On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Olivier Lamy <ol...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to release Apache Sirona 0.1-incubating.


I've been compiling the list of Incubator releases for the last report cycle
and I noticed that Sirona 0.1-incubating is in the dist area, but I couldn't
find a RESULT message on general@incubator.

I discovered that a RESULT message had been sent, but only to


    It looks I missed to read some changes in the incubator process rules So
    in fact now 3 PPMC are required (see
    ) So we are ok and I will finish release process.

Contrary to that message, there has not been any process change yet -- three
IPMC votes are still required to release. The release candidate has 2 as far
as I can see.

Although the bits have already been uploaded, I suggest continuing the vote on

Marvin Humphrey

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