So what about Baldr?
BTW we can start incubation using Monitoring then change the name for TLP?

On 21 September 2013 06:30, Christian Grobmeier <> wrote:
> I would like to throw in this document:
> We should make a few tests already before we start the process officially.
> here is the current list, i felt so free to add a few comments already.
> - CoMon
> There is "Common Software", a company. We might have a trademarks
> problem because of similarity.
> - Leitstand
> Not sure if I like the sound :-), but did not find any repositories at
> github. From the meaning, a Leitstand is usually something were you can
> adjust things (more power, less steam and so on). Monitoring would be
> only a part of it. But on the other hand, it expresses things well and
> it is a unused word so far.
> - Thor
> Great name, great god, but unfortunately a lot of people use that name
> for their code :-(
> - Balder / Baldur, also possible: Baldr
> I haven't see a lot with that name, but we need to check this more in
> detail.
> >From that perspective, Leitstand would be the best catch from a unique
> point of view. I like Baldr very much from that meaning.
> Lets see if there are more names the next days.
> Romain Manni-Bucau schrieb:
>> Why not "CoMon"? Remind commons monitoring, that's fun and closer to
>> english so easier to propagate IMO.
>> Le 20 sept. 2013 12:59, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <> a écrit :
>>> I like the "Apache Leitstand" name.
>>> Regards
>>> JB
>>> On 09/20/2013 09:51 AM, Tammo van Lessen wrote:
>>>> So if German is en vogue already, I'd propose "Apache Leitstand" [1],
>>>> which
>>>> means "control room". I think it would make also a nice name when
>>>> pronounced in English. This of course only works if the GUI is an
>>>> important
>>>> piece of the project, which is the case if I understood correctly.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>>    Tammo
>>>> [1] 
>>>> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 3:23 AM, Olivier Lamy <> wrote:
>>>>  So It looks we have more interested folks.
>>>>> But before starting the vote I'd like to find an other name for the
>>>>> project.
>>>>> Someone proposed "Baldur" or "Balder" (note, It's a popular germanic
>>>>> god). So as a French guy this proposition looks to be rude for me :-).
>>>>> More seriously, this name doesn't hurt me.
>>>>> If any other propositions, it's time to speak.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> --
>>>>> Olivier
>>>>> On 16 September 2013 08:25, Tammo van Lessen <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Am 15.09.2013 15:35 schrieb "Romain Manni-Bucau" <
>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> Angular is great but i hope well keep extensibility possible without
>>>>>>> js.
>>>>>> In
>>>>>>> all case well get at least a thread on it to discuss about the stack we
>>>>>>> want and well use ;)
>>>>>> Looking forward to that discussion ;) I'd prefer progressive enhancement
>>>>>> over SPAs in this context as well. Or even
>>>>>> Tammo
>>>>> --
>>>>> Olivier Lamy
>>>>> Ecetera:
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>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>> Talend -
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