On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 5:36 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes <st...@apache.org> wrote:
> Git allows you to commit as "whoever you want" - e.g. like in SMTP
> email, the headers are decided by the sender. SVN on the other hand
> will show the authenticated user in the commit log. So - speaking as a
> former sysadmin - it sounds a bit daring to let anyone new to Apache
> from a fresh Incubator proposal to also get instant write access to
> all Incubator projects, including those that are just about to
> graduate.

>From a git commit log perspective, this is true, but we also retain
push records that show us the user authenticated as, as well as the IP
Address they are pushing commits from. In example:

> That said - assuming there has not been any reported abuse of this
> global write access - then it is a very good sign of all the new
> committers being responsible people - or perhaps they just didn't know
> they had that write access to begin with :). It's a trust-thing - I
> remember when I started my first proper sysadmin job, and on day one
> received the root passwords for systems running web and email for
> 30.000 students. "Don't mess it up" was implicit.
> Apache Commons has already given write access to *all* ASF committers
> [1] - which would presumably include any incubator committers.  If
> it's good enough for for Commons, it should be good enough for
> Incubator. Part of moving to Apache is also to trust all your
> committers.
> [1] 
> https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/commons-dev/201412.mbox/%3ccab917rjy57z-4pnwthvr9tuq7y3td8usg8jcmhvdthalwho...@mail.gmail.com%3E
> Even with the danger of introducing a bigger temptation by explicitly
> documenting the incubator-wide write policy - I would still +1 to
> document this so you are aware and don't accidentally push back (as
> git workflow is to commit locally and it is a bit easy to accidentally
> do "git push") - with a clause that this does not mean you have
> formally become a committer on the other incubator projects.
> I would propose to also improve documentation at
> http://wiki.apache.org/general/GitAtApache
> http://www.apache.org/dev/git.html
> http://www.apache.org/dev/writable-git
> so it does not give impression you have to use SVN-with-git-mriroring
> or that writeable GIT is "experimental". I don't know enough about the
> particular setup at git.apache.org yet to do it myself.

<sigh> I thought we had removed all of the experimental labels.
Thanks for finding these.


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