Hi all, May 2014 Incubator report timeline:
http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/May2014 Tue May 06 -- Podling reports due by end of day Sat May 10 -- Shepherd reviews due by end of day Sat May 10 -- Summary due by end of day Mon May 12 -- Mentor signoff due by end of day Tue May 13 -- Report submitted to Board Tue May 20 -- Board meeting Shepherds, please note your assignments. I've copied them here for convenience. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you're going to be delayed. Alan D. Cabrera Sirona Andrei Savu Droids Dave Fisher NPanday John Ament Celix John Ament Hadoop Development Tools Justin Mclean Twill Matthew Franklin BatchEE Raphael Bircher Tez Roman Shaposhnik Stratosphere Ross Gardler Ripple Suresh Marru Blur Suresh Marru DeviceMap <https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DeviceMap> - John