+1 to all Greg's comments below.

Thanks dude.


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov
WWW:  http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "general@incubator.apache.org" <general@incubator.apache.org>
Date: Friday, June 14, 2013 6:32 AM
To: "general@incubator.apache.org" <general@incubator.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Accept Stratos as an Apache Incubation Project

>Speaking as a Director, the Board will need a *definition* of
>probation. This is more than just a wiki page. I believe it needs to
>be a page laid down in www.a.o/dev/ that defines the constraints laid
>down upon a "pTLP" (I really like Ross' acronym there!). These
>differences/constraints should effectively match those we apply to
>podlings: release constraints, disclosures, etc.
>Next up will be a description/discussion of whether oversight is
>maintained with the move from IPMC to Board reporting (this is
>probably easy). The key point here is an argument on whether losing
>the IPMC oversight impacts the podling/pTLP, the Board, or the
>There probably needs to be some kind of "rough metric" on what kind of
>podling makeup or proposal that could reasonably pass muster with the
>Board to become a pTLP. Frankly, the Board is going to be *very*
>subjective on what groups could become a pTLP. I believe there should
>be some kind of prose somewhere which states that a pTLP is going to
>be rare/subjective, and that $conditions are needed before even
>considering a proposal to the Board.
>Personally, I am hugely supportive of the pTLP concept, and am happy
>to see a candidate.
>On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 4:23 AM, ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm also +1 (and excited!) on trying out this as a "probationary TLPs",
>> with doing that using the approaches outlined by Ross and others in
>> emails on this thread (which is basically having a vote now to accept
>> as a podling so we can get started and then working up a probationary
>> proposal for it to submit to the board meeting). I also commit that as
>> mentor i'll help try to make that work well while at the same time
>> oversight so that any issue that might arise do get reported.
>>    ...ant
>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:12 AM, Ross Gardler
>>> So here's a thought...
>>> There have been many discussions about different ways to incubate
>>> projects. One of the most radical ideas is to dismantle the incubator
>>> and replace the podling concept with "probationary TLPs" reporting to
>>> the board. As readers of this list will know I do not support the idea
>>> of dismantling the IPMC. I believe it does a great job that is not
>>> easily replaced by a board of nine directors. However, I have always
>>> acknowledged that the idea has merit under a certain set of
>>> circumstances.
>>> For me those circumstances are present in the Apache Stratos proposal.
>>> That is there are sufficient mentors and initial committers who are
>>> ASF Members that we can be reasonably certain that this project will
>>> succeed here at the ASF.
>>> I would therefore like to propose that we use Apache Stratos as a test
>>> case for the "probationary TLP" idea. I've already talked to Chris
>>> (who is driving the deconstruct the IPMC case) and Ant (who is less
>>> keen on dismantling the IPMC but wants to see how a probationary TLP
>>> model will play out). Both have agreed to help with this experiment if
>>> the IPMC and the Board wish it to proceed. I have not, however,
>>> discussed it with all the initial comitters or even mentors - I'm
>>> expecting them to speak up now.
>>> For my part my intention is to get the project set-up and then
>>> dissolve into the background. I do not intend to monitor the project
>>> on a day-to-day basis. However, I do promise to help pick up the
>>> pieces if the experiment should go horribly wrong.
>>> Of course running a single experiment will only allow us to define the
>>> incubation process for probationary TLPs, It is not going to solve all
>>> the problems Chris sees in the IPMC. However it will give us an
>>> opportunity to define the process, ask the board to approve this
>>> process and thus lay the foundations for other projects wishing to
>>> follow this path.
>>> So, what do you think?
>>> Ross
>>> On 11 June 2013 10:10, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:
>>> > It's with great pleasure that I invite the IPMC to review a new
>>> > proposal [1] for the Apache Incubator. Please let us know if you have
>>> > any questions or comments - as you will see there are plenty of
>>> > on the initial commit list ready and willing to answer your
>>> >
>>> > I copy the full text of the proposal for your convenience:
>>> >
>>> > = Stratos - A PaaS Framework =
>>> > == Abstract ==
>>> > Stratos will be a polyglot
>>> > 
>>> > framework, providing developers a cloud-based environment for
>>> > developing, testing, and running scalable applications, and IT
>>> > providers high utilization rates, automated resource management, and
>>> > platform-wide insight including monitoring and billing.
