) and
    >>> MapReduce programming model to allow programmers to store and
    >>> Big Data by writing a few user-defined functions. The MapReduce
    >>> framework applies these functions in parallel to data instances in
    >>> distributed files (map) and to sorted groups of instances
    sharing a
    >>> common key (reduce) -- not unlike the partitioned parallelism in
    >>> parallel database systems. Apache's Hadoop MapReduce platform
    is the
    >>> most prominent implementation of this paradigm for the rest of the
    >>> Big Data community. On top of Hadoop and HDFS sit declarative
    >>> languages like Pig and Hive that each compile down to Hadoop
    >>> MapReduce jobs.
    >>> The big Web companies were also challenged by extreme user bases
    >>> (100s of millions of users) and needed fast simple lookups and
    >>> updates to very large keyed data sets like user profiles. SQL
    >>> databases were deemed either too expensive or not scalable, so the
    >>> “NoSQL movement” was born. The ASF now has HBase and
    Cassandra, two
    >>> popular key-value stores, in this space. MongoDB and Couchbase are
    >>> other open source alternatives (document stores).
    >>> It is evident from the rapidly growing popularity of "NoSQL"
    >>> as well as the strong demand for Big Data analytics engines today,
    >>> that there is a strong (and growing!) need to store, process,
    >>> query large volumes of semi-structured data in many application
    >>> areas. Until very recently, developers have had to ``choose''
    >>> using big data analytics engines like Apache Hive or Apache Spark,
    >>> which can do complex query processing and analysis over
    >>> files, and flexible but low-function data stores like MongoDB or
    >>> Apache HBase. (The Apache Phoenix project,
    >>> http://phoenix.apache.org/, is a recent SQL-over-HBase effort that
    >>> aims to bridge between these choices.)
    >>> AsterixDB is a highly scalable data management system that can
    >>> index, and manage semi-structured data, e.g., much like
    MongoDB, but
    >>> it also supports a full-power query language with the
    >>> of SQL (and more). Unlike analytics engines like Hive or Spark, it
    >>> stores and manages data, so AsterixDB can exploit its knowledge of
    >>> data partitioning and the availability of indexes to avoid always
    >>> scanning data set(s) to process queries. Somewhat
    surprisingly, there
    >>> is no open source parallel database system (relational or
    >>> available to developers today -- AsterixDB aims to fill this need.
    >>> Since Apache is where the majority of the today's most
    important Big
    >>> Data technologies live, the ASF seems like the obvious home for a
    >>> system like AsterixDB.
    >>> Current Status
    >>> The current version of AsterixDB was co-developed by a team of
    >>> faculty, staff, and students at UC Irvine and UC Riverside. The
    >>> project was initiated as a large NSF-sponsored project in
    2009, the
    >>> goal of which was to combine the best ideas from the parallel
    >>> database world, the then new Hadoop world, and the semi-structured
    >>> (e.g., XML/JSON) data world in order to create a next-generation
    >>> BDMS. A first informal open source release was made four years
    >>> in June of 2013, under the Apache Software License 2.0.
    >>> Meritocracy
    >>> The current developers are familiar with meritocratic open source
    >>> development at Apache. Apache was chosen specifically because
    we want
    >>> to encourage this style of development for the project.
    >>> Community
    >>> While AsterixDB started as a university project it has
    developed into
    >>> a community. A number of the initial committers started
    >>> in academia and continue to actively participate and
    contribute after
    >>> graduation. And we seek to further develop developer and user
    >>> communities. One way to broaden the community that is ongoing is
    >>> through academic collaborations (currently with IIT Mumbai in
    >>> and TU Berlin in Germany). During incubation we will also
    >>> seek increased industrial participation.
    >>> Some indicators of the effort's development community and
    history can
    >>> be
    >>> found at:
    >>> Core Developers
    >>> The core developers of the project are diverse, although
    initially UC
    >>> Irvine heavy (roughly 50) due to the project's origins at UCI. The
    >>> other 50 are from other academic institutions (UC Riverside
    and the
    >>> Hebrew University in Jerusalem) and companies (Couchbase,
    >>> IBM, KACST Saudi Arabia, Oracle, Saudi Aramco, X15 Software).
    >>> Alignment
    >>> Apache is, by far, the most natural home for taking the AsterixDB
    >>> project forward. A large fraction of today's top Big Data
    >>> technologies have their homes in Apache, including Hadoop,
    YARN, Pig,
    >>> Hive, Spark, Flink, HBase, Cassandra and others. AsterixDB fills a
    >>> significant gap -- the parallel data management system gap -- that
    >>> exists in the Big Data open source world. It is well-aligned
    with a
    >>> number of the Apache projects, e.g., it has strong support for
    >>> accessing and indexing external data in HDFS, and it uses YARN
    as an
    >>> answer to basic cluster resource management. AsterixDB also
    seeks to
    >>> achieve an Apache-style development model; it is seeking a broader
    >>> community of contributors and users in order to achieve its full
    >>> potential and value to the Big Data community.
