This is a reminder that this vote is scheduled to close in about 24
hours out of 72 hours and we still have no binding votes from the
Incubator PMC.
This is our first release and we have spent a lot of time to migrate
our old source code to the Apache infrastructure and to adapt the
Apache policies in all parts of the project.
Please vote on releasing Apache MRQL 0.9.0 incubating.
Thank you
Leonidas Fegaras

On 10/14/2013 07:37 AM, Leonidas Fegaras wrote:
This is a call for a vote on Apache MRQL 0.9.0 incubating. This is our
third try for our first release. We have resolved all the issues that
have been discussed in our previous tries.
Apache MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for
large-scale, distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop,
Hama, and Spark.
A vote was held on the MRQL developer mailing list and it passed with
three +1 PPMC votes, and zero -1 or 0 votes (see the vote thread [1]
and result thread [2]), and now requires a vote on this list.
The vote will be open for 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
least 3 +1 IPMC votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache MRQL 0.9.0-incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...

The release tarballs, including signatures, digests, etc can be found at:
The release candidate consists of the following source distribution
- mrql-dist-0.9.0-incubating-src.[tar.gz|zip]
    SHA1 of TGZ: C99D 6789 BD67 8764 52AC  DF5F 0F0D 4D72 6106 2141
    SHA1 of ZIP: BEBA FE68 6A77 38BC 937C  24B3 959A 400D 001F B39F
You can compile the sources using 'mvn install'.
In addition, the following supplementary binary distributions are
provided for user convenience at the same location:
- mrql-dist-0.9.0-incubating-bin.[tar.gz|zip]
    SHA1 of TGZ: 4C04 E4F5 36F5 631E 6552  AB2E 8CBB 6171 2942 AF90
    SHA1 of ZIP: 6165 8DCD 178C 094D 21E3  3B1B AA46 1028 9CB6 B5F7

A staged Maven repository is available for review at:

The release candidate has been signed through the key 798764F1 in:

The release candidate is based on the sources tagged with
MRQL-0.9.0-incubating-RC5 in:

RAT check:

To learn more about Apache MRQL, please visit:
Leonidas Fegaras

[1] http://markmail.org/message/5okv2n6lshd3tgh6
[2] http://markmail.org/message/alyra637j5djxcrv

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