
one of the things I brought from ApacheCon is the idea if providing dashboard for the podlings. Bitergia presented there their approach [1], and I think could be useful. See for instance the dashboard they provided for Apache CloudStack [2].

I already discussed it with Roman, and I think we should try to do something in this direction. I know the experiment with Back Software did not satisfy everybody, but I think we should keep trying. I can commit some time and even resources to provide an early proof of concept.

What do you think?


[1] http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/50a7178fa1d812e50e8c13e9bca8c7c1#.VG8vQnU3eis
[2] http://projects.bitergia.com/apache-cloudstack/browser/

Sergio Fernández
Senior Researcher
Knowledge and Media Technologies
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/3 | 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43 662 2288 318 | M: +43 660 2747 925

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