    >>> There are also a number of related Apache projects and
    >>> that will be mentioned below in the Relationships with Other
    >>> products section.
    >>> Known Risks
    >>> Orphaned products
    >>> Given the current level of intellectual investment in
    AsterixDB, the
    >>> risk of the project being abandoned is very small. The UCI/UCR
    >>> faculty team leads are highly incentivized to continue development
    >>> since the database groups at UC Irvine and UC Riverside are both
    >>> reliant on AsterixDB as a platform for long-term graduate research
    >>> projects. UC San Diego is also beginning to contribute to the code
    >>> base, and a collaboration involving public health applications is
    >>> forming with UCLA. The work on AsterixDB is managed via a mix of
    >>> mailing list discussions supplemented by weekly project status
    >>> meetings which are summarized on the mailing list. Typical (local
    >>> plus Skype-in) attendance to the weekly status meetings runs
    at about
    >>> 20 active contributors.
    >>> Inexperience with Open Source
    >>> AsterixDB and Hyracks were completely developed in Open Source
    >>> the ASL 2.0. The source code repositories, issue tracker, and
    >>> lists are available on Google Code and discussions and decisions
    >>> happen on the mailing lists (which is necessary due to the
    >>> distribution of the current developers).
    >>> Also a few of the initial committers have contributed to Apache
    >>> projects. Vinayak Borkar is a committer on the Apache Helix and
    >>> Apache VXQuery projects. Till Westmann is the VP VXQuery at
    the ASF
    >>> and an IPMC member. Preston Carman and Steven Jacobs are
    >>> on the Apache VXQuery project.
    >>> Relationships with Other Apache Products
    >>> Apache VXQuery is based on the Hyracks data-parallel runtime,
    >>> is also included in the AsterixDB code base.
    >>> AsterixDB is closely related to Apache Hadoop. Included in
    >>> is support for accessing external data in HDFS (and Hive formats),
    >>> and resource management and system administration features are
    in the
    >>> process of being migrated to YARN.
    >>> AsterixDB's AQL query facilities offer comparable query power to
    >>> Apache's Pig and Hive systems for big data analytics. AsterixDB
    >>> differs in storing and indexing data and thus being able to
    >>> answer small and medium queries without large HDFS data scans -
    >>> thereby targeting a different class of use cases.
    >>> AsterixDB's data storage and indexing facilities are similar
    to those
    >>> of HBase, but AsterixDB differs in being a much more complete and
    >>> queryable BDMS (not just a key-value style store).
    >>> AsterixDB's target use cases are not in-memory processing or
    >>> iterative algorithm support, making AsterixDB complementary to the
    >>> Apache Spark platform. (Spark interoperability is on our
    >>> to-do wishlist.)
    >>> Homogeneous Developers
    >>> As mentioned before the current community is already
    >>> and geographically distributed - and we would like to increase the
    >>> heterogeneity.
    >>> Reliance on Salaried Developers
    >>> Of the initial committers only 3 are full-time UCI staff. The
    >>> committers are a mix of students, alumni who continue to
    >>> to the effort, and individuals working with permission
    part-time (or
    >>> in spare time) on this project.
    >>> A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
    >>> We believe in the processes, systems, and framework Apache has
    put in
    >>> place. Apache is also known to foster a great community around
    >>> projects and provide exposure. While brand is important, our
    >>> fascination with it is not excessive. We believe that the ASF
    is the
    >>> right home for AsterixDB and that having AsterixDB inside of
    the ASF
    >>> will lead to a better long-term outcome for the Big Data
    >>> Documentation
    >>> Documentation and publications related to AsterixDB can be
    found at
    >>> http://asterixdb.ics.uci.edu/.
    >>> Initial Source
    >>> Current source resides in Google code:
    >>> https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/ (query language and upper
    >>> layers) and https://code.google.com/p/hyracks/ (dataflow runtime
    >>> system and storage management libraries).
    >>> External Dependencies
    >>> AsterixDB depends on a number of Apache projects:
    >>> - Ant
    >>> - Avro
    >>> - ApacheDB JDO
    >>> - Commons
    >>> - Derby
    >>> - Hadoop
    >>> - Hive
    >>> - HTTPComponents
    >>> - Jakarta ORO
    >>> - Maven
    >>> - Tomcat
    >>> - Thrift
    >>> - Velocity
    >>> - Wicket
    >>> - Xerces
    >>> and other open source projects (organized by license):
    >>> -- ASL 2.0:
    >>> - Jackson
    >>> - Google Guava
    >>> - Google Guice
    >>> - JSON-simple
    >>> - BoneCP
    >>> - Microsoft Azure SDK
    >>> - Netty
    >>> - Rome
    >>> - JetS3t
    >>> - Groovy
    >>> - Jettison
    >>> - Plexus
    >>> - Datanucleus (JDO)
    >>> - Jetty
    >>> - Twitter4J
    >>> - Snappy-java
    >>> -- BSD:
    >>> - Antlr
    >>> - ObjectWeb ASM
    >>> - Protobuf
    >>> - JSCH
    >>> - JavaCC
    >>> - Paranamer
    >>> - JLine
    >>> - Stax
    >>> - StringTemplate
    >>> - xmlEnc
    >>> -- MIT
    >>> - AppAssembler
    >>> - SimpleLog4J
    >>> -- CDDL 1.0
    >>> - Java Activation Framework
    >>> - Java Transactions
    >>> - Java Servlet API
    >>> - Grizzly
    >>> - gmbal
    >>> - Glassfish
    >>> -- CDDL 1.1
    >>> - Jersey
    >>> - JAXB Reference Implementation
    >>> -- JSON License
    >>> - JSON
    >>> -- EPL 1.0
    >>> - JUnit
    >>> -- JDOM License
    >>> - JDOM
    >>> -- Public Domain
    >>> - xz
    >>> - AOPAlliance
    >>> As all dependencies are managed using Apache Maven, none of the
    >>> external libraries need to be packaged in a source distribution.