>>> > == Proposal ==
>>> > The Stratos PaaS framework will encompass four layers:
>>> >  1. An [[
>>> > layer that can interface with a wide variety of IaaS systems to
>>> > provide elastic resources, and for multiple IaaS infrastructures to
>>> > automated at one time (hybrid clouds.)
>>> >  2. A PaaS Controller with a cloud controller that automates and
>>> > monitors IaaS runtime interactions, distributes artifacts to the
>>> > underlying runtimes, deploys workloads, directs runtime traffic to
>>> > right runtimes using a tenant-aware elastic load balancer, and
>>> > provides a portal for monitoring and provisioning of tenants on the
>>> > system.
>>> >  3. Foundational Services including security, logging, messaging,
>>> > registry, storage (relational, file, and noSQL), task management, and
>>> > billing.  Foundational services will be loosely-coupled to allow
>>> > swapping in alternate foundational services.
>>> >  4. A Cartridge Architecture allowing frameworks, servers, and other
>>> > runtimes to participate in the advantages of the system.  The
>>> > Cartridge Architecture must support multi-tenant workloads, and
>>> > provide for various levels of tenant isolation and policy-based
>>> > control over provisioning.
>>> >
>>> > Together these layers offer a foundational layer upon which
>>> > applications and middleware frameworks can be deployed to speed
>>> > time-to-market and simplify the development of scalable applications,
>>> > as well as provide a high level of resource sharing and centralized
>>> > management that can deliver lowest resource, infrastructure, and
>>> > management costs.
>>> > == Background ==
>>> > The Stratos Project has been under development[a] at http://wso2.org
>>> > under the Apache 2.0 license and the Apache Way governance model
>>> > 2010.  It initially was focussed on providing PaaS benefits to the
>>> > users of WSO2 Carbon middleware platform.  In version 2.0, to be
>>> > released in summer 2013, extensive work has been done to clearly
>>> > separate out the PaaS framework from the products (cartridges) that
>>> > run on top of it.  Stratos now has the ability to run arbitrary
>>> > workloads, including Java, PHP, MySQL, Jetty, Tomcat, and many more.
>>> > == Rationale ==
>>> > PaaS is in demand by enterprises and organizations of all sizes.  The
>>> > drive towards instance provisioning, high resource utilization and
>>> > thus low cost, combined with a wide platform of general-purpose
>>> > services to build on, PaaS has the opportunity to accelerate the
>>> > development cycle and innovation index of a new class of
>>> > services, and business models.
>>> >
>>> > PaaS offerings are widely diversified but largely associated with
>>> > powerful corporate interests.  With the commencement of the Stratos
>>> > project at Apache, vendors and users will have a neutral community
>>> > free from corporate governance restrictions, with which to
>>> > and accelerate the development of a platform that provides wide
>>> > benefits across the industry.  As a flexible framework, we expect a
>>> > wide variety of platforms to leverage the technology to fill specific
>>> > niches and needs.
>>> > == Current Status ==
>>> > Stratos has been in development since 2010 at WSO2, under the Apache
>>> > License and under the Apache Way.  Contribution to Apache, from which
>>> > many of the core components are sourced, should be very
>>> > straightforward.
>>> > == Meritocracy ==
>>> > The contributors have a longstanding commitment and practice of
>>> > meritocracy in their personal and professional capacities. Many of
>>> > committers on the existing project are already Apache Committers.
>>> > == Community ==
>>> > The committers recognize the need to support more significant
>>> > contributions from a broad swath of the industry and community.
>>> > Apache is the obvious choice for a project that already embodies
>>> > Apache values and is driven by developers who are committers on many
>>> > other Apache projects.
