Hi Marvin, Dave, +1 for dev@, private@ and commits@ lists for start.
If Aurora picks up more clients as "user" which making dev@ list too noisy we could always request for user@ list. - Henry On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com>wrote: > On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Dave Lester <d...@ischool.berkeley.edu> > wrote: > > We recommended an aurora-user list because Aurora is currently > > production-ready and used by Twitter. We anticipate that once we have an > > initial release in the Incubator, it will be straightforward to for > current > > Mesos users to begin using Aurora. Development discussion would still > made > > on aurora-dev. How does that sound? > > See <http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/MailingListOptions>. > > For small-ish projects, we recommend that user traffic be shunted onto the > dev > list at first because we have observed that great new contributors tend to > emerge from the pool of highly engaged users. You want to foster > conversations which flow seemlessly from "how do I do this" to "how do I > implement this" to "welcome new committer so-and-so". Breaking out a > separate > user@ list is not generally desirable until the project has hit critical > mass > and dev list traffic is high. > > Community growth is a difficult problem that is central to the Apache > mission, > and it will be an important challenge for the proposed Aurora podling since > all the initial contributors work for the same company (Twitter). It will > be > tempting to make architectural decisions in private for the sake of > efficiency, but doing so will stunt the project's growth. It's important > to > hold project discussions out in the open where as many people as possible > can > witness them and potentially jump in. > > The issues/notifications/ci list is a different story. Making the dev > list a > good read with a high signal-to-noise ratio is a good recruitment tactic. > There are often people who are interested in high-level development > conversations and user discussions but who get annoyed by CI spam and issue > tracker trivialities. > > In my opinion, it would be fruitful to start off with just dev@, private@and > commits@ lists; discuss adding a notifications@ list as one of the first > community decisions you make on your dev@ list; and perhaps add a user@list > later when the time is ripe. However, all of these decisions are > ultimately > up to the community; us Incubator denizens are just providing the best > guidance we can based on what seems to have worked in the past. > > Marvin Humphrey >