    >>> Required Resources
    >>> Developer and user mailing lists
    >>> priv...@asterixdb.incubator.apache.org
    <mailto:priv...@asterixdb.incubator.apache.org> (with moderated
    >>> comm...@asterixdb.incubator.apache.org
    >>> d...@asterixdb.incubator.apache.org
    >>> us...@asterixdb.incubator.apache.org
    >>> A git repository
    >>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-asterixdb.git
    >>> A JIRA issue tracker
    >>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ASTERIXDB
    >>> Initial Committers
    >>> The following is a list of the planned initial Apache
    committers (the
    >>> active subset of the committers for the current repository at
    >>> code).
    >>> Abdullah Alamoudi (bamou...@gmail.com <mailto:bamou...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Cameron Samak (euf...@gmail.com <mailto:euf...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Chen Li (che...@gmail.com <mailto:che...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Ian Maxon (ima...@uci.edu <mailto:ima...@uci.edu>)
    >>> Ildar Absalyamov (ildar.absalya...@gmail.com
    >>> Jianfeng Jia (jianfeng....@gmail.com
    >>> Karen Ouaknine (ker...@gmail.com <mailto:ker...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Markus Dreseler (apa...@dreseler.de <mailto:apa...@dreseler.de>)
    >>> Mike Carey (dtab...@apache.org <mailto:dtab...@apache.org>)
    >>> Murtadha Hubail (hubail...@gmail.com <mailto:hubail...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Pouria Pirzadeh (pouria.pirza...@gmail.com
    >>> Preston Carman (prest...@apache.org <mailto:prest...@apache.org>)
    >>> Raman Grover (ramangrove...@gmail.com
    >>> Sattam Alsubaiee (salsuba...@gmail.com
    >>> Steven Jacobs (sjaco...@apache.org <mailto:sjaco...@apache.org>)
    >>> Taewoo Kim (wangs...@gmail.com <mailto:wangs...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Till Westmann (ti...@apache.org <mailto:ti...@apache.org>)
    >>> Vinayak Borkar (vinay...@apache.org <mailto:vinay...@apache.org>)
    >>> Yingyi Bu (buyin...@gmail.com <mailto:buyin...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Young-Seok Kim (kiss...@gmail.com <mailto:kiss...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Zach Heilbron (zheilb...@gmail.com <mailto:zheilb...@gmail.com>)
    >>> Affiliations
    >>> UC Irvine
    >>> - Mike Carey
    >>> - Chen Li
    >>> - Ian Maxon
    >>> - Yingyi Bu
    >>> - Raman Grover
    >>> - Pouria Pirzadeh
    >>> - Young-Seok Kim
    >>> - Cameron Samak
    >>> - Taewoo Kim
    >>> - Jianfeng Jia
    >>> - Murtadha Hubail
    >>> - Markus Dreseler
    >>> UC Riverside
    >>> - Ildar Absalyamov
    >>> - Preston Carman
    >>> - Steven Jacobs
    >>> Hebrew University
    >>> - Keren Ouaknine
    >>> Oracle
    >>> - Till Westmann
    >>> X15 Software
    >>> - Vinayak Borkar
    >>> - Zach Heilbron
    >>> KACST Saudi Arabia
    >>> - Sattam Alsubaiee
    >>> Saudi Aramco
    >>> - Abdullah Alamoudi
    >>> Carey, Li, and Maxon are full-time UCI staff, with the
    remaining UCI
    >>> (UC Irvine) and UCR (UC Riverside) affiliates being students. The
    >>> non-UC committers are a mix of alumni who continue to
    contribute to
    >>> the effort and individuals working with permission part-time
    (or in
    >>> spare time) on this project.
    >>> Sponsors
    >>> Champion
    >>> Chris Mattmann (NASA/JPL)
    >>> Nominated Mentors
    >>> TBD
    >>> Sponsoring Entity
    >>> The Apache Incubator
    >>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    >>> Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
    >>> Chief Architect
    >>> Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
    >>> NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
    >>> Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
    >>> Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov
    >>> WWW: http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
    >>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    >>> Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
    >>> University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
    >>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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