HI Marvin,

As usual, thanks for the useful review.

We will revise the LICENSE and NOTICE files in MetaModel podling dev
list and come back for VOTE.

- Henry

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Henry Saputra <henry.sapu...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Do you think it is a blocker for the release for the NOTICE file extra
>> lines of information?
> In the NOTICE file in the release candidate, the last three lines with content
> are...
>     Portions of this software were originally based on the following:
>         Copyright 2010-2013 Human Inference Enterprise B.V.
>     These have been licensed to the Apache Software Foundation under a
>     software grant.
> The committer who added those lines is Kaspar Sørenson, who works for Human
> Inference.  If Human Inference wants that copyright notice, it's here to stay.
> (Nobody else should mess with it now that it's there -- modifying copyright
> notices is potentially illegal.)  The last line about the software grant is
> superfluous and IMO ought to be removed -- but it is innocuous and does not
> block release.
> The LICENSE file, however, contains many licenses which do not apply to the
> source package.  The extraneous licenses are for jar files which will be
> bundled with a binary, but that is not what the ASF releases.
> The extra material in the LICENSE file should ordinarily block if this were a
> TLP release.  However, what we have here is a licensing documentation bug, not
> a legal issue which would put the Foundation at risk, and I think Incubator
> lenience should come into play.
> I'm going to lodge a binding -1 vote for now, but I am willing to remove it if
> the MetaModel podling presents a plan for fixing up LICENSE in their next
> release.
> Marvin Humphrey
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