On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Ross Gardler
<rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:

> I would therefore like to propose that we use Apache Stratos as a test
> case for the "probationary TLP" idea.

If the Stratos folks are amenable, +1.  It's an incremental, reversible step

With so many experienced Members and Mentors involved, Stratos is assured of
getting everything they would get out of an ordinary incubation and more, even
if there are some bumps.  And I hope there will be a payoff for Stratos by
sidestepping what is IMO the Incubator's flawed approach to meritocracy[1],
where true responsibility arrives all at once on graduation.

On general@, we'll probably get the usual storms of email.  But we would have
gotten those anyway, and at least we'll be talking about real data rather than

Marvin Humphrey

[1] http://s.apache.org/nzm

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