>>> >
>>> > Stratos has appeal, and should attract community members, from among
>>> > number of constituencies:
>>> >  * Private PaaS deployment within an enterprise to benefit enterprise
>>> > application deployment.
>>> >  * PaaS providers wishing to leverage a PaaS toolkit to build a PaaS
>>> > customized to their particular vertical industry, ecosystem, or
>>> > internal development processes.
>>> >  * SaaS providers wishing to build upon a widely-deployed and
>>> > supported elastic, multi-tenant platform.
>>> >  * ISPs wishing to offer hosted application services with higher
>>> > resource utilization capabilities than provided by IaaS layers.
>>> >  * IaaS vendors wishing to provide higher-level PaaS services to
>>> customers.
>>> >  * Vendors wishing to support Stratos on or under their projects and
>>> > products.  Vendors of higher level runtimes will contribute
>>> > enabling those runtimes to participate in the Stratos-sphere.
>>> > of underlying IaaS infrastructure will contribute adapters to ensure
>>> > their IaaS is fully operational for Stratos.
>>> > == Core Developers ==
>>> > All core developers are currently employed by WSO2. This is a very
>>> > important project for our company and is a core part of our business.
>>> > Whilst we have sought to engage a broader community through the
>>> > meritocratic model this has, until now, manifested itself through our
>>> > teams contributions to other projects used within Stratos, including
>>> > Apache Axis2, Apache Synapse, Apache Axiom & Apache Web Services.
>>> > this move to the ASF we are signalling that the door is wide open for
>>> > external contributors.
>>> >
>>> > == Known Risks ==
>>> > Stratos has largely been developed by sponsored developers employed
>>> > a single organization - WSO2.  Seeking a broader community of
>>> > contributors is a top goal of contributing Stratos to Apache.
>>> > WSO2 plans to continue to offer services and commercial support
>>> > packages for Stratos, so there is a financial incentive to broaden
>>> > Stratos¹ appeal.  This may provide the misinterpretation that Stratos
>>> > remains merely a WSO2 technology.  However, WSO2¹s main business
>>> > strategy is to build and support higher level PaaS offerings
>>> > (including the WSO2 middleware stack) on top of a common PaaS
>>> > framework, as provided by Stratos.  This includes a WSO2 StratosLive
>>> > option which is a public PaaS based on WSO2 Stratos.
>>> > Compatibility with a wide variety of IaaS and other ecosystem
>>> > partners, and setting, conforming to or advancing a set of open
>>> > standards, will be necessary to ensure Stratos gains traction as a
>>> > uniting force in the industry.
>>> > PaaS is on the uphill swing of the hype curve at present.  For the
>>> > project to succeed it needs to focus on concrete long-term value to
>>> > those using or deploying the PaaS.
>>> > The project was previously named and trademarked as ³WSO2 Stratos²,
>>> > but the contributors do not believe that this name has built a strong
>>> > industry brand, and the transition to the name ³Apache Stratos²
>>> > not induce significant confusion. WSO2 has no intention of continuing
>>> > to use this mark. We will also work with VP Brand Management to
>>> > the Stratos mark is secure within the ASF.
>>> > == Binaries ==
>>> > Latest binaries are available at
>>> > [[
>>> ]]
>>> > == Code ==
>>> > The code is currently available in the following SVN repository
>>> >  * [[
>>> ]]
>>> >  * [[
>>> ]]
>>> >  * [[
>>> ]]
>>> >  * [[
>>> ]]
>>> >  * [[
>>> ]]
>>> > == Documentation ==
>>> >  * [[
>>> ]]
>>> >  * [[
>>> http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/Stratos200/Quick+Start+Guide|Quick
>>> > start guide]]
>>> > == External Dependencies ==
>>> > All components and dependent components are licensed under the Apache
>>> > or compatible license, and many of the components reside at the ASF.
>>> > == Cryptography ==
>>> > The software does not implement any cryptographic algorithms.
