Good catch Daniel

Samza community, be aware that the incubator is attempting to be more
responsive to the occasional blocker on a podlings progress. You are the
first of our podlings to receive this welcome email and as such you are
also exposed to its "bugs".  In all likelihood this "bug" will not affect
you in practice.

This discussion about the ombud is going around in circles and we need to
close it. As an interim step I have edited the wiki to remove reference to
the non-existent ombud. If the IPMC fails to deal with a podlings issue
effectively then it is a failure of the IPMC and therefore a board issue.

I've updated the para in the doc to say:

"In certain circumstances, there are specific people charged with
specific responsibilities. Over time you can expect to learn who they
are, and where they hang out. Your mentors should be able to guide you
while you do learn. If, for whatever reason, they are unable or
unwilling to help you can ask on the incubator general list
( If the topic is
too sensitive to discuss in public (eg a potential committer) you may
contact the incubator PMC at In the
unlikely event that you are still unable to find a resolution then you
can escalate to the Apache Board via your regular board reports.
Should the matter be urgent feel free to contact the board via at any time. Please note that
all these channels are concerned with the community and infrastructure
aspects of your project, they have no interest in implementation issues
you may face - your on your own with those."

Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
Senior Technology Evangelist
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

On 15 August 2013 08:27, Daniel Shahaf <> wrote:

> Marvin Humphrey wrote on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 19:02:54 -0700:
> > *   See <> for a practical
> >     introduction to the Incubator experience.
> My favourite part of this is how it first warns that "some of the
> documentation may be out-of-date and if you ask about it you may get
> a totally different response", and then gives an email address for the
> ombudsman (and then warns that there's in fact no ombudsman)...
> Irony aside, that's at best a bug in WhatToExpect.  (and at worst the
> canary of that page growing all the same problems that existing
> documentations have)
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