Hi ya Apache Folks, I would like to get your initial reactions to a New Project that I would like to propose -- "The Apache Email Engine"
Concept -- Fully Automated Email Solution that the default version builds on top of the Apache James Email Server -- The Functionality of the Engine -- 1. auto processing without the need of manual supervision of all send mail and receive mail requests. 2. Support of Automated Email Rules to Flag off Email Etiquette Violators. 3. Will link by default to the Apache James Email Server, initially ... but later versions will support "Plug In" of different other servers similar to James. 4. So the Complete Email Engine Solution with the Coupled James Email Server can be Hosted on Cloud Servers or actual Physical Servers. 5. Cloud as well as Real Storage facilities for all Email Accounts. 6. Easy Links to WebMail and other direct POP/IMAP Clients. 7. Any other Suggestions Welcome ! All Volunters for different positions to get going on the Formal Proposal Submission to the Incubator Committee are required !! Cheers, --Brian Antao. Brian Antao, Ph.D. 235B Cowbridge Road East, Canton, Cardiff CF11 9AL, UK http://uk.linkedin.com/in/brianantao