>>> > to perform secured messaging and data movement and SSL
>>> > the software depends upon third party security libraries. These
>>> > external libraries depend in turn on Java Security and Bounce Castle
>>> > libraries. Apache Cryptographic steps will be followed to register
>>> > use of these libraries.
>>> > == Required Resources ==
>>> > === Mailing Lists ===
>>> >  1. d...@stratos.incubator.apache.org - for developer/user
>>> >  JIRA change notifications & continuous build/test notifications
>>> >  2. comm...@stratos.incubator.apache.org - for commit mails
>>> > === Other Resources ===
>>> >  1. A Git repository
>>> >  2. A JIRA issue tracker: short code "Stratos"
>>> >
>>> > == Initial Committers ==
>>> > || '''Name''' || '''Email''' || '''Affiliation''' || '''iCLA''' ||
>>> > || Paul Fremantle || p...@apache.org || Individual, wso2.com || yes ||
>>> > || Jonathan Marsh || jonat...@wso2.com || Individual, wso2.com || ||
>>> > || Peter Linnell  || plinn...@apache.org || Individual, suse.com ||
>>> > || Afkham Azeez || az...@apache.org || Individual wso2.com || yes ||
>>> > || Lakmal Warusawithana || lak...@wso2.com || Individual wso2.com ||
>>> > || Damitha Kumarage || dami...@apache.org || Individual wso2.com ||
>>> ||
>>> > || Samisa Abeysinghe || sam...@apache.org || Individual wso2.com ||
>>> ||
>>> > || Nirmal Fernando || nirmal070...@apache.org  || Individual
>>>wso2.com|| yes ||
>>> > || Sajith Kariyawasam || saj...@wso2.com || Individual wso2.com || ||
>>> > || Lahiru Sandaruwan || lahi...@wso2.com || Individual wso2.com || ||
>>> > || Isuru Haththotuwa || isu...@wso2.com || Individual wso2.com || ||
>>> > || Madhura Peiris || madh...@wso2.com || Individual wso2.com || ||
>>> > || Mariangela Hills || mariang...@wso2.com || Individual wso2.com ||
>>> > || Marlon Pierce || mpie...@apache.org || Individual, Indiana
>>> > University || yes ||
>>> > || Suresh Marru  || sma...@apache.org || Individual, Indiana
>>> > University || yes ||
>>> > || Amila Jayasekara || ami...@apache.org || Individual, Indiana
>>> > University || yes ||
>>> > || David Nalley || da...@gnsa.us || Citrix || yes ||
>>> > || Chip Childers || chipchild...@apache.org || SunGard Availability
>>> > Services || yes ||
>>> > || Joe Brockmeier || j...@apache.org || Individual, Citrix || yes||
>>> > || Noah Slater || nsla...@apache.org || Individual, Engine Yard ||
>>> > || John Kinsella || j...@apache.org || Individual, Stratosec || yes||
>>> > || Lahiru Gunathilake || lah...@apache.org || Individual, Indiana
>>> > University || yes ||
>>> > || Nandana Mihindukulasooriya || nand...@apache.org || Individual,
>>> > Center for Open Middleware || yes ||
>>> > || Isuru Perera || isu...@wso2.com || Individual, wso2.com || ||
>>> > || Reka Thirunavakurussu || r...@wso2.com || Individual, wso2.com ||
>>> > || Andrew Hart || ah...@apache.org || Individual, NASA Jet Propulsion
>>> > Laboratory || yes ||
>>> >
>>> > == Sponsors ==
>>> > === Champion ===
>>> > Ross Gardler, Apache
>>> > === Nominated Mentors ===
>>> >  1. Afkham Azeez az...@apache.org (Member)
>>> >  2. Suresh Marru sma...@apache.org (Member)
>>> >  3. Marlon Pierce mpie...@apache.org (Member)
>>> >  4. Chip Childers chipchild...@apache.org (Member)
>>> >  5. Mohammad Nour mn...@apache.org (Member)
>>> >  6. Noah Slater nsla...@apache.org (Member)
>>> > === Sponsoring Entity ===
>>> > The Apache Incubator
>>> > [1] http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/StratosProposal
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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