It is indeed very specific for HBase use I suppose. Would it be more
beneficial to make it sub-project of HBase to get full community
support from HBase?

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 12:43 PM, James Taylor <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're pleased to share a draft ASF incubation proposal for Phoenix, a
> SQL layer over HBase, initially developed at and
> subsequently open sourced on github
> ( Instead of using Map-reduce
> to processes queries, it compiles SQL directly into native HBase
> calls. The complete proposal can be found here:
>, and is also pasted
> below.
> Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
> James
> == Abstract ==
> Phoenix is an open source SQL query engine for Apache HBase, a NoSQL
> data store.  It is accessed as a JDBC driver and enables querying and
> managing HBase tables using SQL.
> == Proposal ==
> Phoenix is an open source SQL skin over HBase delivered as a
> client-embedded JDBC driver targeting low latency queries over HBase
> data. Phoenix takes your SQL query, compiles it into a series of HBase
> scans, and orchestrates the running of those scans to produce regular
> JDBC result sets. The table metadata is stored in an HBase table and
> versioned, such that snapshot queries over prior versions will
> automatically use the correct schema. Direct use of the HBase API,
> along with coprocessors and custom filters, results in performance on
> the order of milliseconds for small queries, or seconds for tens of
> millions of rows. Phoenix interfaces with both Pig and Map-reduce for
> the input and output of data.
> == Background ==
> Phoenix initially started as an internal project at to
> efficiently analyze big data stored in HBase. It was open sourced on
> Github about a year ago in Jan 2013. Over time Phoenix, together with
> HBase as the storage tier, has begun to evolve into a general SQL
> database with support for metadata management, secondary indexes,
> joins, query optimization, and multi-tenancy. This is expected to
> continue as Phoenix implements a cost-based query optimizer and
> potentially transaction support, and surfaces new HBase security
> features such as encryption and cell-level security. Phoenix's
> developer community has also grown to include additional companies
> such as Intel, who have contributed join support to Phoenix, as well
> as Hortonworks, who are in the process of porting Phoenix to the 0.96
> release of HBase.
> == Rationale ==
> As usage and the number of contributors to Phoenix has grown, we have
> sought for a long-term home for the project, and we believe the Apache
> foundation would be a great fit. Joining Apache would ensure that
> tried and true processes and procedures are in place for the growing
> number of organizations interested in contributing to Phoenix. Phoenix
> is also a good fit for the Apache foundation: Phoenix already
> interoperates with several existing Apache projects (HBase, Hadoop,
> Pig). The Phoenix team is familiar with the Apache process and and
> believes in the Apache mission - the team already includes multiple
> Apache committers.
> == Initial Goals ==
> The initial goals will be to move the existing codebase to Apache and
> integrate with the Apache development process. Once this is
> accomplished, we plan for incremental development and releases that
> follow the Apache guidelines.
> == Current Status ==
> Phoenix has undergone two major and three minor releases (1.0, 1.1,
> 1.2, 2.0, and 2.1) as well as many patch releases. Phoenix is being
> used in production by as well as at other
> organizations. The Phoenix codebase is currently hosted at,
> which will form the basis of the Apache git repository.
> === Meritocracy ===
> The Phoenix project already operates on meritocratic principles.
> Phoenix has several developers from various organizations outside of
> who have contributed major new features. While this
> process has remained mostly informal, as we do not have an official
> committer list, an implicit organization exists in which individuals
> who contribute major components act as maintainers for those modules.
> If accepted, the Phoenix project would include several of these
> participants as initial committers. We will work to identify all
> committers and PPMC members for the project and to operate under the
> ASF meritocratic principles.
> === Community ===
> Acceptance into the Apache foundation would bolster the already strong
> user and developer community around Phoenix. That community includes
> many contributors from various other companies, and an active mailing
> list composed of hundreds of users.
> === Core Developers ===
> The core developers of our project are listed in our contributors and
> initial PPMC below. Though many are employed at, there
> is a representative cross sampling of other organizations including
> Intel, Hortonworks, Cloudera, and Twitter.
> === Alignment ===
> Our proposed Phoenix effort aligns closely with Apache HBase. The
> HBase project perimeter is denoted by a simple byte-array based
> Create, Read, Update, Delete and Scan APIs with no current plans to
> extend beyond this bounds. Phoenix complements this with a higher
> level API in SQL with which many are already familiar. At first
> glance, it may seem that Phoenix should just be folded into HBase as a
> new module. However, the focus of the two projects will be quite
> different, especially as Phoenix matures. With secondary indexing and
> joins just having been introduced into Phoenix, the next big frontier
> will be to implement a cost-based query optimizer. This is the
> heart-and-soul of most relational databases and can can take a
> lifetime to get right.
> HBase is focused on being a scalable data store agnostic to types and
> schema.  Phoenix would layer typing, and relational facilities on top
> of this scalable store. By keeping Apache HBase and Phoenix separate,
> both may evolve independently and at different rates. Though the focus
> of the two projects is different, the relationship between them is
> very positive and mutually beneficial. New features in HBase will be
> leveraged in Phoenix as it makes sense to surface these in a SQL
> paradigm. In addition, Phoenix may drive new features in HBase, as
> evidenced by the new type system recently introduced into HBase. This
> will enable better interoperability between Apache Hive, standalone
> HBase uses case, and Phoenix by defining a standard serialization
> format.
> Other projects exists that perform SQL over HBase data (such as Apache
> Hive), however these products do not provide the same low latency
> query capabilities as Phoenix. Instead, they are more oriented around
> maximizing throughput for batched operations. Phoenix opens the door
> to a completely new set of use cases for Apache HBase that demand a
> more interactive user experience.
