Hi again.

One good thing seldom comes alone (danish expression, made by a hopeless

I have been helping a project to change from a closed source project to an
opensource project, and of course in due time join ASF.

The project have today asked me to be their official champion, I am honored
to be asked and have accepted.

The code is very exciting, on one hand it can grow to be an openoffice
equivalent on tablet devices, but at the same time it contains so much more
potential for other utilities.

The project still need a fair amount of work to get a stable community, the
expectation is to have a proposal ready for discussion late this year.
Currently the idea is to ask IPMC to be sponsor, and have a tight
cooperation with AOO.

Peter is the main architect behind the original source, and will be
presenting at ACEU, dont miss his talk. Louis is among others an active AOO
PMC and will also give talks at ACEU.

Now I have a good reason to dive into all the guides and other documents,
so please bear over with me, when I mail questions/suggestions in the near

Thanks peter and louis for putting trust in me.

jan I.

On 15 August 2014 09:05, Peter Kelly <pe...@uxproductivity.com> wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> I'm interested in getting a project established within Apache Incubator
> for the purposes of developing the file format conversion library
> (tentatively known as DocFormats) which I have recently made available as
> open source. I would like you to be the champion of the project and assist
> me with the incubation process, if you are in agreement.
> --
> Dr. Peter M. Kelly
> Founder, UX Productivity
> pe...@uxproductivity.com
> http://www.uxproductivity.com/
> http://www.kellypmk.net/
> PGP key: http://www.kellypmk.net/pgp-key
> (fingerprint 5435 6718 59F0 DD1F BFA0 5E46 2523 BAA1 44AE 2966)

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