
I've published the December 2014 report to the wiki.  Here's the
timeline and shepherd assignment:

December 2014 Incubator report timeline:

    Wed December 03 -- Podling reports due by end of day
    Sun December 07 -- Shepherd reviews due by end of day
    Sun December 07 -- Summary due by end of day
    Tue December 09 -- Mentor signoff due by end of day
    Wed December 10 -- Report submitted to Board
    Wed December 17 -- Board meeting

Alan D. Cabrera - Ignite
Andrei Savu - Drill
Andrei Savu - Johnzon
Dave Fisher - NPanday
John Ament - MRQL
John Ament - log4cxx2
Justin Mclean - Tamaya
Konstantin Boudnik - Argus
Matthew Franklin - Brooklyn
Raphael Bircher - Kalumet
Raphael Bircher - Streams
Roman Shaposhnik - Sentry
Ross Gardler - Wave
Suresh Marru - Falcon
Suresh Marru - Lens
Timothy Chen - Ripple
Timothy Chen - Taverna

I know this is a few days early, but considering we have a few
holidays popping up I wanted to send it earlier than later.  If we get
any new podlings in the next few days we can add them to the report.

I'm wondering if anyone's willing to help with some of the report
manager responsibilities this month?  To see some of the required
steps, run this in the incubator site svn repo:

./ --apache-id << your apache id >> --month 12


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