> There are also a number of related Apache projects and dependencies
> that are mentioned in the Relationships with Other Apache products
> section.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned Products ===
> Given the current level of investment in Phoenix - the risk of the
> project being abandoned is minimal. All current and planned HBase use
> cases at go through Phoenix. In addition, both Intel
> and Hortonworks plan to include Phoenix in their distributions. Other
> companies have devoted significant internal infrastructure investment
> in Phoenix.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> Phoenix has existed as a healthy open source project for almost a
> year. During that time, James, Mujtaba, and others have successfully
> fostered an open-source community, attracting users and developers
> from a diverse group of companies including Intel, Intuit, Bloomberg,
> Tagged, and Hortonworks. Although neither are committers on other
> Apache projects, both James and Mujtaba have experience working with
> and contributing to other Apache projects.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The initial list of committers includes developers from several
> institutions, including Salesforce, Intel, Hortonworks, and Twitter.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Like most open source projects, Phoenix receives substantial support
> from salaried developers. A large fraction of Phoenix development is
> supported by In addition, those working from within
> corporations and universities often devote “after hours” or spare time
> to the project. We will continue our efforts to ensure stewardship of
> the project to be independent of salaried developers.
> === Relationship with Other Apache Products ===
> Although Phoenix provides a higher level abstraction than Apache HBase
> by hiding its client APIs, Phoenix relies on Apache HBase for both
> storing and retrieving data. It also inter-operates with Apache HBase
> by allowing existing data, not created by Phoenix, to be queried. In
> addition, both Apache Pig and Hadoop are supported for data input and
> output. Finally, the Phoenix is included and installable through
> Apache Bigtop and the build and test suite are run through Apache
> Maven.
> Phoenix offers an alternative query engine to Apache Hadoop
> (MapReduce). Unlike MapReduce, Phoenix is designed for lower-latency,
> OLTP, and interactive workloads. This makes the projects complimentary
> as users may run MapReduce and Phoenix side-by-side.
> We plan to increase the interoperability between Phoenix, Apache Hive,
> and standalone Apache HBase usage by standardizing on a new type
> system that has been introduced in the current major release of HBase.
> By all these products adopting this new serialization format,
> interoperability between them will take a big step forward.
> In addition, we plan to explore providing lower level APIs for other
> products such as Apache Drill to plug into when querying HBase data so
> that they get the performance benefits of using Phoenix.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Phoenix is already a healthy and relatively well known open source
> project. This proposal is not for the purpose of generating publicity.
> Rather, the primary benefits to joining Apache are those outlined in
> the Rationale section.
> === Documentation ===
> Additional documentation on Phoenix may be found on its github website:
>  * Phoenix overview:
>  * Phoenix wiki:
>  * Phoenix road map:
>  * Phoenix issue tracking:
>  * Phoenix codebase:
>  * Phoenix SQL language reference:
>  * Phoenix performance:
>  * User group:
> == Initial Source ==
> The Phoenix codebase is currently hosted on Github:
> === Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ===
> Currently, the Phoenix codebase is distributed under a BSD license.
> Upon entering Apache, the Phoenix license will be migrated to the
> Apache 2.0 License.
> == External Dependencies ==
> Beyond relying on Apache HBase, Phoenix has the following external 
> dependencies:
>  * ANTLR 3.5 (BSD license:
>  * Sqlline 1.1.2 (BSD license:
>  * Open CSV 2.3 (Apache 2.0 license)
> Upon acceptance to the incubator, we would begin a thorough analysis
> of all transitive dependencies to verify this information and
> introduce license checking into the build and release process by
> integrating with Apache Rat.
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing list ===
> We will migrate the existing Phoenix mailing lists as follows:
>  * -->
>  * -->
>  * for IPMC members
>  *
> The latter is to be consistent with the new PIAO naming scheme for podlings.
> === Source control ===
> The Phoenix team would like to use Git for source control, due to our
> current use of Git.
> We request a writeable Git repo for Phoenix, and mirroring to be set
> up to Github through INFRA.
> === Issue Tracking ===
> Phoenix currently uses the github issue tracking system associated
> with its github repo:
> We will migrate to the Apache JIRA:
> === Other Resources ===
>  * Jenkins/Hudson for builds and test running.
>  * Wiki for documentation purposes
>  * Blog to improve project dissemination
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * James Taylor <jtaylor at salesforce dot com>
>  * Mujtaba Chohan <mchohan at salesforce dot com>
>  * Jesse Yates <jyates at apache dot org>
>  * Eli Levine <elevine at salesforce dot com>
>  * Simon Toens <stoens at salesforce dot com>
>  * Maryann Xue <wei.xue at intel dot com>
>  * Anoop Sam John <anoopsamjohn at apache dot org>
>  * Ramkrishna S Vasudevan <ramkrishna at apache dot org>
>  * Jeffrey Zhong <jeffreyz at apache dot org>
>  * Nick Dimiduk <ndimiduk at apache dot org>
>  * Tony Huang <thuang at twitter dot com>
> == Affiliations ==
> The initial committers are from four organizations:,
> Intel, Hortonworks, and Twitter.
>  * James Taylor (
>  * Mujtaba Chohan (
>  * Jesse Yates (
>  * Eli Levine (
>  * Simon Toens (
>  * Maryann Xue (Intel)
>  * Anoop Sam John (Intel)
>  * Ramkrishna S Vasudevan (Intel)
>  * Jeffrey Zhong (Hortonworks)
>  * Nick Dimiduk (Hortonworks)
>  * Tony Huang (Twitter)
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
>  * Michael Stack
> === Nominated Mentors ===
>  * Michael Stack
>  * Lars Hofhansl
>  * Andrew Purtell
>  * Devaraj Das
>  * Enis Soztutar
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
>  The Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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